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JoinedPosts by TerryWalstrom
ACTIVISM strategies
by TerryWalstrom inwith the proliferation of social media, more people have been reached by the watchtower organization than ever before in history.
it sure took them long enough!.
at the same time, anti-jw activism has caught fire to counterbalance the propaganda.. there are all sorts of activists operating "out there" using books, videos, podcasts, facebook, and incidental un-witnessing to puncture and perforate the false message and counterfeit codswallop of the governing body.. __________.
ACTIVISM strategies
by TerryWalstrom inwith the proliferation of social media, more people have been reached by the watchtower organization than ever before in history.
it sure took them long enough!.
at the same time, anti-jw activism has caught fire to counterbalance the propaganda.. there are all sorts of activists operating "out there" using books, videos, podcasts, facebook, and incidental un-witnessing to puncture and perforate the false message and counterfeit codswallop of the governing body.. __________.
With the proliferation of Social Media, more people have been reached by the Watchtower organization than ever before in history. It sure took them long enough!
At the same time, Anti-JW Activism has caught fire to counterbalance the propaganda.
There are all sorts of Activists operating "out there" using books, videos, Podcasts, Facebook, and incidental un-Witnessing to puncture and perforate the false message and counterfeit codswallop of the Governing Body.
Who is doing an effective job and how do we measure the effect?
I'd like to hear from the Ex-J-Dub community feedback on who they feel is setting an example of getting the word out with real results.
What makes a book, Podcast, or YouTube video effective in your opinion?Obviously, there are two main target groups:
1. Disillusioned wake-ups secretly doing research to answer their disquieting curiosity as to why their suspicions about the Organization are gnawing at them.
2. DF'd and Faders who are out of the Kingdom Hall and clueless as to what comes next.
Let's hear what you have to say about all the variations on Activism, whether it is :
books: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=jehovah%27s+witness+books
organized (http://aawa.co/crowd-funded:
https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-reluctant-apostate-religion#/humourous: https://www.youtube.com/user/lougoode,
couples https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG2tODD7ys5CYEu6qYvj1SA,Podcasts: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPRyuxv6tBzPTmw211lSxmQ,
by TerryWalstrom injw humor.
there are people who bring happiness whenever they enter a room.. jw’s bring joy when they exit.. .
if you talk to god, you’re praying; if god talks to you, you’re either schizophrenic, the g.b.
There were no self-effacing jokes in or around the Kingdom Hall although the 'friends' I knew had a good sense of humor.
Most jokes were recycled Baptist, Rabbi, Priest fare.I was surprised to learn yesterday that there is an Ex-JW comedienne.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/life/ex-jehovahs-witness-deborah-frances-white-on-door-knocking-with/?WTmcid=tmgoff_soc_spf_fb&WT.mc_id=sf36013986 -
Strange Goings On at a Biker Bar (A True Memoir)
by TerryWalstrom instrange goings on at a biker bar (a true memoir).
you’re going to disagree with me, but when you do, you’ll be wrong.
i was raised to be a sissy.
The Four Horseman bar was sold to some ladies who cleaned it up and changed the name to THE HORNY TOAD.
What a makeover!
Crows and Those on Patios
by TerryWalstrom incrows and those on patios______________.
terry: i write.
among the things i write are analyses debunking religious fundamentalism.. lou: sure.
I'll bet there is a theologian out there on the Web who already as a refutation for the query.
I'm going to do a search. Watch this space . . . . .. ( )
tick tick tick tick . . .
https://answersingenesis.org/bible-characters/adam-and-eve/shouldnt-eve-have-been-a-clone-of-adam/ -
by TerryWalstrom injw humor.
there are people who bring happiness whenever they enter a room.. jw’s bring joy when they exit.. .
if you talk to god, you’re praying; if god talks to you, you’re either schizophrenic, the g.b.
JW Humor
There are people who bring happiness whenever they enter a room.
JW’s bring joy when they exit.
If you talk to God, you’re praying; if God talks to you, you’re either schizophrenic, the G.B. or both.
Two things are infinite: the Universe and . . . JW stupidity.
Jehovah’s Witnesses have a lot of spiritual tests in their daily lives. All imaginary!
JW’s have only one area in which they are ignorant: their own ignorance.
J-Dubs could learn a lot from dogs. For instance: obedience, loyalty, and how to go around and around in circles before they lie.
At your local Kingdom Hall, you can learn amazing things: Jehovah loves mankind. He will destroy billions of them at Armageddon. Sex brings sin and uncleanness, therefore, you should save it for marriage!
No tight pants! The GB believes only they should be able to crawl up your ass, constantly twist things around, and squeeze your nuts.The Watchtower is constantly changing the direction of their doctrines. Why? Two wrongs may not make a right--but three left turns will!
JW predictions about Armageddon should be like skydiving. If you fail the first time, count yourself dead wrong!
Outside of a dog, man’s best friend is the Bible. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.Watchtower wisdom: It is dangerous to be right when the Society is wrong.
Crows and Those on Patios
by TerryWalstrom incrows and those on patios______________.
terry: i write.
among the things i write are analyses debunking religious fundamentalism.. lou: sure.
As a follow-up to the the text, here is the latest.
I wrote the following e-mail to Lou.
_____________________ubject: ATTENTION: Lou ComunaleHey Lou--I'm probably wasting my time and yours sending this to you--but, on the outside chance you'd like a visual and audioexplanation of why I said the things I said at Starbucks the other day--here it is.
A quick 9-minute explanation of misconceptions.
Religious people get their "Evolution" information from the wrong sources (other religious people.)
Do a quick Google search on "Did man evolve from Apes?" you'll quickly see how scientists do NOT say or teach this--only religious people who misunderstand and misrepresent the facts.
Anyway, like I said to you--I've never met a Creationist interested in the facts direct from Scientists, but you might well be the intellectually honest guy who does.
This short video (above) explains those charts, too.Cheers!Terry
Today I received this reply:___________Hi Terry,
Thanks for the video, which I watched entirely. I would say that the video simply points out the changing positions of evolutionists and is not at all a reflection of a creationist's viewpoint of evolution.
Creationists never came up with the evolutionary chart, but proponents of evolution have.
And if evolutionists decide to change their viewpoints, they are debating among themselves. It has nothing to do with Creationists.
I enjoyed our little chat the other day. Be blessed.
Lou -
... The Teacher Appears
by TerryWalstrom intext: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s2nu2bw_em6i9kp7wugj4yjqmhps2yio-ytehl4jbmy/edit?usp=sharingthe teacher appears.
he was paul miyoshi.. i passed by him; he raised his head with flashing white hair and set his gaze serenely upon me that first time.
the pupils of his eyes were black, mysterious, as from another world.“konichiwa” he spoke with a smile wrapped in mischief.. there had been a slight bow which triggered a mirrored response.. over the next year and a half, i’d get to know this man much in the way a box within a box reveals more boxes.
Are the beautiful lyric verses about art in your story all from Paul Miyoshi or from you?
At one time in my life (before my 1st wife died) I had an eidetic memory. Then, I went on a year-long drinking binge.The mechanism of memory isn't as reliable and has real gaps now.
I reach into that brain file and the words I've written are what comes out. I wouldn't swear in a court of law as to the exactitude of them--but the general intention is probably good.
History itself, if not in documentary form, is a fragile simulacrum of somebody's memory. Kinda scary.
Jesus walked into a bar...
by Slidin Fast inhe asks the barkeep for 13 glasses of water.
he turns to his 12 companions and winks....
I like religious jokes but Jewish jokes are the funniest.
The people questioned him: "Are you really a Martian?"
"Of course."
"Do all Martians look like you?"
"Of course."
"Are you all green?"
"Yes, we are."
"Do you all have those antennae coming out of your heads?"
"And do you all wear those funny things on your heads?"
"Well, no. Not the Goyim!" -
... The Teacher Appears
by TerryWalstrom intext: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s2nu2bw_em6i9kp7wugj4yjqmhps2yio-ytehl4jbmy/edit?usp=sharingthe teacher appears.
he was paul miyoshi.. i passed by him; he raised his head with flashing white hair and set his gaze serenely upon me that first time.
the pupils of his eyes were black, mysterious, as from another world.“konichiwa” he spoke with a smile wrapped in mischief.. there had been a slight bow which triggered a mirrored response.. over the next year and a half, i’d get to know this man much in the way a box within a box reveals more boxes.
Sigh . . .