What strikes me funny about these old fellas is that NONE of them is actually witty or funny, but it seems to happen inadvertently!
It's a case of Grandpa accidentally making you laugh.
The Boomy Voice guy talks way too much about God all the time and says really, way out and ridiculous things. It's hard to just sit and listen.
The Crushed Windpipe fella is almost never on topic. I get the feeling he's not listening most of the time; just waiting his turn.
The 3rd guy always speaks as though he's certain of whatever he's saying.
I never hear them argue. They just disagree or agree by accident.
JoinedPosts by TerryWalstrom
String Theories, God Particles, and Mayonnaise
by TerryWalstrom instring theories, god particles, and mayonnaise_______every morning they meet.
same table.
same conversations.. 3 old coots recycle stale ideas, rehash moth-eaten memories, and wear down my patience.. i could have moved to another table.
String Theories, God Particles, and Mayonnaise
by TerryWalstrom instring theories, god particles, and mayonnaise_______every morning they meet.
same table.
same conversations.. 3 old coots recycle stale ideas, rehash moth-eaten memories, and wear down my patience.. i could have moved to another table.
String Theories, God Particles, and Mayonnaise
Every morning they meet.
Same table.
Same conversations.3 Old Coots recycle stale ideas, rehash moth-eaten memories, and wear down my patience.
I could have moved to another table. There was no clean alternative.
I could order To Go.
Didn't wanna.
I tried tuning them out.
Ain't gonna happen.I sit with my back to them. I hear everything all too clearly.
_____I'll describe white hair, glasses, drab clothes, blah blah, and blah.
Only voices distinctly differ.1st guy sounds like a crushed windpipe.
The 2nd guy has a boomy voice.
The 3rd guy snuffles and his voice is nasal.
SN .
BV: "Women don't carry purses anymore."
CW: "How would you know?"
SN: "The don't wear underwear either--just thongs."
BV: "We call em' flip-flops in Waco.
CW: "You mean boobs?"
BV: "I'm getting up for a refill, you need anything?"
CW: "Oh, don't make any fuss about me."
SN: "I'll take a fried pie and a butt wipe."
BV: "You being funny?"
CW: "Don't chance it. Get him one."
SN: "I'm itching to get my new outboard."
CW: "That's hemorrhoids."
SN: "It's Evinrude."
CW: "No I ain't--I'm just making an observation."
In the course of 15 minutes of listening all this nonsense, I feel my I.Q. draining away.
As I get up to leave, CW croaks at me and points.
CW: "What do you think about all this?"
6 pairs of eyes fix on me.
Me: "We live in an age of String Theory, God Particles, and Mayonnaise (pause for effect)...
I still prefer mustard."I leave quickly. I figure that will give them another half an hour's worth of conversation.
_________ -
COWTOWN AIN'T (In which I tell you all about my home town, Fort Worth, Texas)
by TerryWalstrom incowtown ain’t.
in which i tell you about my hometown, ft. worth, texas.
question: “what do you call mexican food down in guadalajara?”.
Thanks for all the comments!
I'm afraid my family was on the poor side of town at 709 E. Baltimore St.
I didn't know we were "poor" when I was a kid because I was the grandchild and grew up with my grandparents who spoiled me rotten. (Yes, rotten.)
The first job I had after marriage (I had just gotten out of Seagoville Prison) was working for a wealthy JW who owned a Mobile Home Manufacturing business in Arlington (Hensley Mobile Homes). I made a whopping $2.25 per hour.
When Hensley shut down the plant for winter, I was offered another mobile home job on Pipeline Road near Bell Helicopter. I worked for two other JW brothers who also owned a janitorial service. That was "POPULAR" JW profession!
It was about that time I realized I would be living in poverty the rest of my natural JW life if I didn't move away and try to make something of myself using whatever natural talent for Art I possessed.
Being a janitor isn't shameful, of course. But if you can do other things to better yourself and you have a family to support---why wouldn't you try?
After 10 years in the Art Business in California, I moved back to Ft. Worth and have lived here ever since.
The family home my great-great grandfather built with his own two hands is in what has become a slum neighborhood and all the fine trees he planted have been cut down. It breaks my heart.
We never had much or owned anything of value--but my memories of growing up in Ft. Worth are (when adjusted to remove the bad times) quite wonderful.
I'm sure we could all find some place in our heart for a city or a house or a neighborhood we knew as a child which lingers in memory ever green.
Almost all my Jehovah's Witness experiences took place in Texas. The awful part was on the other side of Dallas in Seagoville Federal Correctional Institution, of course. But--ya know...I loved the guys I was in prison with. I've lost all of them to time, to death, and to religious shunning. That still stings.
Whenever I see the old "friends" from the Kingdom Hall (usually at funerals) they look so beaten down, unhealthy, and depressed. I may be projecting partly--but I'm sure I don't see much of a glint in any old-timer's eyes anymore.
When my best friend, Johnny, died last year all those memories came forward and haunted me. I'm just so thankful I left when I did or I'd end up dying in a worthless fantasy death cult waiting on the bus to Paradise to arrive at the bus stop.
We all can be very grateful. -
COWTOWN AIN'T (In which I tell you all about my home town, Fort Worth, Texas)
by TerryWalstrom incowtown ain’t.
in which i tell you about my hometown, ft. worth, texas.
question: “what do you call mexican food down in guadalajara?”.
COWTOWN AIN’TIn which I tell you about my hometown, Ft. Worth, Texas_______________Question: “What do you call Mexican food down in Guadalajara?”Answer: “Food.”Once upon a time, there were indigenous people living in the Southern part of a continent not yet called America in what wasn’t yet a State not called Texas.“Not-Yet-Texas” had about a hundred tribes of indigenous families.These various tribes referred to themselves as ‘people’ or ‘human beings.’Many of these tribes of “human beings” didn’t get along too well with the other “people” and I know you know what I mean, so don’t be acting confused.Much later, invaders from other lands would arrive mistakenly convinced they’d arrived in India.Naturally, they called the indigenous inhabitants “Indians.”Our indigenous tribes shrugged at their ignorance.There was competition for survival among these tribes following migrating herds of “buffalo” which weren’t really buffalo but were actually bison!This is admittedly a lot of ain't!Ain’t TexasAin’t IndiansAin’t buffalo.The ‘ain’t Indians regarded the invaders as ‘white men.’ These interlopers weren’t all “white” nor were they all men. They were Spanish, Italian, French, and English predominantly.They were stubborn.After all, by now, they might have figured out they were NOT IN INDIA!!____Apaches dominated West Texas and their natural enemies were Comanches. It seemed prudent to these Apache warriors and braves to side with Federal troops in wiping out Comanches and somehow convincing themselves their new allies wouldn’t turn against them in the end. I think we know how that turned out!If you’ve watched any Western movies you’re way ahead of me on the plot right now.Let’s fast forward to a Fort called Worth and my hometown, shall we?_________To understand Fort Worth you need to be introduced to its namesake, William Worth, a General in the U.S. Army in the 1840’s.Worth joined the Army when the War of 1812 erupted. He was only 18 years-old.What’s odd about this?Worth was reared by deeply religious parents who were Quakers! One suspects an 18-year-old Quaker boy was extremely anxious to get away from a fanatical religious community even if it meant physical danger!Quakers were rigorous Pacifists. However...Great Britain had long been interfering with trade on the high seas, kidnapping Americans and impressing them into forced servitude, as well as bribing the ain’t-Indians to attack settlers.President Madison requested Congress declare war in 1812 and the young Quaker jumped at a chance to demonstrate what a tough apostate Quaker could do to put the kibosh on ‘bad guys.’In his first battle against the Chippewa (ain’t-Indians), Worth was almost fatally wounded and ended up being award the rank of Major for his bravery (if not effectiveness.)In the next ten years, he fought against the Seminoles and rose in rank again to General after fighting in every major battle between the U.S. and Mexico.Unfortunately, he died of cholera in 1849. (Drinking bad water.)Do you suppose William Worth is buried in the city named after him? You’d be wrong. He was buried in Brooklyn, New York. (Don’t ask!)What is important is that General Worth was considered a great military tactician. He proposed that a series of 10 protective forts be constructed in the newly won Mexican territory (ain’t-Texas) and one of those forts was named in his honor.Why?A young Major who hero-worshipped Worth had been dispatched to find an ideal spot for one of these forts. His name was Ripley Arnold. Arnold established a post on the banks of the Trinity and named it Camp Worth in honor of the late General Worth.In August 1849, Arnold moved the camp to a north-facing bluff that overlooked the mouth of the Clear Fork. The US War Department officially granted the name "Fort Worth" to the post on 14 November 1849.The trouble with ain’t-Indians continued until the U.S. Army abandoned Fort Worth in 1853 at which point it becomes an ain’t-Fort.(Note: armies and settlers from Spain called the area belonging to them, “Tejas”.)Why?The indigenous people, Caddo, welcomed them as friends and “Tejas” means “allies.”In the course of time, before Texas became a sovereign nation in 1836, Texian or Texican referred to any resident, of any color or language______What is now called Texas existed under 6 different flags in the course of its history."Six countries have had sovereignty over some or all of the current territory of the U.S. state of Texas:1, Spain (1519–1685; 1690–1821),2. France (1685–1690),3. Mexico (1821–1836),4. Republic of Texas (1836–1845),5. Confederate States of America (1861–1865),6. The United States of America______Here’s the part you need to understand…The early settlers in the area around Fort Worth were rugged individualists. They flourished and built stores, schools, hospitals, department stores and all the trappings of what would become a city.I’ve lived in Fort Worth since 1947 and I recognize the names of these founding fathers on buildings, street signs, parks and businesses as their legacy as indomitable folk who stuck with their dreams when even the U.S. Army gave up and moved on.I like that Ft. Worth is named after an Apostate! I’m one too, after all.________“So, Terry, is that the whole story? You didn’t explain the Cowtown Ain’t title of this tale.”Yes, you’re right.Hang in and hang on and you’ll be repaid for your patience, gentle reader!__________The city of Fort Worth is inside the greater County of Tarrant.By the time the Civil War broke out in 1860, Tarrant County had 850 slaves to account for and roughly 6,000 whites (who probably were white.) The County flourished with free labor at its core and soon voted to abandon its fealty to other States in America by seceding from the Union.Was this a prudent business decision, a good Christian decision, a patriotic decision, or just a case of CYA? (Cover yer ass.)History tells the tale.Judgment is rendered in the results of that decision by the founding fathers of Fort Worth and Tarrant County.At the end of the Civil War, Fort Worth was down to a population of 175 persons. If that doesn’t teach you a lesson--you’re never going to learn one.How did Fort Worth revive its economy?Glad you asked!The answer in one word is cattle.Fort Worth became COWTOWN.Longhorns stolen and purchased from Mexico were driven up through the middle of Texas toward the well-watered triple branched TRINITY River complex and...Cowtown (Fort Worth.)Here’s a fast fact for you.Texas is mostly prairie, grassland, hills and desert, forests, and only ONE natural lake: Caddo.Texas is FLAT and DRY except for its rivers.If you’re driving cattle, you’re compelled to follow the grass and the rivers. If you do that, you end up in Fort Worth: Cowtown.Between 1866 and 1890, 4 million head of cattle passed through Cowtown (Fort Worth.)Once railroads became established in 1876, the idea of a treacherous land journey through hostile territories was abandoned.Cowboys spent their money and moved on.When did COWTOWN become AIN’T COWTOWN?A wealthy Boston capitalist, Greenleaf Simpson, was seduced into investing in local stockyards by some fast talk and sweet promises of wealth to come. In 1893, Simpson offered $133 thousand dollars for the local stockyards and he, in turn, lured other Northern capitalists to join him in the meat packing business. By the year 1900, both Armour and Swift had opened regional processing plants in the area.The flow of cattle, stock exchanges, slaughterhouses, meat processing industries made Fort Worth the “Wall Street of the West.”Feeders and Breeders convened regularly at the newly constructed Cowtown Coliseum and an annual Fat Stock Show and Rodeo commenced its tradition.1923 arrived as $30 million dollars flowed through the local economy.By WWII, over 5 million cattle were processed and rendered until the boom turned after the war into a bust.The rise of Interstate highways and the trucking industry replaced transportation of goods by the railroads and the cattle markets shrunk into smaller and smaller venues.By the 1980’s, the 5 million cattle which had once invigorated Fort Worth had shriveled into a pathetic 57 thousand annually.Luckily, a new industry had soon replaced the old one.This new industry didn’t have to be fed, watered or driven through prairies or slaughtered and packed for shipment.The discovery of OIL brought a new source of revenue replacing the cattle industry.I know I don’t need to explain the oil industry to you.Wildcat drilling using venture capital either produced active wells or they completely failed.The trick was finding investors to give you money.(Historical note: George Bush the younger had a real knack for accepting millions of dollars from his father’s friends and political acquaintances to “invest” in wildcat wells. None of the wells paid off and young Bush kept the leftover slush fund!)______________Fort Worth has many nicknames such as “Where the West Begins”, “Panther City”, and “Cowtown.”Having lived here for 70 years, I can tell you the identity of this city is pretty much a fantasy clinging to a faded past of romantic cowboys and ‘Indians’ and cattle drives, saloons, and a Hell’s Half Acre.We are actually a metropolitan area of less than a million people, 99% of whom have absolutely nothing to do with COWS!Fort Worth largely exists because of the largesse of billionaires such as Richard Rainwater and the four Bass brothers.Forbes magazine published this on March 21, 2016:“The four billionaire Bass brothers--Sid, Edward, Robert, and Lee--inherited a small fortune from their oil-tycoon uncle four decades ago and have built it up to a combined $8.2 billion.“If you are a billionaire and you wish to be a large fish in a small pool, Fort Worth is an excellent way to gain notice and attract others who will fuel your fiefdom with talent and funds as well.For example, Richard Rainwater was a stockbroker hired by Sid Bass who started his own investment firm locally and with his guidance, the Bass brothers became private equity and hedge fund titans.As a matter of record, in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, 20 billionaires have made their home, if--for no other reason--Texas is only 1 of 2 states in America which does NOT have a State income tax! Dallas and Fort Worth are about as far north and west as you can go and still have the best of two worlds: rural and homespun as well as modern and cosmopolitan.(Yes, I have met some--not all--of these philanthropists and Titans and found them to be down-to-earth and ‘just folks’ for the most part.)_____________ConclusionWithout sounding like a Chamber of Commerce shill, I’ll simply suggest you check out on Google the “Things to do” list in Fort Worth.We have a remarkable Library system with amazing donors affiliated with free concerts and programs of the highest quality. The Van Cliburn Competition locally brings superb artistic genius into our city as a source of much pride and celebration.Bass Hall is a latter day Opera House with perfect acoustics and lavish architecture as a venue for musicals, concerts, ballet, and mixed events at the highest level of performance.And so on. I won’t bore you. Check it out for yourself.Getting back to my title, COWTOWN AIN’T was written because I think we really need to let go of the shabby western mythos of the 1840’s and concentrate on our emergence in Fort Worth as a modern, contemporary paradise with the best a large ‘small town’ has to offer.The past has passed.Let go. Move forward.My great grandmother’s husband was Jim Rushing, a sheriff (or possibly sheriff’s deputy) here in Fort Worth who was shot in the back by a gambler long ago.She never quite got over it and told me tales of that time period with tears in her eyes. I learned to think of our fair city as something not lost in the past, but as a survivor of hard times and bad men and rotten situations brought on by happenstance, bad luck, and wrong-headed decisions.But we survived, shook off the old ways, and moved ahead to join the real world.The moral of the story and the point of this article is as follows:We Ain’t Cowtown--we’re a Now town! -
A Kind of Invasion of the Body Snatchers (stealing Christianity)
by TerryWalstrom injehovah's witnesses took mainstream christianity and replaced each part of it, one item, one term, one definition at a time, into its contrary.. holy spirit (capital letters) became a tholy spirit (lower case letters) = from a person into a mere forceful gesture.. cross became torture stake.
(eradication of the essential symbol of historical christianity).
soul went from ethereal spirit to a mere hunk of flesh and bone.. salvation by grace became earning your salvation one door-knock at a time.
Only in Motown do Thoul Thingers know the anther to that queth shun.
2017 Convention Video To Be Shown Regarding The 1975 Failure
by pale.emperor inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=go3arnnsfkk&feature=youtu.be.
no mention whatsoever that it was watchtower themselves that strongly hinted towards this date.
instead they blame those who "put their trust in a date, not jehovah".. let's recap... .
AT THE TWO MINUTE MARK in the video (Watch) A KEY POINT is made which was REFUTED at the time
in the Watchtower October 15, 1968.
35 One thing is absolutely certain, Bible chronology reinforced with fulfilled Bible prophecy shows that six thousand years of man's existence will soon be up, yes, within this generation! (Matt. 24:34) This is, therefore, no time to be indifferent and complacent. This is not the time to be toying with the words of Jesus that "concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father." (Matt. 24:36) To the contrary, it is a time when one should be keenly aware that the end of this system of things is rapidly coming to its violent end. Make no mistake, it is sufficient that the Father himself knows both the "day and hour"!
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO3ARNNSfKk
Watch the video and read the Watchtower quote and watch the personal conscience of a thinking Witness being directly UNDERMINED! -
A Kind of Invasion of the Body Snatchers (stealing Christianity)
by TerryWalstrom injehovah's witnesses took mainstream christianity and replaced each part of it, one item, one term, one definition at a time, into its contrary.. holy spirit (capital letters) became a tholy spirit (lower case letters) = from a person into a mere forceful gesture.. cross became torture stake.
(eradication of the essential symbol of historical christianity).
soul went from ethereal spirit to a mere hunk of flesh and bone.. salvation by grace became earning your salvation one door-knock at a time.
A wheel is round. It pretty much has to be. There is no Chinese wheel, Russian wheel, American wheel when it comes to roundness and utility.
There is no Arabian Physics or Iranian Physics, or North Korean Physics because atoms and molecules and quarks and such perfectly accord with the reality of how things operate in our Universe.
F always = M A (Force is equal to mass times acceleration) and E is always = to MC2 (energy in ergs is always equal to mass times the speed of light squared.)
There are no national variations or versions of Math, Science, Astronomy, Engineering, etc. for very good reasons.
All of the basic principles in the branches of knowledge correspond perfectly and demonstrably with provable useful and operational instances.
"Opinions" don't count. Peer review is a necessity.What about RELIGION?
This is my whole point!
In Christianity alone, there are about 40 thousand denominational versions, interpretations, variations asserted to be TRUTH itself, at odds with the other opinions.
Euclid's book on Geometry (THE ELEMENTS) was compiled in 300 B.C. It is still valid anyplace on Earth, any school, in any country. Yet, the New Testament, which came about 400 years later--is the most contested text in history as to versions and contentions and interpretations!
Science, Math, Geometry, Engineering, etc are based on Axioms, Principles, Operations which conform to reality in a way which DOESN't COMPORT with national or sectarian "opinions" in a contradictory way that Religion invites.
Shouldn't this be a CLUE?
Christians, Jews, Muslims have their own way of counting time--did you know that?Do you know what year it is, for example, for a Jew right now? It is 5775.
For a Muslim? It is 1438.
Anything which invites OPINION and INTERPRETATION with equal standing does not match reality."Three plus three equals six."
"Not in my church! It equals seven."
That's religion.
For a couple of thousand years, Christian "math" tells us God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost = a TRI-(3-)NITY consisting of 1 God.
That's not a reality where you'd want your paycheck to come from :) -
Jehovah's Witnesses: DO THEY FACE REALITY
by TerryWalstrom inarticle
1.the organization itself denies access to reality and substitutes its own version, interpretations, and meanings.
a.only watchtower approved publications are allowed.
Usually, at a funeral, I see my old "friends" from the local Kingdom Hall.
It sounds unkind of me to say the following and I assure you such is not my intention.
These old "faithful to Jah" friends look like the WALKING DEAD because all the LIFE has been denied them
and they are like people who stood at a bus stop waiting for a bus to Disneyland which NEVER CAME.
They are emptied out.
Unless they've got a certain amount of discretionary money available, they've been stuck like a tree stump in a razed wasteland.
THE DON'T DARE GIVE UP NOW-------at least that's the lie they've bought the mortgage on and keep holding. -
Sometimes it is better to Not ask! (A cautionary tale)
by TerryWalstrom inshe is of the anointed.. sister richardson, this is my daughter, jenny.. sr: "hello, jenny.".
mom: jenny, sister richardson is 117 years old.
sr: "how old are you, jenny?".
I wish there really was an OVERLAPPING GENERATION of folks who could straighten out the misinformation, disinformation, obsolete information, the quibble, the Ad-Libbing, and malfeasance of Watch Tower continuum.
This religion RE-INVENTS reality again and again and again.
Older J-Dubs KNOW THIS and have learned to do one of 2 things.
2. SHUT UP and grumble -
10 Questions to annoy Jehovah's Witnesses
by TerryWalstrom inwe are sick with sin and we’re trying to get well, right?
2. when you hire a coach to get you to the playoffs and win the big game, yet you lose...lose...lose.... do you fire him, or, do you keep him on?
well, then, how do you explain fred franz being made president after the 1975 fiasco?.
Had I been asked the questions, I too would have had a go. I'd have been proud of my reply, too.
If no other point can be raised here, I hope it is this: NOBODY asks important questions when they study with JW's because you have to KNOW deeply the history of the Watchtower to see it's patchwork continuum of Ad Libs.
In my book, I Wept by the Rivers of Babylon, I raised this issue. I studied "the Bible" with my best friend who was a freshly minted JW. I didn't know I was going to be indoctrinated. I didn't know I wasn't really even studying "the Bible". I raised common sense objections not knowing the smooth responses had been honed and perfected over the decades.
I had my own version of Annoying--but--not so annoying they couldn't be given answers.
What makes it easy and possible for J-Dubs to refute objections is the fact there is no REALITY to match.Let's take a Logical and Rational look at something simple:
A wheel is round. It pretty much has to be. There is no Chinese wheel, Russian wheel, American wheel when it comes to roundness and utility.
There is no Arabian Physics or Iranian Physics, or North Korean Physics because atoms and molecules and quarks and such perfectly accord with the reality of how things operate in our Universe. F always = M A (Force is equal to mass times acceleration) and E is always = to MC2 (energy in ergs is always equal to mass times the speed of light squared.)
There are no national variations or versions of Math, Science, Astronomy, Engineering, etc. for very good reasons.
All of these branches of knowledge correspond perfectly and demonstrably with provable useful and operational instances.
What about RELIGION?
This is my whole point! In Christianity alone, there are about 40 thousand versions, interpretations, variations asserted to be TRUTH itself, at odds with the other opinions.
Science, Math, Geometry, Engineering, etc are based on Axioms, Principles, Operations which conform to reality in a way which DOESN't COMPORT with national or sectarian "opinions" in a contradictory way that Religion invites.
Shouldn't this be a CLUE?
Christians, Jews, Muslims have their own way of counting time--did you know that? Do you know what year it is, for example, for a Jew right now? It is 5775.
For a Muslim? It is 1438.Baptists and Jehovah's Witnesses can look at Bible Chronology and come up with totally different worlds of belief and prediction based on the same Scriptures.
They are based on the world which does not, in fact, exist except in one's mind.
Now you know how all the clever JW ANSWERS are created and effective.