Lets look at a few things first.
Your religious organization claims to be the only and true earthly voice of God correct? They use the parable of the Faithful and Discrete Slave to establish their control over your faith. They say God has put us here to be in charge. They tell you to read some scriptures from Mathew and say, "See we are those people. You know we are because we told you so." Do me a favor right now and read Luke 12:41. Luke clearly describes this story as a parable. The Greek language is a beautiful and precise language and defiantly has the ability to describe "prophecy" and "parable". Why is this important to you. Your religious leaders purposefully lie to you and tell you this parable is prophecy. They have for over 100 years. It is a bold lie told often enough to make people believe it. When people question it they lie more and with more force. It was simply a story used with the purpose of teaching a moral lesson. If you remove that one caveat from their teachings they hold no power over you. Read that verse 10, 20,100 times. Do not let your emotions try to sway you into thinking it says something else. You have been programmed to believe the opposite. This may cause pain for you, but it is one of many things that knock their little house over. It was just a damn story not prophecy.
The blood policy is the most deceitful and hateful thing in the history of the world. I will give you a brief background on the policy so you can digest it while you read the rest. Literally our former religious organization was founded by anti technology simpletons. I hate to say it so directly, but its the truth. Here are a few things the Watchtower Organization has written against either in the past or present. Giving literature black people, their minds were to underdeveloped to process the materials contained in the magazines. Aluminum, Vaccines, blood, organ transplant, the size of the female brain, and many other weird things that were not true. These things were written out of ignorance.
Let's look at what the bible says about the Jews use of blood. leviticus 17 starting at verse 10-14. The Watchtower will stop there every time when supporting their beliefs, because they do not want you reading verse 15. I am going to go out on a limb and assume you don't regularly kill stuff to eat. Don't worry this is where my expertise comes in handy. I have a bit of land and use it to hunt on. I bleed my kills after the hunt for the purpose of making the meat taste better. If an animal dies and is not bleed within minutes, the blood will clot and there is no way to ever bleed that animal. Imagine wringing glue out of a sponge. If you do it quickly you can get most of the glue out. If you leave it a few minutes to cure you will never get the glue out. Why is the provision here for an animal that died on it's own? The reason is if a sheep farmer found an animal that died the night before and was not bled the law makers knew the meat would go to waste because it could not be bled. So to save waste they wrote a provision to allow the Israelite or non native to eat the meat anyway, but they had to wash their clothes and bathe and not go to the temple for one day. That's it!!!!!!! Take a bath and skip a day of temple. How much more is a human life worth to save than meat on the ground. Literally, the law allowed this rule to be broken as to not waste meat, but the Watchtower will allow it's members to waste their lives and the lives of their loved ones in a miss application of scripture. Go ahead and read it and check it. Every time they use a scripture to justify the blood ban they purposefully leave out verse 15. Now, ask yourself the question,"Why not change the rule?" You just read it. It is there in black and white. The reason is they are afraid of the backlash. They would rather allow more people to die than to correct their mistake and apologize. Doesn't sound very Faithful or Discrete.
Also, I hope you feel better. Go for a walk, read a book, see a doctor, call a friend, or anything healthy that makes you feel better. I've been there and fought the pain. I can tell you it gets better.