Nazi Germany and propaganda
ones that have themes that come uncomfortabllly close to the cult dynamic.. i already got him to watch the obsolete man on twilight zone.
he sauggested watching some old tz again tonight so i wioll pick where is everybody, and escape clause.. i have heard oters say the movie truman show was a good movie as is the matrix ( though i detest violence).
any more suggestions for my personal handy dandy list?.
Nazi Germany and propaganda
against some suspicions about security that i had, i just downloaded the new jw library app onto my ipad.
among its top features, it has an "introduction that answers 20 bible questions.
(click introduction tab at top).
The bible does have a single message or theme running through it. The seed ending with Jesus will redeem from sin and death.
"one of the bible study was listening and singing the song by jason mraz titled lucky with the chorus going like this;.
'i'm lucky i'm in love with my best friend.. lucky to have been where i have been.. lucky to be coming home again.. lucky we're in love in every way.. lucky to have stayed where we have stayed.. lucky to be coming home someday..'.
Can't say "ass" as that has been replaced with donkey.
"one of the bible study was listening and singing the song by jason mraz titled lucky with the chorus going like this;.
'i'm lucky i'm in love with my best friend.. lucky to have been where i have been.. lucky to be coming home again.. lucky we're in love in every way.. lucky to have stayed where we have stayed.. lucky to be coming home someday..'.
Can't say "ass" as that has been replaced with donkey.
hey folks,.
i'm wondering if you all could help me with my next video that i want to put up in the next couple of days (though i'm hoping for tonight), i want to come up with a list of the most prominent urban legends surrounding jws and then refute them whatever they may be.. i'm thinking there's the urban legend about the question on jeopardy that said the nwt was the most accurate would be a good one.
that one stems from an online powerpoint presentation named theological jeopardy and a book which was written comparing six different translations of the bible.
The NWT is the most accurate Bible translation, however that is a subjective statement and can not be used on Jeopardy.
october 5th, 2013. .
i woke up early i the morning.
hopped in the car, and drove my way to jersey city assembly hall.
The real meaning of the release was so that they can redefine the religion.
All prior publications and talks are now obsolete and everyone will have to follow the newly released material.
It is classic cult by taking the organization in a new direction and see who follows.
I for one, and who else is with me, will always use the RBi8 1984.
The changing of John 17:3 was, at they said so that people won't think that they are fine with studying forver, with the
thought being that coming to know Jehovah is their getting baptized and doing the meetings and preaching.
articles such at "100 years of kingdom rule" in which jehovah has 'in a sense' begun ruling as king, and jesus in a sense was made king.
even though the kingdom hasn't actually come.
it's not clear if the 1,000 year reign has began or not, if so only 900 years left of jesus rule?
I wouldn't be too quick to criticize. Afterall 1914 is the only date that is known to be the one pointed to in the Bible as to what fulfills the prophesies. And that is a date that preceeded Russell. Because everything has not been done yet, is not any human's fault.
And to integ:
"Simply calling it the "Truth" is one of the biggest jokes I have ever heard.
"Truth" doesn't change. No humility...just blatant hypocrisy and outright deceit."
I agree that they have no humility. The articles are just self-praising history of the organization. But it is called the "truth" because that is the objective. It is unlike other religions where they put emotion above fact and what is in the Bible.
Don't confuse issues. The religion of JWs is the truth. The problem is that everything is all about the organization and honoring and praising the GB, to where the truth is not attractive.
And when writing about "this generation" it says: "Jesus was referring to two groups of anointed Christians."
They know that definitely?
i am pretty annoyed to read/hear them saying that they are the true christian religion because they preach, follow the bible bla..bla..bla... let's list down the things in the bible that they don't follow/do.
i'm sure they are plenty.. the fruits of the holy spirit, that's for a start.. .
"john 3:7 a chirstian is not a christian if they have not be born again."
I will have to disagree with you on that one. Being born again is not of human or your initiative. So if someone is not born again,
there is nothing that he/she can do about it. So stop judging.
"Don't pray to Jesus. He said "anything you ask ME in my name I will give it". John 14:14."
That is not prayer. If it is, then if you ask your boss for a raise, then you are praying to him?
Asking is not prayer.
tonight at our meeting we had 4 letters from "the branch" read at our meeting.
i was caught off guard since we usually have an advance warning when these letters are going to be read.
is the watchtower getting better at hiding these letters?.
They read those letters last night.
What I was amazed at was that it said that the governing body would not set rules against the used of tablets on the platform and elders should not, as if they expect elders to set rules and they were heading them off.
since 1935, the watchtower had been categorically teaching (for over 6 decades) that the heavenly calling of the 144,000 anointed christians had ceased in 1935. this teaching was especially significant to older jws (especially those who spent much of their lives serving the watchtower as pioneers, elders, missionaries, bethelites, etc.
) because many of these would eventually turn their attention to the aging governing body members and feel a sense of relief knowing that the end was drawing ever so near.
in other words, as more governing body members (who were born before 1935) passed away, the closer they would get to their long-awaited reward of surviving armageddon and living on paradise earth where they would finally hug grass-eating lions near a waterfall while marveling at snow-peaked mountains in the distance.
This is a very misleading teaching by the original poster.
They never taught that in 1935 the door to heaven closed. They taught that the general selection stopped, but yet a smaller choosing was happening.
That is like in the first century a general selection started, then after that a smaller selection started, then in the late 1800s a general selection started, then in the 1920s the selection decreased.
All that happened in 1935 was that Rutherford gave a talk at a convention interpreting events that already happened, namely that there are many coming in that were not feeling the anointing. If something could be called a closing of the gates, it was prior to 1935, even back in 1921 or 1923 when they identified the sheep and jonadabs.
2007 was not an abandonment of the closing of the gates in 1935, because the gates of heaven were closed in 1935 so they could not abandon something that did not happen.
And you need to remember that the statistic is Partakers, not Anointed. People partake because they want to believe that they have been anointed. That does not make it so. I tell you that those 11,000 are not anointed by any means.