Why would 1973 articles mean anything to anyone?
"This does not make it Scripturally proper"
I hate that phrase.
Why would 1973 articles mean anything to anyone?
"This does not make it Scripturally proper"
I hate that phrase.
i have had requests to add an article about beards and jehovah's witnesses.
it is interesting that there is virtually no statement that says a witness cannot have a beard, yet universally they do not have beards.
i have scoured quotes from all the threads on jwn, all references to beard on the cd watchtower library, and copies of elders letters that i have.
Maybe they did have scissors or sharp blades as they did circumcisions.
And they had long hair and beards to keep the sun off the faces to prevent sunburns.
But if shaving was convenient, then they would do it. It just takes too long to do it manually and they would get cut.
i am so happy to be out of the cult.
i would never go back!
i don't know some still could accept this religion, be here, regularly and not just get out..
I am glad that I am not active in it, mentally and physically.
The wife is active in it and I try to passively discourage her.
We are visiting family and friends next week. I am considering how I can talk to people. If they ask, how is my congregation, I am going to tell them about how things are not like they were when I was their 10 ro 20 years ago. Nothing is like it was in the 80s or 90s. The only book used is the Reasoning book, the most senior GB member is Loash, Loush, Lush, whatever.
Things used to be fun, now it is all organizational. It is all business related.
i've cut my hair washing from every 2 days to every 4 days and this week, i've left it 7 days.
it's been growing much better and is in great condition!
any tips for growing your hair lush and lovely?.
You mean that there are people who do not wash their hair everyday?
Weird. Mine is gross if not washed everyday.
does the wts oppose movies such as thor, captain america, and the avengers on the basis of thor/loki's godhood and captain america's patriotic bent?
or do they let artistic license slide for such movies?.
how about super hero movies in general?.
A sister told me that Captain America was bad because it promotes nationalism and Americaism.
look...i am not an atheist.
even so, i have never had one prayer answered my entire life.
the only thing that would even come close was learning ttatt.
Twenty years ago, I was helping another congregation in seldom worked territory and I got a phone call that 3 pioneers on my congregation were out in field service. The driver missed a stop sign and a large pickup truck broadsided them and those 3 died instantly.
If angels are helping the ministry, seeing that one is praying for a bible study and directing Witnesses to that one, couldn't one angel just wake up that sister driving as to that stop sign?
hello, you read it here first!.
governing body of jehovah's witnesses.
to all congregations.
The company I work for has an initiative to Conquer Complexity because complexity slows things down and costs money.
"Additional information will appear in the November 15, 2014, issue of The Watchtower."
As a study article or Question from Readers?
hello, you read it here first!.
governing body of jehovah's witnesses.
to all congregations.
In accord with this Scriptural precedent, we stopped following scriptural precedent because those who set scriptural precedent did not have precedent to follow as they did things from originality.
It is like the GB is a bunch of pansies. They can't do anything without being defensive and having scripture to rely on.
i have had requests to add an article about beards and jehovah's witnesses.
it is interesting that there is virtually no statement that says a witness cannot have a beard, yet universally they do not have beards.
i have scoured quotes from all the threads on jwn, all references to beard on the cd watchtower library, and copies of elders letters that i have.
Want a great job? Then shave
COMMENTARY If you look at pictures of Fortune 500 CEOs, you might be in for a surprise. Very few have facial hair. In fact, hardly any do. The same is true of American political leaders.
Why is that? What's the big hairy problem with leaders having facial hair? Clearly, it bucks the societal trend. Stubble, mustaches and beards of all kinds have been the rage for years. It's definitely cool to have facial hair. Just not if you're an executive or business leader.
There are exceptions, of course.
Several studies I came across actually did conclude a positive bias toward clean-shaven men in business hiring decisions. Not only that, but shaving also makes you look younger and less like a lumberjack or homeless person. I'm just saying.
Incidentally, when I became a consultant, two former CEOs commented on my beard. One said I should stand closer to my razor, and the other said I looked more like a rock star than a management consultant.
i have had requests to add an article about beards and jehovah's witnesses.
it is interesting that there is virtually no statement that says a witness cannot have a beard, yet universally they do not have beards.
i have scoured quotes from all the threads on jwn, all references to beard on the cd watchtower library, and copies of elders letters that i have.
I really hate topics like this.. They show ignorance as stubbornness. Second amendmentish.
There are those that say:"Jesus had a beard". Well they did not have scissors or razors or electric shavers. If they did they would not have had beards.
Is it a matter of trusting some one whom you can't see their face? YES. (Same with wearing sunglasses) That is why US presidents have not had them for the last 80 some years.
Beards on Business Leaders: A Strength or a Curse?
Read more: http://www.minyanville.com/business-news/editors-pick/articles/Beards-on-Business-Leaders-beards-CEOs/2/21/2013/id/48227#ixzz2zzi8GOAG
Thinking about growing a beard? There are some issues you need to consider.
It is a matter of thinking and considering the issue.
Image consultant to CEOs and executives, Sue Jacques, based in Canada, tells Minyanville she advises business leaders to think it through before they grow a beard. She suggests CEOs grow their beards on vacation to ensure their colleagues don't see facial hair in its half-grown ugly-duck phase. Arriving at work with a partially grown beard can have a negative impact on your success. After all, it can be hard to do serious business with someone who looks like they just rolled out of bed after a bender," Jacques said.
I agree. This day old shadow looks lazy.
"If you're unemployed or looking for a new job opportunity, clean shaven is still best, according to recent studies."
A 2003 University of Sao Paulo study showed a North American bias against beards in hiring decisions. Sixty percent of personnel managers said they preferred clean-shaven men as a boss, compared to 15% who preferred a bearded boss. Another 2003 study "The Influence of Appearance on Personnel Factors" found something similar: Bearded men were promoted to managerial positions at lower rates than their clean-shaven co-workers.