What Outlaw said!
JoinedPosts by piztjw
Because they are getting paid for it!
by Atlantis inafter all, the college restrictions are only for the rank and file...right?
community service.
the department's staff provided services to the community in diverse ways during the year under review.
Most Annoying Things That Happen At JW Meetings
by LittleSister intoday i was remembering how angry i used to get at the meetings and all the little irritations that in the end would just make my blood boil these included:.
prayers that go on foreverstudy or wt conductors still taking comments when its clear that the point has been covered 20 times alreadymeetings over running by more than 5 minsmy favourite was this one elder who would play guess the point i am thinking of.
he would keep rephrasing the question from the wt until someone would bring up the point he was thinking of.
Brothers that bring MONSTER briefcases to all the meetings (whether they're elders or not). What on earth do they have in there??? Even the most overworked corporate lawyers I know don't need to carry around cases that big anymore.
Like others have said, it's all about the show. They think it makes them look "spiritual" to have thirteen notebooks, twelve assorted out-of-date WT and KM's, thirty eight pens, nine hi-liters, a couple files of important looking letters, three Bibles of various sizes, four dictionary's, a tablet, programs from the last five years conventions, a PDA, their cell phone...have I forgotten anything?
Then you get two or more of these self-righteous boobs sitting on opposite sides of the aisle with their suitcases in the walkway so there is only about ten inches of free walk space to squeak through. I always thought I should somehow "fake fall" and scream bloody murder about being injured while waving the written instructions NOT to block aisles with briefcases.
How many ex elders attend your meetings still.
by freddo inwhen i resigned from a body of about ten elders (jumped before pushed.
if you still go, how many ex elders in your congregation?.
In my town...None.
And the COBE complains bitterly about "brothers" not reaching out. Personally I don't give a flying coitus at a rolling doughnut if I ever were to reach out. But then again I am too pizt off to ever do anything other than show up at meetings, just to aggravate the holier-than-thou, nose in the air, you ain't worth shit, jw's who are the examples, yet.
NEW BOE LETTER - It just got exponentially harder to "fade"
by sir82 inhere is the text of the letter:.
february 2, 2014. .
your brothers,.
I suspect the "don't record" advice as a liability shield designed to protect the Mother, more than anything...
One of the better pieces of advice my dear father left me was, "NEVER write down something that can be covered verbally. The spoken word disappears the moment it is said, but the written word stands forever." Now granted he was speaking about personal confrontations, but the principle remains. I believe you may be on to something with your assessment.
Four BOE Letters
by pixel infour boe letters.
read and discuss:.
requesting where can we find answers to lifes big questions?
weekly, contact with the publishers.
From experience I believe that is supposed to be WEAKly contact!
Four BOE Letters
by pixel infour boe letters.
read and discuss:.
requesting where can we find answers to lifes big questions?
As you meet with them, please convey the love and concern of the Governing Body and those in the local congregation.
And that is why we come around once a year. Because we love you. The other 364 days....not so much!
Four BOE Letters
by pixel infour boe letters.
read and discuss:.
requesting where can we find answers to lifes big questions?
increased complexity of property acquisition, zoning regulations, building codes, and project development requires specialized skills and considerable experience.
All gained with nothing more than a primary school education and nights spent scrubbing toilets I am sure.
Four BOE Letters
by pixel infour boe letters.
read and discuss:.
requesting where can we find answers to lifes big questions?
the special campaign to distribute Where Can We Find Answers to Life’s Big Questions? will overlap with the campaign to distribute the convention handbill
Overlapping campaigns to go along with overlapping generations? Perhaps great-grandma, grandma, ma, daughter, and grand-daughter can all go together to the doors....as "one" generation of course.
Four BOE Letters
by pixel infour boe letters.
read and discuss:.
requesting where can we find answers to lifes big questions?
Elders could encourage dedicated individuals who have recently become inactive to begin publishing again by accompanying experienced publishers.
We are sure this loving provision to help intelligent inactive ones to knock on a door, and then to shove a tract in someones face while spouting a rehearsed, "suggested" sales pitch like a programmed robot promoting an internet web site will be a blessing to all of you!
Is it possible for believers to ask for something in prayer that doesn't......
by punkofnice in....involve someone else being controlledor affected by your chosen god?.
if someone else is controlled or affected, doesn't this mean that freewill is out the window?.
surely god either does or doesn't answer prayers?.
I think the only positive side to prayer may be that the 'supplicant' gets to vocalise their need and in doing so can work out for themselves how to solve it or where to go for help.
And THAT is the whole key. How many times have the eldurrs/slave said, "You have to pray, and then WORK in harmony with your prayers."? Need a job? Pray, and then pound the pavement looking for a job. Need a vehicle? Pray, and then start checking the adds or car lots and BUY one. Need food? Pray, and then go to the store and BUY IT. The eldurrs always say that god will take care of you if you pray, and then yammer about the scripture that says the birds of the heavens are cared for. But I have never seen birds out standing with their beaks in the air opened up just waitiing for food to miraculously drop into it. They scratch and work for what they get. (End of rant)