" If willful disregard of the ancient Passover was punishable by death"
Is it talking about the first passover or the annual celebrations?
.......you will experience a fate worse than death!
you have been warned - don't come crying to me if you don't go.
you've got one month to change your mind.
" If willful disregard of the ancient Passover was punishable by death"
Is it talking about the first passover or the annual celebrations?
what a load of crap this stupid belief was.
i'll give you a couple of examples.
i was the sign language interpreter for our congregation and there was about 15-20 deaf who regularly showed up.
Yes, it’s true about men and how frequently they think about sex. When I was younger I had asked a boyfriend how often he thought about sex. His answer shocked me. Like you, I would not want to have their ‘anatomy’ and constantly distracting thoughts.
Since the purpose of life is to create more life - Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth. Men are just doing what we were made to do. I don't understand what women think about all of the time if not to become mothers and fulfill their roles.
looking for references that talk about witnesses not being able to hold any private interpretation or belief that isn't in line with official doctrine.
i know i've seen them before but of course now i can't find any of the more in your face statements..
I have a problem with the phrase people will use
"Do you know more than the governing body?"
Why place a limit on what we are to know?
Isn't a teacher supposed to teach the students more than what the teacher knows?
And it's not that the governing body knows more than than anyone else. It's that they have the power over the people.
in 1989 the watchtower society published a 32-page booklet entitled "should you believe in the trinity?
" the aim of this publication was to discredit the christian doctrine of the triune nature of god.
the method that the society used to accomplish this goal was to quote from a plethora of resources, both secular and religious, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, books and historical literature written by individual authors.
Why would I care about any of those quotes that the OP made?
The trinity is just not possible regardless of what anyone back then said.
People say that Jesus is or was God but they forget that The reason Jesus came to the earth was to be a perfect sacrifice and a perfect priest to offer it.
To teach people that reason Jehovah gave Israel a lesson for 1500 years by having them build a temple and offer sacrifices to show how it would work and why they would need that. This is a much better lesson than what any of the apostles wrote.
God gave his son to be a sacrifice; a replacement for the bulls and goats. The sacrifice is or was not God since God was the one that accepted the sacrifice. And under no temple arrangement, whether preChristian, Christian or pagan has God ever acted as his own high priest.
Disproving the trinity is that simple.
we all know that despite many scriptures to the contrary, jw's believe that when they die, their consciousness will cease.
my question is this: what will be the likely reaction of jw's if they find themselves conscious after death?.
If they are conscious, then they are not dead.
A person can not be called Dead and still yet be alive.
Seabreeze is confused with those scriptures listed about lake of fire, Rich man and Lazarus. As it was said, No one is punished for eternity consciously for 840 months of life.
People are dead, until the resurrection.
my big one was: .
20: 5 "but the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.
"Some miserable bald 'prophet' that got bears to brutally murder children because he had hurty feelings."
That never bothered me. I thought that was cool. Got to teach those brats.
i'm a believer.
believe in blessed or cursed.
what is happening to watchtower is my question.
The JW brochure is not for the public ministry. It is for those who ask about JW beliefs and practices.
my big one was: .
20: 5 "but the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.
"Rev. 20: 5 "But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.""
I asked the person studying with me about this.
It means that the people won't be fully perfect and sinless until the end of the 1000 years. They will be 'dead' as in having some sin, until the end of the 1000 years.
the most cited reason was “napping or talking during congregations.” others included “answering back to parents” and “playing with a schoolmate.”.
some respondents said they have been suffering depression as a result of whipping.. “i still cannot forget the sight of children screaming after they were taken into a large room at a congregation when i was a child,” a 44-year-old victim said, stressing that jehovah’s witnesses should reflect on what followers have done.. in february, a group of lawyers started supporting those second-generation followers.. in a statement issued on march 1, the japanese branch of jehovah’s witness said it does not accept child abuse.. https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20230315/p2a/00m/0na/006000c.
I would have said that it was good that kids get a whooping as the problem with kids and young adults and even adults todays is that they didn't get the discipline as children.
But disciplining because they sleep during meetings or assemblies and playing with non-Witness kids is wrong.
the most cited reason was “napping or talking during congregations.” others included “answering back to parents” and “playing with a schoolmate.”.
some respondents said they have been suffering depression as a result of whipping.. “i still cannot forget the sight of children screaming after they were taken into a large room at a congregation when i was a child,” a 44-year-old victim said, stressing that jehovah’s witnesses should reflect on what followers have done.. in february, a group of lawyers started supporting those second-generation followers.. in a statement issued on march 1, the japanese branch of jehovah’s witness said it does not accept child abuse.. https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20230315/p2a/00m/0na/006000c.
The most cited reason was “napping or talking during congregations.” Others included “answering back to parents” and “playing with a schoolmate.”
Some respondents said they have been suffering depression as a result of whipping.
“I still cannot forget the sight of children screaming after they
were taken into a large room at a congregation when I was a child,” a
44-year-old victim said, stressing that Jehovah’s Witnesses should
reflect on what followers have done.
In February, a group of lawyers started supporting those second-generation followers.
In a statement issued on March 1, the Japanese branch of Jehovah’s Witness said it does not accept child abuse.