To be as succinct as humanly possible, your World View has ruptured and you are now an orphan with only your native intelligence to rely on, and even that has been compromised by indoctrination and disinformation.
You are like a baby bird whose Mamma used to drop food in your little beak.
Now, you've fallen out of the nest into 3 lanes of traffic!
1. Stay away from the Bible, religious discussion, personal investigation (beyond debunking videos with actual information), conspiracy theories, New Age, your friendly neighborhood church and speculation about anything supernatural for at least a year.
2. Focus on educating yourself about basics of Science, Math, History, Geography, Philosophy, Logic, etc. Those are the pillars of Enlightenment.
3. Avoid debates, arguments, controversies and blame-gaming.
4. Don't ask other people to think for you or give you their opinion. Nobody knows a damn thing. It is ALL opinion and it's just noise.
5. Discover who your real friends are. Anybody urging you to make decisions a certain way is suspect. Those who support YOUR decisions without trying to talk you out of them are good candidates.
6. Make a list of what your basic NEEDS are and list ways of achieving them.
7. BE AWARE you have been damaged! The same mind and mindset that got you into a cult (yes, it was a cult) is STILL PRESENT! You are going to have to dismantle each and every single concept you own and redefine the meanings.
8. The good news is this. The bright light of personal freedom is shining on you and all it takes is baby steps to cross the threshold into total ownership of your life.
9. Celebrate!
I didn't make much progress at all away from entrenched JW ideas for the first 20 years!
Why would I? How could I? I didn't know anything that was real! I was accustomed to being absolutely convinced of the "truth."
I was dead wrong!
I would recommend a book which really helped me.
It might help you recalibrate the basic meaning of ideas, concepts, definitions, thinking, logic, reasoning, rational thought, notions of the objects of consciousness, the nature of the human mind, the nature of language, of knowledge, of moral principles, of free will, and even the nature of happiness.
Here is the PDF link: