Hello Christ Alone.
In the "Basic Beliefs" of my site you surely didn't miss that part about "true religion". And there you find that to me, christianity - the teachings of Jesus Christ - is the true religion. The Jehovah's Witnesses are one among many religious groups that make an effort to stay close to Jesus' teachings. The implication of this is: As long as you practice christianism, you are practicing the true religion. HOWEVER - this is important - it is not completely indifferent what sort of christian fellowship / organization you associate with, because, as shown in Matthew 7.21-23, it takes more than aknowleging Jesus as our Lord and Savior to get his approval. But how relevant is that association it will depend on how it will impact on your personal relationship with Jehovah.
You may also want to have a look at the "Our Heritage" section on the "Mission Statement" page.
As for the website, it's a calculated risk. One thing I can say to you: No one can disfellowship me from being a christian and a worshipper of Jehovah God, except themselves. Perhaps a man can throw me out of the congregation, like Diotrephes usually did (3 John 9, 10) But even then, i would still define myself as a Jehovah's Witness. In the sense that, every worshipper of the true God must also bear witness in his favor (Isaiah 43:10)
Also, note that believing that God intended that Earth was forever inhabited by perfect humans isn't the same as saying that God wants that every individual (minus 144.000) to live forever on Earth. There IS a difference, one that I will elaborate further sometime, because the implications of it are enormous.
Edit: Thanks for the heads up. I understand that for the next 22 hours I will have to keep my mouth shut :P
Edit 2 (sorry to be extending this ad eternum): I don't know if the 144.000 is a literal number or not. It surely is symbolic. But I don't know the answer to that. I lean on towards being non-literal. But there are good arguments against and for it. As for the statement "I follow the GB" (as a quote) have you seen me writing that? As for "spamming for a competing site" ... i didn't know there was a competition and that we would be mutually exclusive. Are we?