Sorry to hear you have a problem. You seem to be very vague about the circumstances, and probably for good reason, but ultimatly you are responsible for your own happiness. If you are happy it is because of your own feelings about what happened to you. If you are unhappy it is because of your own feelings about what happened to you.
I personally was badly burned about 6 yrs ago. I was in a lot of pain and was not necessarily happy about that but I looked at the silver lining and found many things to be happy about. I now look back on that experience with fond memories.
Not long after that experience someone refused to pay $13,000 that they owed me for work I did. (I was a self employed electrician) This caused me to lose my business. Did that make me happy? No! After a short while I decided that this man was not going to affect my happiness.
We are all aware of the expression that money can't buy happiness. And that is true. We all decide by ourselves every day of our life whether or not to be happy. (unless you have a mental illness and that is a different matter). So NOONE can cause you to be unhappy.
Can someone cause you pain? Yes. Physically. If they hurt or kill someone you care about that would be painfull too. But can they cause you pain by something they say. I don't believe so. In that case it is you that is causing the pain. You choose to let those words affect you.
This lecture is more of a rant than a personal admonition. I don't know anything about your circumstances so this isn't directed toward them. It is just general commentary on the subject.
Tim B