I don't and never have drank alcohol so it is not embedded.
JoinedPosts by Rattigan350
Why Is Alcoholism Deeply Embeded In JW Culture?
by RottenRiley inwe get plenty of company men passing through our circuit, often filled with misinformation and lugging around a suitcase of guilt, they bring more guilt to the weak while praising the braggart pioneers and slapping the "righteous over much" elders.
why are the wrong people getting praise in this distorted community?
i know for a fact many of the elders i served with have issues with alcoholism, when "brother guilt" brought his emotional hurricane through our circuit, i had the chance to eat and help pay for his "seven shots of tequila", both him and his wife were not immune to over-indulgences.
PRINCE: The Jehovah's Witness Hypocrisy
by Perversion of a truth injust saw this... definately worth a few laughs.
"Prince is not a JW "really" is he?"
I saw him at a meeting 10 years ago. What more does there need to be to qualify?
What do Baptists believe?
by quellycatface ini'm thinking about going to church again because i'm really interested in god (today)!!.
sometimes i'm so confused and feel like there is no god, other days i do and want to try and get to know him.. i guess i'm scared because of all the bs that went on in the kh.. there is a local baptist church near me that seems nice.
i'm in the uk.
Baptists believe in 2 things.
So what is the Society doing with all that $$$?
by QuestioningEverything ini read article after article about the billions the gb rakes in from fleecing the sheep but i've never heard anyone explain what happens to the money.. i mean is it in a swiss account?
are the gb living in private mansions?
where does the $ go?.
It irritates me that people contribute to the WTBTS when they could do better with it by helping those in need like their local animal shelters.
Who Was Shocked By the Watchtower UN NGO Scandal?
by AlanF in.
i'd like to get comments from people about whether and how much they were shocked, surprised, or otherwise bothered by the watchtower society's becoming an associated non-governmental organization (ngo).. note that i'd like to see these comments because they might lead to some interesting publicity, so please comment accordingly.. alanf
I wasn't shocked by it but I am shocked by people over reacting to it.
Most Ridiculous Thing You've Ever Been Counseled On
by MrFreeze ini'm sure topics like this have already come up but they tend to get hilarious with the absolute absurdity that goes on in the kh.
i was once counseled for not shaving after two days.
i was also counseled by a sister for eating lucky charms cereal.
I was carrying the microphones and my collar was too tight to button. I was counseled about not having my shirt collar buttoned.
I was doing the count and I was counseled for walking up too far to see people as it distracts them.
There was a sister that I liked and I worked with at a Quickbuild. I had sent her a letter or a card. She sent back saying 'thanks but no thanks, let's stay frends'. Which was fine, her prerogative. But then my congregation's elder talked to me about being careful with the sisters. Well, she could do alot worse then me, a pioneer and a servant. Infact, she married someone from the world and then got divorced.
That could be made with many texts such as:
Wear a head covering.
Don't play lottery.
Don't use recreational or medicial pot.
How do Jehovah's Witnesses get from 1914 to 1919?
by God_Delusion inhi guys and gals,.
i have written an article that explains how the watchtower society gets from 607 bce to 1914 (http://www.jehovahswitnessblog.com/faqs/why-is-1914-important/) but i need some input so that i can write an article on how they get from 1914 to (via 1918) 1919.. are we talking about ezra, 1:2-4 when the persian king cyrus allows the israelites to go and rebuild the temple 3 and a half years after exiling them?
if so, how has the watchtower used this passage to get to 1919??.
Wow, everyone is quoting texts and texts of publications. Why?
It is simply this:
1919 is all about the Cedar Point Assembly and post board of directors release from prison. That signaled their release from Babylonian captivity and the renewed vigor to preach and advertise the King and the Kingdom.
It is about them and not Bible prophesy fulfilling or chronology.
Witnesses: Why The 1/19/14 WT Lesson Is Dangerous
by Apognophos intoday's watchtower lesson touched on the history of hezekiah's reign, and then made a surprising modern-day application.
having used my time before the meeting to research the underlying material instead of highlighting my magazine, i personally found this to be an upsetting study, and decided to put this warning here in the hopes that some active witnesses read it.. the most important thing i want to say to you is that the actual flow of events in this bible account were severely misrepresented, and that there are some disturbing implications in the distortions that were made.
1. hezekiah's father ahaz makes himself a vassal to assyria out of fear of their overwhelming might (2 kings 16:7, 8).. 2. upon becoming king, hezekiah rebels against assyria (2 kings 18:7).
It is history. It does not matter. They are so caught up in Bible land.
Highlights from the Circuit Assembly!!
by DATA-DOG ingod's word is beneficial ca:.
full time service:.
there are sound reasons for pioneering.. 1) it's the most satisfying work there is.. 2) you cooperate even more fully with the angels and the anointed [ which equals the gb/fds, not sister old mcsingletilldeath.].
A strange teaching was the demonstration of a bible student telling the teacher that she got rid of all false religious things except a solid gold cross her mother gave her for sentimentality reasons. The scripture in Acts was read about them burning their books regardless of the costs. Then she said she would destroy the cross.
Destroy it? Why not sell it to those gold buying places that melt it down?
They resort to the default of Bible scriptures rather than doing the intelligent thing.