JoinedPosts by TerryWalstrom
by TerryWalstrom inthis article references another article:https://freedomofmind.com/confusion-techniques-can-control-minds/____________________________________.
re: confusion techniques can control minds.
i have yet to meet anyone confused about donald trump.i haven’t met anybody who failed to have a precise understanding of what sort of person he is or what he stands for.
by TerryWalstrom inthis article references another article:https://freedomofmind.com/confusion-techniques-can-control-minds/____________________________________.
re: confusion techniques can control minds.
i have yet to meet anyone confused about donald trump.i haven’t met anybody who failed to have a precise understanding of what sort of person he is or what he stands for.
This article references another article:
____________________________________Re: CONFUSION TECHNIQUES CAN CONTROL MINDS
I have yet to meet anyone confused about Donald Trump.
I haven’t met anybody who failed to have a precise understanding of what sort of person he is or what he stands for.
On the street, the word on Trump has been consistent for many decades.
He’s an attention-hungry buffoon.
Going back as far as the 1990’s, Trump has been characterized in the Press and other media (without pushback on his part) as flamboyant, cocksure, crude, coarse, disingenuous, and arrogant. Few people are surprised to hear how a rich playboy surrounded himself with young, beautiful women, and often asserted his sexuality in shockingly inappropriate advances.Like many other billionaires, Trump believes everybody is entitled to hear his opinions. Especially on subjects about which he possesses no expertise other than to repeat outrageous scuttlebut and conspiracies.
Having said all the above, it is difficult for me to accept the premise of any article which posits as its premise any suggestion the public at large is confused about the character, disposition or intentions of Donald Trump.
Indeed, we don’t have to wonder about possible sources of confusion.
Who is confused and who confused them?
Let’s begin with the question: HOW did a person of Trump’s low character and disposition successfully become President of the United States?
The losers have come up with a laundry list of self-contradictory explanations.
Their reasons kept changing.
Instead of blaming rigged primaries, the Democrats blamed Talk Radio.
Instead of blaming policies on Globalization which sent jobs overseas, they blamedJill Stein voters and miffed Sanders fans who chose to remain angry.
Instead of blaming policies on Big Bank bailouts without prosecutions for fraud, they blamed blue collar workers as “deplorables, racists, bigots, white supremacists,” as though those people would ever turn around and vote for them after that smear.
Instead of blaming F.B.I. director Comey for casting shade on Hillary’s possible prosecution for destroying subpoenaed evidence, they should have run an honest candidate, Bernie Sanders.
They famously blamed the Russians and suddenly cast doubt on the legitimacy of Trump’s Presidency, threatening to impeach him while never accepting any real culpability for any failures on the part DNC leaders.
The losing side is the source of any confusion as to how this happened!Let’s look at who else has confused us and put Trump in the White House.
For one thing, without the one-sided coverage of Trump day and night on TV, free of charge, the public at large would have found themselves looking at standard candidates with appropriate backgrounds and experience as well as impressive credentials for the job.
But no-o-o-o-o…Media fell in love with the public spectacle of Donald Trump as click bait. A means of revenue enhancement.
Newspapers, cable news outlets, network TV--in short, mainstream media pumped Donald Trump into the bloodstream. Every pair of eyes 24/7 was treated to outrageous comments, scandalous insults, name-calling, transparent and often malicious ad hominem day and night--then, reaped the profits as their ratings soared higher and higher.
Ask yourself how the American public got accustomed to Trump and his ill-mannered behavior if not for constant exposure to it UNTIL IT BECAME NORMALIZED like the sound of a wailing infant in the next room.
Is that confusing?
Perhaps a source of confusion is the very fact such professional journalists, media executives, newspaper Editors and owners failed so miserably to exercise prudent oversight for the sake of their integrity and the public good. For revenue, MEDIA created free publicity the size of which money can’t buy.
Were they exercising Mind Control for profit?
Democrat Party
Should we be confused why the Democrat Party exercised undue influence against the very popular alternate candidate Bernie Sanders?
Was the DNC exercising mind control to sway voters?
According to the NYTimes in July of 2016, “Top officials at the Democratic National Committee criticized and mocked Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont during the primary campaign, even though the organization publicly insisted that it was neutral in the race…”Bernie Sanders was wildly popular with college age voters and had generated astounding cashflow with grassroots small donation contributions. Yet, the DNC opposed him privately and sought shady methods of disrupting his campaign to give Hillary a clear path to the nomination even if illicit means were applied.
Confusing?Perhaps confusion should arise in the minds of Democrats as to why the chair of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, suggested targeting Bernie Sanders for a smear as “an atheist” to help Hillary in Kentucky and West Virginia with the Christian communities there. Is that an effort at Mind Control?
Perhaps confusion should arise in the minds of Democrats as to why the chair of the DNC scheduled candidate debates between Clinton and Sanders at the least viewed weekend hours to minimize Sanders chances of showing Hillary up in front of voters.Perhaps confusion should arise in the minds of Democrats as to why Bernie Sanders’ complaint to the DNC about unfair treatment and their collusion with Clinton in fundraising, was met with false denials and pushback, later shown to be lies, accusing Sanders of saying false and harmful statements about the Democratic party.
(Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/07/24/here-are-the-latest-most-damaging-things-in-the-dncs-leaked-emails/)
Perhaps the American public should be confused about why the DNC rejected Bernie Sanders and colluded to push a far less popular candidate, Hillary Clinton, when the polls as early as May 09, 2016 showed:
IBD/TIPP, April 28: Sanders defeats Trump by 12 points
USA Today/Suffolk, April 24: Sanders defeats Trump by 15 points
CNN/ORC, May 1: Sanders obliterates Trump by 16 points
(Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tony-brasunas/sanders-crushing-trump-in_b_9862708.html)
Indeed, we should all be confused when polls demonstrated later that same month:
According to Real Clear Politics, Bernie Sanders defeats Donald Trump in an average of polls by 10.8 points while Hillary:According to Real Clear Politics was LOSING to Trump!
Didn’t Democrats WANT TO WIN? That should confuse all of us!
Contempt for Voters
We should all be confused that even as Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned from the DNC for getting caught undermining Bernie Sanders (and the American people), Neither President Obama, nor candidate Clinton offered an apology or even acknowledgment that it was wrong of the DNC to rig the election against Senator Sanders. Instead, Hillary praised the disgraced Debbie Wasserman Schultz and gave her a new job. ON HER CAMPAIGN! This contempt for Bernie voters and blatant playing of favoritism created ill will and further enforced the consensus opinion of Clinton as highly unpopular for good reason.
Meanwhile, the essential identity of Liberals as being for “little people” had succumbed to dry rot and the corruption due to money in politics had ruined the Democrat brand.
The Democratic Party made itself vulnerable to Donald Trump’s insurgency by cultivating Wall Street, wealthy political donors, and other financial elites despised by the American public.
Overconfidence and SycophancyShould we be confused that newspapers, magazines, journalists, commentators, and so-called expert Pollsters predicted success for Clinton?
Were all these highly educated elitist professionals held in thrall by the Mind Control expertise of Donald J. Trump? Or, were they ass kissing the one candidate from whom they had the most to gain?
CNN MONEY U.S. confidently declared:
Clinton is expected to get 332 electoral votes, while Trump is predicted to get just 206, according to the Moody's Analytics model, which is based on three economic and three political factors.
(Source: http://money.cnn.com/2016/11/01/news/economy/hillary-clinton-win-forecast-moodys-analytics/)Trump’s Svengali mind powers must have been extraordinary to fool these experts!
To the contrary!
When polls clearly demonstrated Hillary Clinton was “hated” and seen as an inveterate liar and corporate shill, the media stepped in and exaggerated her chances.
This is called “confirmation bias”.
“the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses.”
The argument went like this:
“Hillary is a liar”
“Yes, but Trump is worse.”Hillary was going to be the winner simply because she wasn’t Trump. There were no articulated policy reasons or a clear vision of how to help America.
Elite media pundits simply self-confirmed what they wanted to believe: Trump had practically no chance at all at beating their personal favorite: Hillary. So, this became “True” by willpower alone not by Trump’s mind control talents.
In August of 2016, a Harvard research paper titled,
Trump, Brexit, and the Rise of Populism: Economic Have-Nots and Cultural Backlash appeared. (https://research.hks.harvard.edu/publications/getFile.aspx?Id=1401)
It begins with these words:
“Populist leaders like Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen, Norbert Hofer, Nigel Farage, and Geert Wilders are prominent today in many countries, altering established patterns of party competition in contemporary Western societies.”The research paper goes on to describe an awakening of middle class and low income citizens who worked hard but found that, under Liberal policies, they were continually losing ground. World wide, these were people who were sick of being lectured to by Elites with money, power, prestige, and who chided them to speak in “politically correct” language whether they liked it or not.
Indeed, the Democrat Party was particularly Tone Deaf. Not listening to disaffected voters is not only stupid and self-defeating, it leads to consequences!
Was there any demonstrable warning to Democrats?
Sure! But they weren’t interested in changing--no matter if they won or lost!
That is confusing!
Consider what impact this obstinacy had on Democrat success in winning elections:
Under President Obama’s Liberal policies, Democrat liberals lost more than 1,030 seats in state legislatures, governor's mansions and Congress!
This is called a TREND.
This is the voice of Democracy. It is not Russians tampering or white supremacy.
Who was controlling the minds of the middle class around the world and making them vote against what Liberals were offering?
Liberals themselves were destroying their own chances.
Elites think they know what’s best for everybody. They do not listen. They lecture you!
The Democrat Party refused to even consider for one small moment they had a problem with their own corruption which had caused them to work against the very constituency they took for granted. Inside the LIberal mindset, Progressives and Bernie Sanders should have represented the SOLUTION but the DNC saw them as a pain in the ass PROBLEM. Bernie was scorned privately as we have seen above.
The same feckless party leaders maintained a stranglehold on the money and power and the rank and file Dems liked the slop at the $$ trough too much to reform their losing streak.
If anybody was using undue influence to confuse people’s minds it was the corporate Democrat leaders.
A PERFECT STORMThe voters in tossup states were expected to vote against their own economic interests by choosing Democrats. Why? “Because nobody in their right mind would elect Donald Trump.”
As bad as Hillary was--Trump was worse. THAT was the strategy for winning.
Really?The 3:45 YouTube video demonstrates a manic mindset of a convinced, intelligent Liberal who is so delusional she simply can’t even imagine one winning scenario for Donald Trump.
Some people called it “Trump Derangement Syndrome”. I call it smug confirmation bias.
Rachel Maddow is not only ridiculously wrong, she is convincing potential Democrat voters THEIR VOTES DON’T MATTER!
Now that, my friends, is Mind Control!!AFTER THE ELECTION
Democrats had not been prepared by their experts, their media, their pundits or ruling elite to consider Donald Trump as a possible winner over Hillary Clinton. Why? They willed themselves into a mindset of false belief. The tone deaf overconfidence and refusal to self-examine led to hubris. The voters disabused them of their guaranteed win.
Is that confusion or mind control? No. It is ordinary stupidity.
Instead of leaders coming together in the Democrat party and asking the right questions, “What did we do wrong and how can we change?”
Instead, everybody had a meltdown. This emotional display was butt hurt ego rather than cool analysis.
The blame shifting and accusations began, none of which improved the Democrats chances for 2018 or any other future election. Instead of changing, instead of listening, the same old loser leaders were put in charge yet again! Who should be the leader of the Democrat Party? Hmmm, maybe the most popular Democrat? Maybe, hmmmm Bernie Sanders? NO WAY!
A coach of a losing team is fired and replaced. The coach of the Democrats on a losing streak is rehired promising to do it all over again the same way. If you are caught cheating and publicly disgraced, no big deal (or accountability.)Is that confusing? It should be.
Bernie Sanders as the nominative leader--that was the rational way to prevent having to complain about Donald Trump’s lying and confusing style of leadership.
Trump is exactly where the Electoral College says he is supposed to be. Why?
Instead saying, “At least Hillary isn’t Trump”, the voters said, “At least Trump isn’t Hillary.”
Analysis of Trump’s psychiatric tendencies won’t do a damn bit of good for anybody now that the harm has been done by Media, DNC, and elite hangers-on. Nothing is going to change until the culprits change. Why?
To solve a problem, you must first IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM.The problem is not Donald Trump. The problem is the rotten alternative given the American voter.
The confusion comes because Democrat Leaders don’t lead with policies which promise to address the needs of Middle Class voters and young people. The leader of the Democrat Party should be Bernie Sanders because he was winning before he discovered the candidacy race was never going to be a fair contest.
The problem with Trump is that, for all practical purposes, the Democrat leaders, the Mainstream Media, the Elite experts, the Politically Correct academics, guaranteed Trump would win by looking the other way and closing their ears as Voters were refusing to approve Liberal Democrat candidates.
Change the Democrats and Trump automatically goes away.
Why? A real promise of Hope instantly beats a lying promise of Hope.
The only people confused and mind controlled have been the very people who should have backed Bernie Sanders. Democrats can’t cram the wrong candidates down the voter’s throats. They must listen and change.
For the last five months, Democrats are pretending the removal of Donald Trump solves all problems.
This is typical. The Democrat leaders have nothing to offer to replace Trump which will unify Americans and solve their economic problems with Healthcare’s spiking costs, student debt, the working poor, and vanishing blue-collar jobs. Getting rid of Trump is simply a noisy deflection from their failed policies over the last eight years.
There is an old saying which is pragmatically true:
“If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem”.
Here was Donald Trump’s message. It was the only ad he ran in some states for the past two weeks of the campaign. It did not mention Republican tax plans. It contained no attacks on Obamacare. It didn’t touch on the Muslim immigration ban.
“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people.”
Are you listening, Democrats?
The MOST IMPORTANT advantage Trump had was his message of Populism at the very time of the rise of ordinary people against Global Elitism.______
“More than 60 percent of Americans did not believe that Clinton would remove money's influence from politics, according to Quinnipiac polling. Just 15 percent of Americans thought she'd even try to rein in Wall Street, says Tyler Creighton, senior media associate at the nonprofit ReThink Media. One extensive MSNBC report found that during the Republican primary, Trump’s attacks on special interests and political money were the single biggest reason voters thrilled to his candidacy.”
Our confusion as to why Donald Trump became President should end here.
The data, the facts, the trends, the voice of disaffected voters spoke. Trump won not because he had any qualifications, or respectability. He won because he listened to what people wanted to buy.
A good salesman fills a need.
A bad politician ignores it.
As the Vox article put it:
“Hillary Clinton could never credibly attack the political and financial establishmentThe Democratic Party could have gone another way this year.
Bernie Sanders made standing against special interests and rich donors in politics a key plank in his campaign. He famously refused to accept corporate campaign contributions or those from "millionaires and billionaires." He built a campaign fueled entirely by small-dollar donors (famously contributing an average $27). It all fit naturally with his message that the 1 percent had come to control the US government — and that only someone outside of it could puncture its corrosive hold.”
Trump VS Bernie would have solved all our problems.The Democrats refused to allow us to make such a choice.
End of Confusion.
ARC - Case Study 54 - All Exhibits have been released
by jwleaks inall exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc.. http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/exhibits/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
This video demonstrates REAL WORLD consequences of having abused
children face their accusers and how serious the matter should be regarded.
It's outrageous that secular worldly people have more good sense and compassion
than "true Christians" under the benevolent direct of His Governing Body.
Congressman Trey Gowdy speaks out about the impact of Pedophiles on their victims when asked to testify
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKdn7SQ7V0A -
by TerryWalstrom ingetting fired vs quitting_________________________my specialties in life are great and many, but none more fabulous than the talent i've possessed for getting fired and/or quitting a job.how many jobs and careers i blazed through would spin your head!
suffice it to say, more than you've time or patience to hear.. there is something in my psychology and verbal arsenal too prone toward candid criticism!
i find myself blurting out what i really think before even i can stop myself.i worked for an art gallery owner once who had everything going for him except good sense.
I knew the Accountant, Ken Michaelson and the Office Manager, Jean Furuya, and they tipped me off.
Ken told me he had argued to no avail against Chuck's decision.
The purpose of the so-called contest was to generate sales, boost Mike's ego, and take me down in front of the others. Chuck was the owner and he wouldn't be sidetracked with a little thing like fairness :)
Part of me really enjoyed working for Creative Galleries. I have many fond memories. I've written about many celebrities I met while I was there.
But, as I mentioned at the beginning of my outsized tale, there is a character flaw in me where I get in my own way when I'm around AUTHORITY which has rigged things against any rational action. I can't seem to help myself.
So, it is as much a case study in my neuroses as the particular characters and events.I went back to visit about 10 years later. I didn't see Mike. There were all new employees. Jean was there and Mike came out and took me aside and asked me not to tell any of the employees anything. He meant (I gathered) that it was possible to have a decent life outside of working for him.
The Antique Guild had closed and his river of opportunistic business had dried into something less than it had been.
It was bittersweet. -
A CHUCK BERRY MEMORY (Chuck Berry – Dead at 90)
by TerryWalstrom ina chuck berry memory.
it was the first day of june in 1987 and the hard rock cafe in dallas had set aside the afternoon to celebrate and honor the pioneer of rock n’ roll, chuck berry.how did they propose commemorating the legendary inventor of the ‘duck walk’?.
a stained glass window was to be unveiled by the man himself.. .
Rock n Roll, sex, misbehaving? Hard to believe!
by TerryWalstrom ingetting fired vs quitting_________________________my specialties in life are great and many, but none more fabulous than the talent i've possessed for getting fired and/or quitting a job.how many jobs and careers i blazed through would spin your head!
suffice it to say, more than you've time or patience to hear.. there is something in my psychology and verbal arsenal too prone toward candid criticism!
i find myself blurting out what i really think before even i can stop myself.i worked for an art gallery owner once who had everything going for him except good sense.
As I've gotten older, my memories of things I've said and done while employed make me wince.
I may be wrong about this, but I think much of my non-compliant nature came as a reaction to having been a Jehovah's Witness and going to prison for absolutely no good reason other than doing as I was told by people who had Truth on their side.
After that experience and especially after leaving the Organization ( hey--I was fired!) I really became 'mouthy' and said what I thought was true and correct even to a Boss.
Without the wisdom and experience of age (which I'd like to believe I have now) I did the best I could at the time. Yet, I can't acquit myself and pretend I wasn't a pain in the ass or insubordinate.Hey--I'm still insubordinate. I'm just more apologetic now :)
A CHUCK BERRY MEMORY (Chuck Berry – Dead at 90)
by TerryWalstrom ina chuck berry memory.
it was the first day of june in 1987 and the hard rock cafe in dallas had set aside the afternoon to celebrate and honor the pioneer of rock n’ roll, chuck berry.how did they propose commemorating the legendary inventor of the ‘duck walk’?.
a stained glass window was to be unveiled by the man himself.. .
He really was a powerfully creative force of innovation which Rock n' Roll wannabees looked to for a template.
His guitar licks were like Jerry Lee's block chord rhythms, but his style was straight ought of his electric personality and larger than life persona.
His music was extremely energetic and faster than the comfort level of James Dean era white folks--except--the young kids caught on fast and within a decade, music had been transformed by those who worshiped Chuck's ethos and adopted it. -
A CHUCK BERRY MEMORY (Chuck Berry – Dead at 90)
by TerryWalstrom ina chuck berry memory.
it was the first day of june in 1987 and the hard rock cafe in dallas had set aside the afternoon to celebrate and honor the pioneer of rock n’ roll, chuck berry.how did they propose commemorating the legendary inventor of the ‘duck walk’?.
a stained glass window was to be unveiled by the man himself.. .
It was the first day of June in 1987 and the HARD ROCK CAFE in Dallas had set aside the afternoon to celebrate and honor the pioneer of Rock n’ Roll, Chuck Berry.
How did they propose commemorating the legendary inventor of the ‘duck walk’?A stained glass window was to be unveiled by the man himself.
I was there with a last minute substitute photographer for ROLLING STONE magazine, my newly wedded wife, Leslie. She had special equipment which needed carrying and perhaps a bit of moral support through all the frantic hubbub which attends such public events.
There was a schedule published in the Dallas newspaper, but that didn’t mean it was really organized by anybody who knew what was going on or who had the experience necessary to ride herd over the ensuing chaos!
In fact, it soon became all too obvious that Chuck Berry was his own man who, after landing at the airport, submitted a list of demands as to what sort of car was allowed to pick him up and carry him to the HARD ROCK CAFE, what he wanted to eat when he got there, where he would be staying, and on and on…
One by one these demands were met. What choice? He was THE EVENT!From The Dallas Morning News, June 1, 1987
As fans, friends and diners applauded, Berry pulled a rope to reveal the colorful, ceiling-high window picture that shows him in a familiar, wide-legged pose, playing guitar. Berry's picture joins stained-glass murals of Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis.
Introduced by club owner Isaac Tigrett as "the living king of rock 'n' roll,' Berry nodded, waved and blew kisses at the audience, but did not speak. Later, the bemused veteran said he always wonders, "Why is that my (stained-glass) window and not the guy's next door?'
More than 300 patrons, including actress Linda Gray of the Dallas television series, were on hand as Berry, 60, unveiled the window and also removed a velvet cover to reveal a brass star bearing his name on the "walk of stars' on the sidewalk outside the club. Berry's star took its place between stars for Presley and Lubbock rock 'n' roll legend Buddy Holly.
Later, Berry recalled that his first appearance in Texas was in a Houston nightclub 30 years ago. He said he no longer tours, and plans to release in September what he believes will be his last album. The record will be released in conjunction with an autobiographical book and movie, he said.
The two-record album will contain "a couple of spirituals, a couple of country-and-western songs and lots of new rock,' said Berry, well-known for such hits as Maybelline, Sweet Little Sixteen and Memphis.
Berry said he disapproves of current efforts by some citizen groups to label, and sometimes censor, adult lyrics in rock songs. He also criticized "the 3 percent' of singers who produce such songs.
"It's not necessary in the music,' he said.
In the 1970s, Berry did record a song -- My Ding-a-Ling -- with racy lyrics. He noted that the song is more than 13 years old and said he never performs it unless it is requested. "After all, how old can a ding-a-ling get and still perform?' he asked.
As Berry held court, Ms. Gray came in to proclaim her admiration. Asked to pose for a picture, Berry immediately stood, swept the Dallas star into his arms and directed the photographer to "send me an 8-by-10 in color.'
Berry declined to speculate why his music has attracted a following that continues to grow.
"I don't make the hit,' he said. “People who buy the albums make the hit.”
After all the photos had been posed, flashed, posed, flashed, and mailed off to ROLLING STONE in the pre-internet days when snail mail was THE mail, Leslie and I made our way back to Fort Worth to reflect on the overwhelming sense of history we’d witnessed and participated in.
For instance…
After the official ceremony noted above, the press and photographer were gathered in a “secret room” upstairs at the HARD ROCK CAFE where the reporters asked banal questions and completely missed the humor of every witty quip from Chuck Berry’s lips.
I laughed at everything, but nobody else seemed to get it.The last question seems to me today to be rather poignant, yet still amusing.
A pretentious young reporter in solemn tones asked Berry this question.
“What do you want on your tombstone?”
Chuck Berry looked straight into my eyes as he grinned and replied,“A smooth finish.”
Now, that man is gone. His impact on the world is phenomenal.
Writer Stereo Williams said it best in an article for The Daily Beast.
“Chuck Berry is the greatest rock ’n’ roll artist of his generation. Elvis Presley may have become the hyper-branded icon and Little Richard may have the larger-than-life persona, but it’s Chuck with the richest body of work. His distinctive guitar riffing made him a fixture on the charts in the 1950s and it made the instrument rock ’n’ roll’s definitive symbol. Unlike Elvis, Berry wrote and played his classic tunes, and unlike Richard, Berry managed to extend his career past his 1950s run with a string of strong singles in the early 1960s. Berry’s influence is impossible to overstate—as a songwriter, lyricist, and guitarist, he’s the most complete summation of what “rock ’n’ roll” is at its purest.“Chuck Berry, he just leapt out of the radio at me,” Keith Richards said while honoring Berry at the 2013 Polar Awards in Sweden. “I ate him basically, I mean I breathed him—it wasn't just food, he was the air I breathed for many years when I was learning guitar and trying to figure out how you could be such an all-rounder. Such a great voice, such a great player and also such a great showman… it was all in one package.”
Post Script: The 35mm slides were rejected by ROLLING STONE as unusable.
Faulty synchronization between the light flash and shutter speed, as I recall.
Sigh. -
kingdom hall construction scheme revealed!
by nowwhat? inhere in notheast ohio a kingdom hall closed and proceeds of the sale will go directly to nearby hall for total remodeling.
so it's obvious any new hall or remodeling will be paid for from funds from sale of any sold kingdom hall.
so basically it's a self funding project fund.
Just the opposite of Scientology which is building lavish IDEAL ORGs worldwide which nobody fills because it's all a daft PR contrivance.
Who will vanish first, I wonder? -
Words for the Day; please share
by compound complex ingreetings, word lovers:.
in my job, i work with words and wrangle them into shape, well, in a manner of speaking.
one word might be mistaken for another, a word with either a similar or identical sound.
Thank you!
The other day, I came across this on a Blog. I was gobsmacked!
____________Grammar is “racist,” according to the professional staff, tutors, and the Director of the writing center at the University of Washington at Tacoma.
To combat this perceived racism they promise to “emphasize the importance of rhetorical situations over grammatical ‘correctness.’”
Forget learning how to write correctly, now a “big part” of the work of writing consultants “is to help students become more critical of these unjust language structures as they affect students’ writing and the judgment of that writing.” Instead of teaching students to write well, consultants will “discuss racism and social justice issues openly in productive ways.”