Family Studies - How to Stay Awake
Showing Love for the Whole Association of Brothers - Including that gossiping bitch sitting beside you.
Daily Text - Come on...Please....Get a life!
inspired by ozzie's report on "wts reaffirms salvation only by works":be rich in fine works because it's fun, dammit!
"undeserved kindness" is it really?play with jehovah each dayrevelries that refresh jehovah's peoplemaking room for polyamory"the kingdom of god is within you no, really!homosexuality god's gift to ten percent of us got any more?
gently feral
Family Studies - How to Stay Awake
Showing Love for the Whole Association of Brothers - Including that gossiping bitch sitting beside you.
Daily Text - Come on...Please....Get a life!
i always did wonder about this, i mean, what function do they have and further, if, just supposing that we are made in the image of god, does god himself have the equivalent of nipples?
any insights proffered?
celty .
Now LB....Not so fast. Wanting nipples sucked doesn't make you gay. But what about wanting your outhole plugged?
i always did wonder about this, i mean, what function do they have and further, if, just supposing that we are made in the image of god, does god himself have the equivalent of nipples?
any insights proffered?
celty .
I have to admit that I really like to have my nipples "pleasured". I don't think that makes me gay. It may mean I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body. Come to think of it......I like to do a lot of licking myself. OMG!!!!!!!
when leaving the borg, it takes time for our real identities to assert themselves or we try out new things to see what fits us and our life.
here are a couple of things that are new to me lately:.
1) after a frightening incident a week ago (but nothing happened) i purchased a can of pepper spray.
There have been too many changes to mention them all. Here are some highlights.
I now have an opinion on political candidates. (The choices still suck)
I smoke. (bad bad boy)
I smoke happy tabaccy. (good boy)
I actually drive the speed limit. (having warrants for your arrest really makes you a better citizen)
I don't drink as much. (hmmmmm can't figure that one out)
I don't look at near as much porn. (I get the real thing now)
most people never really change!
our personalities, whether we are active witnesses or are inactive ones, apostates or almost apostates, are the same.
if we tend to rant here on this board, the probability is we were ranters elsewhere.
I was a JW for 35 yrs. I have been out for 2 yrs. I must admit there are things about my personality that didn't change. Why? Because I liked those things. There are many other parts of my personality and my way of thinking that did change. Just ask any of my "worldly" friends who knew me before and after. Yes, some of the behavioral chages were merely a release of my true repressed personality, but there have been some major changes in my personality in the areas of ethics/morals, work, and family.
after the earth is turned into a global paradise, .
will everyone stop wearing clothes?
will our eyes become closed to nudity as they were in the beginning?
I think we would have a lot less problems with obesity if we didn't have the clothes to hide all the flaws.
Do you think women would be flattered when a man becomes........................ ummmmmmm........ stiff during a conversation?
i remember reading the adam and eve story when i was a jw and it just didn't make sense to me.
god said:.
"from every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction.
I remember reading the Adam and Eve story when I was a JW and it just didn't make sense to me.
God said:
"From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die."
Satan said:
"You positively will not die. For God knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God, knowing good and bad."
After they ate....God said:
"Here the man has become like one of us in knowing good and bad, and now in order that he may not put his hand out and actually take the fruit also from the tree of life and eat and live to time indefinite."
And guess what...... They did not die in the day they ate from it. They died many, many years later. Hmmmmmmmm
WHO LIED????????
TimB . . .
"What will I tell our (dead) parents when we're all in the new system and you aren't there?"
Sorry, I missed the similar (but much better) post by HadEnough.
Edited by - tyydyy on 4 September 2002 9:2:53
i have a question?
oops, more than one???
but for now a simple one...... does the bible say that jesus and the apostles went from door to door, house to house?.
Paul went from house to house because he was tired of getting robbed and beat up for living in a tent. HE WAS A MOOCHER!!!!! GET A JOB!!!!
on friday night i watched a report by abc tv's john stossel (in the normal 20/20 time slot) that dealt with how humans are influenced by looks.
it was a re-broadcast, and even though this was the second time i've seen it it was still fascinating.
to demonstrate whether we are influenced by appearance, several scenarios were set up, involving people considered attractive and those considered more 'plain'.
You're not dumb for not thinking you're not bad lookin' !