I don't know if this is exactly what you're looking for or not.
Jehovah's Witness Science Fiction novel
“The Monorails of Mars” is certainly quite a creative, eclectic, amusing, and provocative work, on many levels. It combines a graphically descriptive narrative like that of Wilbur Smith, the unnerving twists and turns reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock, and the degree of cosmic fancifulness of the classic series “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” and “Dr. Who” (although “The Monorails of Mars” is absolutely a unique and distinct work). It uses clever hyperbole in daring to compare rational objectivity against Orwellian-type, corporate-run American “religion” (referred to generically in the book as the “Tower” Society). It takes a cynical look at the monarchial leadership of contemporary evangelical corporate societies using somewhat macabre black humor to convey a deliciously cathartic irreverence – which many would find most fitting, deserved, and gratifying given the deceitful, self-serving shenanigans still very much alive within exclusivistic, parochial, high-control fundamentalist groups. The material is worded, organized, and presented in the manner of an astute and seasoned novelist. The content is divided into brief chapters to provide sufficient variety to keep the flow fresh and free from monotony or stagnation. The uniquely personal artwork has a stark sophistication which lends itself to the raw yet pensive theme woven throughout. The overall flavor exudes cerebral intrigue wrapped in old-school sophisticated banter yet liberally garnished with raw visceral descriptions. This book will surely satisfy the palate of any traditional or contemporary reader, and it is particularly geared toward rational, thinking folks who dare to question the operation of mind control and religio-corporate hypocrisy. Terry Walstrom’s book is an excellent and riveting read for all types and ages!