Apparently(TM) the pronoun "this", which in every other written form and grammatical usage since the beginning of the written english language has always been a singular person, place, thing, idea......., in the one and only use of "this" it refers to two generations. Confused? Let the Governing Body (TM) lovingly(TM) put it to you this way. For over a millennium worldly scholars have taught the word "this" is a singular pronoun. In various languages such as Latin, Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic, singular pronouns have been used. Now, we brothers know it is grammatically impossible to use a singular pronoun to represent more than one noun, but if we didn't use our super happified smarts from our average 8 grade school education, as we all know higher education is evil, we wouldn't be able to make our ecclesiology accurate. The only hope we have is you brothers and sisters are so stupid, I mean loyal, you won't even notice us raping the English Language. As you know, we are the Guardians of the Galaxy. Sorry I mean Guardians of the Doctrine(TM)......... Hold on, we can't trade mark Guardians of the Doctrine it seems those pesky Catholics beat us to it. Let me start over. As you know, we are unpresumptously God's Channel of Communication and it is impossible for us to be wrong as we are speaking for God. If you dare think about this brazen act of intellectual dishonesty at all, we will cut you off lovingly(TM) from your family by sending our executioners, I mean Dukes of the Kingdom after your ass.