The problem with the Rich Man and Lazarus is that it may have been understood by the people of that day, but not of today.
It can not be talking about an afterlife, blessings vs punishment as the common thought is that those who believe in Jesus go to heaven and those that don't go to hell. But the parable said nothing about that.
And when did people actually start going to a hellfire? If they go because they don't believe in Jesus, then no one went to hellfire before Jesus started preaching. If it started happening around then, there were never any warnings or explanation as the ideas pulled from the New Testament are pure crap.
It is reasonable that a fair warning should be
given to the world, in language that the common world will understand,
of what the law intends to do if a certain line is passed. To make the
warning fair, so far as possible, the line should be clear. No such clear line existed for hellfire.