Now think about it: what's the difference between just giving your best in the ministry and winding up preaching for 72 hours at the end of the month; and signing up to be a pioneer and preaching for 70 hours in the first 3 weeks in the month and taking the last week off because you have "made your hours"?
I asked that of Witnesses back in 1998 or 1999 when the pioneer hours were reduced.
What is the purpose of pioneering? People were glad and excited of the change. If someone had 70 hours prior to the change and then s/he had the same 70 after the change what is the difference? There is no pioneer discount. If someone had gone to pioneer school, one couldn't go again. It is just an accumulation of "full-time service." or meetings with the CO. and the Title.
People called me names and bad association and apostate. They said that they needed the hour requirement for motivation.
Just a bunch of bums who liked the title.