Ok, I can post again. I wonder when this limitation in the number of posts will end.
James Woods, I wrote this to you in a PM, but now I will say it here. I'm not starting a new religion and I'm not looking for followers. You're stuck in that notion, and you pass your judgement based on that. Of course that my background as a JW since infancy shows. Why wouldn't it? I'm openly frontal about aknowledging my spiritual heritage. Of course I'm sharing the result of my studies as I go. I'm not set on making a "theory of everything". God knows where this will lead me. Finally, a word about keeping a respectful tone. I've kept a respectful tone towards everyone here, you included. I expect the same from you.
Terry, you gave good examples on your PM about how comparing oneself with a fictional character doesn't necessarily turns a fictional character into a real one (example: a liar = pinocchio). Point taken.
AGuest (Shelby?), thank you for your challenge. Naturally, I disagree with you. While Jesus is most definetively involved in the "reward" for the believers, the trees in Eden weren't metaphorical, although they were of a symbolic significance. As I'm sure it didn't escape your analisys, the conclusions I drew are quite a departure from the current teachings of the WTS, because I'm upholding the notion of a heavenly reward for ALL Christians - something that was discarded by the WTS in 1935 - and at the same time, harmonizing it with the notion of a future paradise on earth that will be inhabited forever by righteous humans. And where do you read that I claim to have been "anointed"?
Soft+Gentle, thank you for the kind remarks. You seemed to have grasped the bottom line of my conclusions, whether you agree with them or not.