I went to see the new Mad Max movie last night: "FURY ROAD."
This post-apocalyptic world is not recycled gray, it is blazingly colorful Australian desert terrain with wide shots that will stop your heart.
Have you ever seen an Heironymous Bosch painting of hell with its Where's Waldo panoply of brutish, demonic, figures inflicting torments willy-nilly as far as the eye can see? Well, FURY ROAD makes Bosch look like a knit-one-purl-two doily maker at a Sunday brunch.
Director Miller has thought about this movie, planned it, sketched it, worked it, perfected it millisecond by millisecond before scene one was ever shot.
One second of onscreen activity has more interesting business happening than two hours spent by a voyeur in a nudist colony of Playboy bunnies.
What is watching this film all about? I'd compare it to giving birth while having a heart attack in an electric chair while discovering fire and dropping a tab of LSD simultaneously.
To steal a phrase from the advert poster of The Who's TOMMY, "Your senses will never be the same."
I feel like Moses probably felt after his encounter with the 10 plagues in Egypt. I've witnessed miracles unimagined, and I've been touched by the hand of divinity.
We all know Michael Bay is known for non-stop action flicks, right? Well, those films give me a headache. I'd rather stand next to a jackhammer while sipping vinegar than sit through another Transformer movie. But, George Miller can take Michael Bay to the woodshed and give him a whooping because I loved every moment spent in my theater seat--it was unforgettable in every way.
This is a WORLD. Every atom, quark and molecule is invented and original.
The characters are amazing, brilliant, and breathtakingly zealous in pursuit of their quarry.
Take a tank of oxygen, you'll need it to catch your breath.
This is LORD OF THE RINGS quality moviemaking.