Let's make an analogy.
In my town, street signs have names like MAPLE BLVD.
Now, what happens when somebody asks where you live?
Don't you supply the vowel sounds when you say, "Maple Boulevard"?
You automatically do that, just as you'd say "Street" if it was MAPLE ST.
I live in Ft.Worth, TX.
I say, "Fort Worth, Texas."
So far, so good.
A thousand years from now, if you dug up that street sign, whoever is alive at that time may not be aware what BLVD or ST or FT. or TX means or HOW TO SAY IT.
So, as in the case of YhWh, they might well guess.
FaT Worth, Texas
None of the above is a crisis of any major proportions, of course.
But, it becomes more serious when it comes to a HOLY NAME which represents the Almighty Living God.
Would you introduce your fiancee's parents to your friends without being absolutely certain of the correct pronunciation? If not--why not?
What would you think if your wife misspelled your name?
How about getting letters in the mail with your name wrong?
Would it annoy you? Why?
The Watchtower Corporation has made T-shirts for all its members to wear day and night since 1931, so to speak, in which it has rolled the dice on the TRUE name. If they are wrong, then their attitude is "Big Fucking Deal".
Now that is what's going on :)