We came back to my house and had our own ceremony where we all stood around her picture with candles flickering in the cold night air and talked about what we loved about our mom and what we are going to miss about her.
JoinedPosts by tyydyy
We walked out of my mom's memorial service
by tyydyy in.
my brother, my sister, myself, xena and those with us walked out when we were called aside and asked not to attend the reception after the memorial.. more details to follow....... timb
We walked out of my mom's memorial service
by tyydyy in.
my brother, my sister, myself, xena and those with us walked out when we were called aside and asked not to attend the reception after the memorial.. more details to follow....... timb
My Brother, my sister, myself, Xena and those with us walked out when we were called aside and asked not to attend the reception after the memorial.
More details to follow......
Help Pass The National Sex Offender Registry Act of 2004
by NewLight2 inhttp://www.startribune.com/stories/462/5096002.html .
http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm .
http://www.house.gov/writerep/ .
Edited to add: Think about it, if a person that pursued such criminal activities knew that their name would be on a national database if they did the crime, would they not possibly think twice before committing the crime? Even if a small percentage of those criminals thought twice about it, it would be well worth the lives saved, and the emotional horrors that the victims would have experienced.
I don't think that these kind of criminals sit down and plan their criminal activities like a career choice. Yes, it probably would deter some criminals from crossing the line but at what cost? Have we really thought about the dangers of giving up our personal liberties? The number of lives that could be saved from ruin but pedophiles can't compare to the lives lost and families broken when a government controls the people instead of the other way around.
Make the criminals pay. I don't have a problem with that, but when they are done paying they should be able to assimilate into our society normally or else they will have no choice but to be criminals.
Help Pass The National Sex Offender Registry Act of 2004
by NewLight2 inhttp://www.startribune.com/stories/462/5096002.html .
http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm .
http://www.house.gov/writerep/ .
That list only gives you the illusion that you're safe. What would you do differently if you knew where all the previous sex offenders were located at any given time. Would you let your kids outside to play if you thought the pervs were all gone. What about the ones that haven't commited a crime yet. Yeah. We could identify those who have to the potential for pedophelia by giving everyone a psychological test. Since they're incurable we might as well lock them up now. Right?
Truth is. You should be vigilant at all times. There are sex offenders in every neighborhood. Do you want to rely on a database to tell you that you're in good neighborhood? Don't get lazy. If you're doing a good job as a parent then you will make it your responsiblity to protect your children. There are many more ways for our children to get hurt than by sex offenders. As parents we must keep in mind that there are evil people everywhere. Protect your children. Be smart, not lazy.
Help Pass The National Sex Offender Registry Act of 2004
by NewLight2 inhttp://www.startribune.com/stories/462/5096002.html .
http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm .
http://www.house.gov/writerep/ .
Do we have a cure for pedophelia? I don't think so. Do we have a cure for killers? Can we rehabilitate rapists? Can we make it so that criminals who rob little old ladies of all they have left in the world won't strike again? Truth is....we don't have a cure for criminal behavior in any form. Can they resist their urges? Yes. Otherwise they would be having sex with every kid they come across on the street. If there is no chance of rehabilitating criminals then we should just go ahead and kill them. Do we need a law saying that police should be able to share information across state lines? If so, then I'm all for it. But if you want to have all that information made public, keep in mind that it's already in the public record. It's part of their criminal record. What are we really talking about? We're talking about trying to identify a group of people that are deemed potentially dangerous. We don't have a problem doing this with an obviously evil person like a pedophile but then who's next? Rapists? Murderers? Sure. No problem. What about terroists? Shouldn't we be able to keep an eye on them? They have shown links between boys who torture animals and serial killers. Why don't we label those also. Those boys are more likely to become killers. Where do you draw the line? Once our society gives up its rights and freedoms to its government it will have to fight to get them back.
We have to maintain the rights of even the worst criminals in our society otherwise we give our leaders too much power. That might be ok if the current leaders are trustworthy and have similar values to our own but what if we were to "elect" someone who wasn't what we thought he would be. What if he happens to think that blacks or jews, cripples, muslims, mexicans etc...... are a danger to our society. They will have to precedent.
We must deal with each case through our legal system on an individual basis. Period. Branding a whole group of people with a lifetime "scarlet letter" to give ourselves the illusion that we're safer will only accomplish the opposite.
I'm looking for a letter to the Judicial Committee
by tyydyy inmy sister is having to deal with a jc and i saw a letter some time back threatening legal action and thought it might come in handy.
does anyone know where i can find a copy of that letter.
my sister got a letter today from the local elders today.
That was an issue from couple of years ago. She did get df'd by the local congregation. My parents have kinda gotten over it (still Jdubs) and we are all able to get along reasonalbly well. Thanks for the offer Six.
Help Pass The National Sex Offender Registry Act of 2004
by NewLight2 inhttp://www.startribune.com/stories/462/5096002.html .
http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm .
http://www.house.gov/writerep/ .
What's next? Should we tatoo them on the forehead?
Who's next? Should we apply these rules also to those accused of sex crimes?
What about those who've been convicted of murder?
Wouldn't you like to know if there is a burgler living next door?
Wouldn't you like to know if the man next door threatened to kill his last neighbor?
I think that each of us should take some personal responsibility for our own safety. Our vigilance and preparedness will serve us much better than hoping that a set of rules giving our strength to our government will protect us from evil and eventually give us a crime-free utopian society.
Help Pass The National Sex Offender Registry Act of 2004
by NewLight2 inhttp://www.startribune.com/stories/462/5096002.html .
http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm .
http://www.house.gov/writerep/ .
Let's ask ourselves this question. If the information on every sex offender were made public, would it prevent them from stiking again? I doubt it. It just means that they might not do it in their own neighborhood.
I do think that anyone volunteering or working with children should be subjected to a criminal background check.
I also think that we should have sentences that fit the crime and these criminals should serve their full sentence.
When this criminal is released, we must allow him to become a member of our society or we will leave them no other choice than to live outside our society and our societies rules. We would be forcing them to commit crimes again just to survive and in many cases I do believe that is what happens.
Help Pass The National Sex Offender Registry Act of 2004
by NewLight2 inhttp://www.startribune.com/stories/462/5096002.html .
http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm .
http://www.house.gov/writerep/ .
I'm afraid that I can't do that. I don't think we should permanantly mark people who have served their sentence. I have seen the sex offender lists and some of the people on the list are ones that were found guilty of minor offenses when young and are marked for the rest of their lives. I also don't believe that sex offenders, even pedophiles, are beyond rehabilitation. If they are still a danger to society then we should keep them locked up, but once they've been released they should be free to live normally.
I know this is an entirely unpopular stance but we should protect our right to live normally. If we give up the rights of even a few of our citizens then we risk losing them ourselves.
Were You "Happy To Be Persecuted"?
by minimus injehovah's witnesses teach that when we face persecution, it's a good thing!
if we're "persecuted for righteousness sake", we should be "happy".
i've seen some jws that actually seem to enjoy the thought of persecution, as if they were martyrs for the cause.
I can remember wishing that I could carry that badge of courage and proof of faith that the borg praises so often. I never received any more than a lot of apathy from my class mates.
When I was burned in '95 I was in the hospital for a month and I told my dad that I wished that my suffering was for somehow for "Jehovah". He reminded me that I was having to endure more pain because I was having to postpone the skin graft surgery for a week so that my red blood count would be high enough to have the surgery without a blood transfusion (normal for my condition). I have to admit that I was comforted by the thought of being a martyr.
I'm not ashamed of that fact that I was brainwashed to that extent. It just reminds me of the power of the cult.