Please stop talking about the 1969 Awake article. The writer is long dead. So what is the point of beating a dead horse on and on?
That writer is not currently writing for the WTS.
did they hope that everybody who read the1969 awake as a kid is too senile to remember?.
Please stop talking about the 1969 Awake article. The writer is long dead. So what is the point of beating a dead horse on and on?
That writer is not currently writing for the WTS.
fyi, i posted this prediction on my facebook page last night and it has received 224 likes and there have been 83 comments made.
many of the comments are hilarious.. .
a beard prediction for 2024:.
The issue is that people just don't care about their appearances anymore. They would rather be rebels, without a cause.
what is worse for jw's: changing the 1914 doctrine or allowing beards without the right to say what their opinion is?.
There is nothing wrong with 1914. It is solid doctrine that preceded the governing body, Rutherford, Russell, etc.
The beard thing is going to create divisions because people like me are conservative on that. Not in a religious sense, but as Lett said back in the 60s people started growing their hair out of rebellion. I'm for being a rebel, but a rebel with a cause. Bad grooming is not a good cause.
lett has announced in the latest video update that jehovah has dignified the brothers by now letting them to choose for themselves whether they want to have a beard or not -.
this applies worldwide and to all brothers in any position..
What I didn't like and agree with was how Lett at least 2 times say Paul under inspiration wrote. What Paul wrote back then was good for back then. It is just good advice today. He wasn't inspired in the sense that God told him or prompted him to write that. He was inspired in that he knew God's heart and direction on the matter.
lett has announced in the latest video update that jehovah has dignified the brothers by now letting them to choose for themselves whether they want to have a beard or not -.
this applies worldwide and to all brothers in any position..
It's obvious that they are lowing the bar to have more brothers do more and stay and be appointed.
lett has announced in the latest video update that jehovah has dignified the brothers by now letting them to choose for themselves whether they want to have a beard or not -.
this applies worldwide and to all brothers in any position..
"Jehovah has dignified the Brothers ".
No, on the contrary, beards are not dignified.
Shaving is to be done in the morning when brushing the teeth as regular hygiene. If people wear beards, what's next, letting hair in the ears and nose grow out?
i know there are several threads already on this "new light", but i didn't see one that covered this particular angle.. since the gb seem to have an ulterior motive for everything they do, well beyond their publicly stated reasons, i began to wonder why they would be concerned with pushing back the closing of the window of jesus' judgement.
this is especially puzzling because the doctrine of the start of great tribulation being the final cutoff was one that the gb seemed to especially revel in for so long.
they could hang it over everyone's heads as a looming threat.
the watchtower—study edition | september 2023. study article 39. let mildness be your strength.
11 if a workmate asks, for example, why we do not celebrate birthdays, consider: could he be wondering whether we are allowed to have a good time?
or might he feel that our position will dampen the company’s team spirit?
"Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate pagan birthday's, but have no problem celebrating wedding anniversaries, baby showers and bridal showers. Why don't these displease God? The Bible never mentions these events!"
That's a lame rebut to this issue.
Anniversaries of one's birth are not an accomplishment.
Wedding anniversaries are an accomplishment of a choice and longevity.
Showers are to give presents.
As for displeasing God. Our very existence on this planet displeases God. But Jesus came and cleansed that. So God is not displeased by what we do.
if you once were fully pimi and truly believed jw doctrine to the core like i once did, when you come to the reality that it is not the truth at all it can be extremely devastating.. i think only other ex jws could ever understand.
i wasted my entire life i thought the real life was yet to come to wasted the best years knocking on doors.
now i’m so angry.. i can understand why so many top themselves when they realise it was all lies..
"when you come to the reality that it is not the truth ".
Umm. You got that wrong
It is the truth. JWs have the Bible truth.
The problem with JWs is no their understanding of the scripture.
The problem is the organization and how it is a bunch of pharisees.
many who have become disillusioned by some particular recent wt offence, separate from the church physically but retain the indoctrination the wt installed in their brains.
a familiar trope is often used,.
"don't throw the baby out with the bathwater!".
Well, I will tell you that the JWs have the proper understanding of the Bible whereas every other religion and denomination does not. So throw out the organization and congregation, but keep the theology.