Just as the Catholics see the pope as a symbol of their religion, I see the pope as a symbol of ignorance. If it takes dying for the changing of the gods then I say "the sooner the better".
i'm sure the jw's will be dancing around the may pole tonight celebrating!!
honestly, mother therasa did more to help the needy and poor then the pope did any day.
i always found it funny how catholics worshipped the pope, and even seem to think he is christ on earth or something.
Just as the Catholics see the pope as a symbol of their religion, I see the pope as a symbol of ignorance. If it takes dying for the changing of the gods then I say "the sooner the better".
it's refreshing to know that we can say negative things about what we know is wrong about the society, governing body, local elders, the "brotherhood", in general------and not get censured or punished for it......i'll start.------- the organization is run more like the scribes and pharisees than jesus and his disciples.
christ reached out to everyone.
the scribes and pharisees treated everyone else like they were inferior, "worldly", not good enough.
You know how when someone in power in the org does something wrong and everybody knows about it but does nothing. Then you ask why God allows someone to get away with dispicable behavior, they say that God will handle things when he sees fit and how he sees fit. I say they should let all their members get away with anything they want and let God handle things on his own, in his own time.
at pentecost, pope john paul ii could not speak when giving his traditional blessing.
many people are impressed by this pope because he does not resign.
they campare it to christ's sufferings.
I don't really know what he could've done
How about excommunicating the bishop who doesn't do anything about the bad priests? He's the pope. He's infallible. Who would question his divine orders? Ha!
He's just like the rest of the religious leaders. More interested in preserving the status quo than preserving the well being of the people.
was it being able to join the theocratic ministry school?
being a regular pioneer?
"handling microphones"?
My greatest privilege? Hmmmmmm. I was an MS finally at age 33. (I figured that if Jesus could wait til he was 33 before he started his ministry so could I) I gave a Sunday talk about how to have a happy marriage. Yeah I was the expert for a little while......that is for about 6 months when I decided that I didn't want a happy marriage. Ooops.
Actually, my favorite was the parking lot attendant at the convention. Need I say more?
guardian even though he should be removed as terri?s guardian .
29. judge greer has ignored terri?s right under 765.102(5)(a) to .
judge greer has .
Judge Greer is a hero!!!!
George Bush and Jeb Bush are Murderers. Listen to them talk about a "Culture of Life" as they pull the plug on retarded death row inmates. Let them talk about a "Culture of Life" as the plug is pulled on patients whose legal guardians want them to continue living but can't afford to pay the bill.
which is worse -- lying or bull$h*t?
famed professor harry frankfurt, posed this question to jon stewart on comedy central's the daily show last week.
he was hawking his new book, "on bull$h*t", and i found him both provocative and entertaining.
We don't need a professor to tell us what bullshit is. Most of us were mired in it for so long that we still have a hard time getting rid of the smell.
If I had to define Bull shit and lying I would say that
Lying is the opposite of honesty and
Bull shit is the opposite of integrity.
It's hard to say which one is worse because lies aren't usually used as much as bull shit but they are more deliberate. Bull shit just seems to come naturally for some people.
i realize that it's entirely possible that i'm seeing things from my own perspective only but i've noticed a increasingly powerful voice speaking for religious thoughts in world politics.
are we seeing a return to a victorian age?
am i just paranoid?
Cool Dan,
I'd forgotten about that story. Is this really a new trend or am I just noticing it?
at pentecost, pope john paul ii could not speak when giving his traditional blessing.
many people are impressed by this pope because he does not resign.
they campare it to christ's sufferings.
Actually I kinda like having a religious leader that can't speak. I hope he lives another hundred years.
ok jesika and i started this in chat so here it goes,.
you know your an apostate when..........worldy is a word used for your friends.
you now your an apostate when ............your parents call after five years....and say anything new!.
You know you're an Apostate when................you don't have to hide your porn.
You know you're an Apostate when................you prefer "R" rated movies.
You know you're an Apostate when................you actually sing Christmas songs out loud while strolling through the mall.
just wanted to see if i did it right since it only took me a couple of weeks to finally do it.
hope it works!!.
Ahhhhhhhhh! How sweet. Sometimes it's amazing what it takes to capture those moments. ;)