What else would one expect when there is a Q from Readers about in vitro fertilized eggs that have been frozen and what to do with them?
What difference does it make?
quote from december 2012 study edition wt, we did it today - .
"even the desire for sexual pleasure with ones marriage mate is fitting and has its place.".
thanks faithfull slave.
What else would one expect when there is a Q from Readers about in vitro fertilized eggs that have been frozen and what to do with them?
What difference does it make?
last week a sister in my new hall made the following comment,.
"a brother once told me that it is better to be wrong with the organization, than to be right and be on your own without the organization.".
One older elder had a theory . He thought (or maybe hoped ) that we would all be naked in the new system. This, since Adam and Eve only felt shame for their nakedness after they sinned
What is wacky about that? Do you like wearing clothes and washing and ironing, etc?
check out this arriving in april:.
what bible principles apply to the useof cell phones while attending christian meetings and sharing in the ministry?.
for everything there is an appointed time.
Speaking of TP, on Sunday mornings when I go to meetings with wife, I save my BMs (dumps) for the KH so I can save my TP and use the hall's and also have something to do during the meeting. I bring my work magazines to read while in the stall.
..... you to stop attending ?
injustices ?
disagree with the teachings ?
Rubadubdub said:
When they finally announced the "new Light" (gag) that the Toes in Daniel's dream image, drum roll please. . . mean absolutely nothing
I was amazed at this announcement of this being a new understanding because the fact of the matter is that it was not new to me because several years prior, I was the one that informed them of this. What they do is, they agree the with what the letter writer says, but write to him/her and/or the congregation's elders and state to wait on Jehovah, or keep studying, not to run ahead, etc. Then they steal the information and present it as their new light and everyone eats it up.
Spergrass said:
I attended the DC later and walked out when that talk came on
Last fall I was at the Special Assembly day just for the afternoon to hear the Bethel speaker as he was from the Branch committee. My wife was out of town so I went by myself. During his final talk he said to safeguard your conscience by simplifying your life. I wondered 'what am I doing here just sitting and listening to something I already know' and I left to help simply my life.
..... you to stop attending ?
injustices ?
disagree with the teachings ?
I stopped because I was too broke to go. I figured that the 'keep seeking first the kingdom than all other things will be provided' is backwards. If one is attending meetings, then why would Jesus help? They are attending meetings. He needs to help the ones who can't attend.
Then after getting a job that I work during meetings or when attending am too tired; since it is stated that people quit if they can't make meetings because of work; I figured getting this job is a blessing from Jehovah and he would not be so limited that he can only provide work if it allows ones to make meetings and service.
Then I came to the conclusion that there is no connection between meetings and field service and Seeking the kingdom.
Meetings are like comparing Walmart to Sams Club. Walmart would be like reading the Bible or literature at home. Walmart doesn't know where its customers are going to come from, they could come from other stores or go to other stores, but the customers get what they need regardless.
Sams Club would be like the meetings. They know that they have a captive audience because they bought into it and can count on them for being a returning customer.
I realized that they have no respect for people. There is no innovation or creativity encouraged by the people. Normal companies would encourage people to think outside the box, and then praise them for coming up with ideas that help the purpose and save money. The organization does not do that, they discourage that. The want all praise to go to the GB. People's talents don't matter.
last week a sister in my new hall made the following comment,.
"a brother once told me that it is better to be wrong with the organization, than to be right and be on your own without the organization.".
Not a comment, but in service an older sister said to the householder 'We have the truth because we have the Faithful and Discreet Slave teaching us'.
As if that means anything to anyone.
i just discovered this today, perhaps it has already been discussed, so forgive me if this is a repeat.. this is on carl olof jonsson's website, not an illegal download.. gentile times reconsidered 4th edition.
http://kristenfrihet.se/english/gtr4/contents.htm [link replaced after wannabefree checked the copyright - lady lee].
Londo111, He has the same problem that the WTS has, can't see the forest because they are looking too closely at the trees.
They both are focusing on Oct 1, 1914 - 2520 years and Oct 1 607. Too narrow of a focus.
i just discovered this today, perhaps it has already been discussed, so forgive me if this is a repeat.. this is on carl olof jonsson's website, not an illegal download.. gentile times reconsidered 4th edition.
http://kristenfrihet.se/english/gtr4/contents.htm [link replaced after wannabefree checked the copyright - lady lee].
not a fan of COJ. He needs to reconsider it again.
these are some questions that i ask the jehovah witnesses.
i hope you find them useful .
disclaimer: these are questions i found on the iternet and from other sources of research.
Those are not stumpers.
The answer for #1 is easy. There will be many besides active baptized JWs that will be saved. But if that is taught to the congregations, where will the incentive for the many to go out there to bring people in to save them?
#2 dont' care enough.
#3 Same as #2
#4. If there is only one political party, then it is not a party. It is government policy.
#5 is answered in the Watchtower library.
#6 There is a difference between worship and honor. Worship is given according to one's worth. Jesus does not get as much worth as Jehovah so he is not worshipped. Those who do not understand that find that hard to grasp because they focus too much on Jesus as God.
just flipped through the feb awake and the feb 1 public wat.
first time since they went to 16 pages.
my first impression was the large amount of blank space in both mags, really wasted space.
It's just like everything else. A smaller product is ntroduced such as 8 oz cans of soda. Then they raise the price of that to what the 12 oz cans are. People don't notice.
People will continue to contribute the same for the 16 page mags as for the 32 and they get a winfall.