I don't think so, Vidiot, FANBOYS won't admit to it.
I'd define a FANBOY as somebody who broke the chain on their enthusiasm to the point they confuse
their personal opinion with absolute reality :)
confusion about what movies really are.
.. the word 'movies' is a vernacular reference which popped up pretty early in the history of filmmaking.
before movies moved they were still photographs.. but those still photographs began moving, didn't they?
I don't think so, Vidiot, FANBOYS won't admit to it.
I'd define a FANBOY as somebody who broke the chain on their enthusiasm to the point they confuse
their personal opinion with absolute reality :)
they obviously know it.. in the last few years, a more modern, hip, and cool image for their brand has been foisted on the public at large.. jw.org.
(sidebar: a group of us witnesses, when i was a teen, were sternly lectured by a circuit servant about how wrong it was to refer to ourselves as jw's.want to know why?
he said, "reducing jehovah's name to mere letters of an alphabet is blasphemy!
Jehovah's Witnesses have always been uncool.
You know. I know it. They obviously know it.
In the last few years, a more modern, hip, and COOL image for their brand has been foisted on the public at large.
(Sidebar: a group of us Witnesses, when I was a teen, were sternly lectured by a Circuit Servant about how WRONG it was to refer to ourselves as JW's.
Want to know why? He said, "Reducing Jehovah's name to mere letters of an alphabet is blasphemy! That's what superstitious Jews did to His name. We proudly say the FULL NAME.")
Yeah--well--NOT ANY MORE apparently.
JW's. . .
Wow! So-o-o-o-o cool!!
But, not really. At least not to us ex-members.
I prefer to call them J-Dubs or Jehovah's Witless. This is simply a modest, conservative, non-threatening act of defiance on my part.
I'm quite uncooperative on the matter, you see smile emoticon
terry explains jazz (to those who hate jazz)_______________________________.
there are too many reasons to cite.
suffice to say, we all know annoying people.. we don't become a hermit because of a few annoying people.
last night a young man in a bar struck up a conversation with me.
our town is having our pride parade soon and he brought it up, the bible and how it's against the bible.
me being me, i said that i couldn't care less that it was against the bible and that it was a horrible guide for morality anyway.
INTELLECTUAL HONESTY is the willingness to be wrong when evidence goes against your most cherished beliefs.
The first question out of my mouth, when I'm about to debate somebody about religion is:
"Are you willing to be wrong--to change your mind--if the evidence goes against you?"
You'd think I just asked them to give up without a fight! 9 out of 10 times they say "No."
It's somehow--they can't quite articulate why--just not right to be willing to be wrong!
EVIDENCE, in their world, is beside the point!!
J-Dubs are genuinely unfamiliar with the necessity of EVIDENCE.
They accept everything on AUTHORITY.
the problem of perfection(ism).
the best piece of advice i got was from my art teacher, aubrey mayhew.he told me, "art isn't about 'getting it right.
' it's about your mistaken views which you give yourself permission to explore.".
Philosophy asks, "Is this the best of all possible worlds? And if not, how is God not accountable?"
Leaving humanity at the mercy of a 'free will' uninformed by life experience, history, familial nurturing, or even childhood friends--Adam and Eve are the best God could come up with to blame the sorry state of sin in the world for being the contagion which 'ruined' His perfect invention.
If that is Divine Perfection, there is little to wonder.
the problem of perfection(ism).
the best piece of advice i got was from my art teacher, aubrey mayhew.he told me, "art isn't about 'getting it right.
' it's about your mistaken views which you give yourself permission to explore.".
I am constantly reminded of the quote "A painting is never finished - it simply stops in interesting places."
The term FINE ART purports, according to philosopher Mortimer J. Adler:
The urge is to separate pottery, baskets, crafts and such from the noble expression of inspiration embodied
in a canvas or a sculpted masterpiece. This border on elitism, in my book--but mine is only one opinion.
I once walked into a very upscale gallery and began chatting with the owner, who was obviously a man of impeccable tastes and standards. His Art Gallery sold only 18th century original paintings.
The man, a Hungarian named Kornye, said something to me which stuck in my head even to this day.
He said, "Sooner or later, every person of substance must buy Art."
I confess thinking to myself what a clever trap he had laid before me. I still smile.
terry explains jazz (to those who hate jazz)_______________________________.
there are too many reasons to cite.
suffice to say, we all know annoying people.. we don't become a hermit because of a few annoying people.
I confess I had a real stick up my bleep until I was in my 20's.
Not only did I not 'get' it, I refused to try!
I moved to California and ended up in charge of a large Art Department with artists who happened to come from all different parts of the world.
We'd argue about whose music we'd listen to. Everybody had really different tastes.
So. . .
I devised a plan. I brought my turntable up to work and told everybody to bring their favorite albums.
I proposed since there were 8 of us we'd each have one hour to play our personal favorites. Then, on to the next person and the next.
Amazingly, the arguments ended and we all gained a huge respect for the other person's tastes.
You see--we really wanted to impress the others and gain converts. It happened, but to ALL of us!
I ended up having broadened my world, my tastes, and appreciation for the "other." Most importantly, I pulled the stick out!
confusion about what movies really are.
.. the word 'movies' is a vernacular reference which popped up pretty early in the history of filmmaking.
before movies moved they were still photographs.. but those still photographs began moving, didn't they?
I'm convinced no two people watch a movie the same way or relate to it identically.
I've gone to the movie theater with people who afterward seemed to have not seen the same film.
Religion and movies have many similarities :)
of these, over 2,000 were admitted to concentration camps.
1,000 died in prison and concentration camps.
another 1,000 of jehovah's witnesses died in prisons and concentration camps.".
Having just read the thread may I introduce a thought that the obsession of the JW org with numbers has to do with a need for validation. It was brought to my attention by reading the works of anthropologist Weston La Barre. He suggested that the individual psychotic is not able to support his delusion on his own. If however he can get another individual to believe with him, that his mother was the Virgin Mary for example, then it is called a folie a deux. (delusion of two) Now how would it be if he got one hundred people or ten thousand to believe this psychosis? The large numbers alone would appear to validate the belief.
Since the Watchtower ticks all the boxes for “cult” everything it does is an attempt to validate its authority as a religion and it naively uses anything respectable to hand, like numbers, which might give it more credibility.
It has been said that Charles Manson wanted to bring about HELTER SKELTER (his personal theory about Apocalypse. Blacks would rise up and attack whites and create anarchy; then Manson would step in as the Uber-Fuhrer and lead them) by creating abominable atrocity killings and attributing the killings to Black Power through co-opting their phrases. e.g "Kill the Pigs" etc.
I've long held the belief that public prediction of Armageddon (with a precise date attached) was a very Manson-like effort to force Jehovah's hand. This would be the craved validation necessary to support the delusion FDS are really 'in the know."
Today, however, a different strategy is under way.
The GB is resorting to denial of previous culpability simply by CHANGING the entire belief structure.
terry explains jazz (to those who hate jazz)_______________________________.
there are too many reasons to cite.
suffice to say, we all know annoying people.. we don't become a hermit because of a few annoying people.