Bwahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Omg i love these videos!!! That was an instant classic.
JoinedPosts by Justnowout
Another angry Hitler video
by TableForOne ini never get tired of these youtube videos.. this one is called 'hitler leaves the jehovah's witnesses'.. he wakes up to ttatt when he cannot accept the 'overlapping generation' teaching..
First post
by BenRichards ini've been lurking here off and on for a few years, figured i would introduce myself and share the clif notes version of my story.. i'm in my late 30's and was born in.
mom was a jw, dad wasn't.
got baptized in my teens and started dating my eventual wife.
I can choose anyone i want.... And i choose ben richards. Hes one bad *********
and welcome ;)
News from Bethel Heavy
by cinnamon1642 inpioneer hour change is legit.
letters are being mailed out soon to all congregations for announcement in early october right before the tract campaign starts.. .
elimination of circuit overseers.
Co's are carried in many respects by the branch , but of course the branch has no money the congregations dont 'donate'. Local comgregations at times also provide a small apartment and take care of meals and incidential expenses. They essentially cut out a layer of middle managment but added to the ranks of the lower layer managment. It seems not so much cost cutting as an attempt at greater quality control. Co's no longer report through a layer mangment to the branch they report directly to the branch. Also no more DO montoring the CA program, now its a branch rep. All about quality control, making sure the message stays pure, making sure everyone stays on script and the congregations all get the same message the same way
The rank and file and mentally diseased!
by ADJUSTMENTS inthis sounds like the typical rank and file jw, it's actually a mental disorder, i and many others were once in this state.... delusional disorder is an uncommon psychiatric condition in which patients present with delusions, but with no accompanying prominent hallucinations, thought disorder, mood disorder, or significant flattening of affect.
[ 1 ][ 2 ] delusions are a specific symptom of psychosis.
non-bizarre delusions are fixed false beliefs that involve situations that could potentially occur in real life; examples include being followed or poisoned.
While i would agree that some and perhaps even many cult leaders are delusional i think "all" is an overstatment. I also noted you concluded with "cult leaders" whereas your topic stated it was about the rank and file. i find this bait and switch to be a symptom of your delusion that you had a better point than it turned out to be....
Question to any practicing JWs
by Mr. Falcon ini ask you to consider this scenario:.
a devoutly born-again christian man, who strives to live every facet of his life in accordance with what is written in the gospels, spends all of his time helping the poor, reading his bible cover-to-cover, living an austere life and genuinely feels that his life is motivated by his love of christ.
a real christian in practice, both public and private.
Falcon, also bear in mind the org softened at times and used the parable of the fisherman and the dragnet to admit that many christain charities did do good in exposing some to christianity that otherwise wouldnt have been exposed.
Your overall point is solid and valid, but dubbies mental gymnastics will let them avoid the full reality of it. There is no magic bullet, we need a wide array of reasoning topics, including the pointlessness of the preachimg work, to help those that want to, to get free.
by Dis-Member inthere are 7,782,346 active publishes in the world.. . has received an estimated 7,639,900 visits over the last 30 days.
the number of visits differs from visitors (or unique visitors).
I agree IOML, a web site wont convernt anyone.
Also a hinted at purpose, along with a rebranding of the organization of the whole, is to have an "official" web site to counter information they arnt fond of, meaning former JW sites. Its all part of a rounder purpose, far more than a genuine 'share the goodnews' premise.
Question to any practicing JWs
by Mr. Falcon ini ask you to consider this scenario:.
a devoutly born-again christian man, who strives to live every facet of his life in accordance with what is written in the gospels, spends all of his time helping the poor, reading his bible cover-to-cover, living an austere life and genuinely feels that his life is motivated by his love of christ.
a real christian in practice, both public and private.
As a faking JW i would leave it at the scriture in romans that says we are accused or excused by our concince.... However that answer relates directly to the 'yes' model where it invalidates the preaching work.
the problem is dubbies will fall back and remind you that preaching is for the 'saved' (so to speak) but rather they are lookimg for those that would actually benefit from the goodnews, whos lives are screwed up etc etc. they would also poimt out their obligation to preach in the face of beimg blood guilty. Your isolated example of a "perfect" man is just one in a million and not a typical scenario they enter regularly or even often.
Gerritt Loesch life story .... Total hypocrisy
by Skinnedsheep inas written in the july 15 2014 wt.
what gerrit used to believe and teach.... the roman catholic teaching of apostolic succession claims that there is an unbroken succession of popes in a line extending all the way back to the apostle peter.
(the church misinterprets jesus words that are quoted at matthew 16:18, 19.
Lets not miss another nugget: he and ole teddy jarez rangled (the implication is they browbeat heavily) a group of seperatiests from the org. That seemed to cement the bomd between he and teddy and seems to have lead directly to his invite to brooklyn and subsequent tise to the GB. Its a tellimg account and that it made it into the actual pages of the wt is even more interesting
Gerritt Loesch life story .... Total hypocrisy
by Skinnedsheep inas written in the july 15 2014 wt.
what gerrit used to believe and teach.... the roman catholic teaching of apostolic succession claims that there is an unbroken succession of popes in a line extending all the way back to the apostle peter.
(the church misinterprets jesus words that are quoted at matthew 16:18, 19.
Lets not miss another nugget: he and ole teddy jarez rangled (the implication is they browbeat heavily) a group of seperatiests from the org. That seemed to cement the bomd between he and teddy and seems to have lead directly to his invite to brooklyn and subsequent tise to the GB. Its a tellimg account and that it made it into the actual pages of the wt is even more interesting
by Dis-Member inthere are 7,782,346 active publishes in the world.. . has received an estimated 7,639,900 visits over the last 30 days.
the number of visits differs from visitors (or unique visitors).
That assumes the main purpose of the canpain was to attract non jw's to the web site. I would argue it was busy work for dubbies, yet another "campain" to distract from the dreary "regular" ministry and to reinforce in the physke of the average dubbie the progressive rebranding of the org to its web site moniker. Overall it was rousing success in that respect.