Jehovah's Witnesses have always been uncool.
You know. I know it. They obviously know it.
In the last few years, a more modern, hip, and COOL image for their brand has been foisted on the public at large.
(Sidebar: a group of us Witnesses, when I was a teen, were sternly lectured by a Circuit Servant about how WRONG it was to refer to ourselves as JW's.
Want to know why? He said, "Reducing Jehovah's name to mere letters of an alphabet is blasphemy! That's what superstitious Jews did to His name. We proudly say the FULL NAME.")
Yeah--well--NOT ANY MORE apparently.
JW's. . .
Wow! So-o-o-o-o cool!!
But, not really. At least not to us ex-members.
I prefer to call them J-Dubs or Jehovah's Witless. This is simply a modest, conservative, non-threatening act of defiance on my part.
I'm quite uncooperative on the matter, you see smile emoticon