Jgnant. yes the two dollar coin would be fun to watch people try to use.
Besty. The point with the wheat was to show how much more significant the US is in the world markets. Yes, you only import about 15 percent of your wheat from America. I guess the better way of saying it is the whole EU produces about 5 percent of the worlds wheat production were as the US produces about 30 percent. Also, I apolgize for assuming California had more people than England, but one of our 50 states almost matches your whole countries GPD and California does it with about half the people. My whole point is in the past the British Empire was a world leader and could dictate cultural commands of language. Not anymore. As with any living language, there will be changes and differences associated with cultures and locations. No need in trying to say,"I'm right your wrong" just know that everyone has his or her own way.