Then I must have gotten something wrong about "atheism": " atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities" (Wiki) Since such a proposition demands empirical evidence, I wonder what empirical evidence is provided for the non-existance of God. To quote EP, " Faith is simply believing in something, sometimes without any evidence." Since you cannot provide evidence of the inexistence of God, then your atheism is a form of faith. But you are what you believe to be, and i won't argue against that anymore.
You wrote that my belief that Adam and Eve were created by God "is 100% anti-scientific." Well, at best you can say that scientific evidence points elsewhere. But since you cannot disprove the existence of the operating subject of your opponent's hypothesis (God), then to use the term "anti-scientific" is a little too easy and ...uh ... unscientific.
You wrote: We did not descend from an original pair. How do you accommodate that fact in your theology?
Consider the two following hypothesis:
a) During the late Pleistocene, circa 10.000 years ago, there were massive extinctions, possibly from climate change or some sort of cataclismic event. Could it be that human life also went extinct there? Could it be that God had to re-create human life, Adam and Eve, as well as replenish the planet with re-creations or reengineered species from previous ones, using DNA available from previous species?
b) Adam and Eve were the first humans created "in God's image", but there have been other hominid and humanoids populating the Earth for long time. While they were created with a special purpose, because they fell, God allowed the descendants of Adam and Eve to merge with other previous human species (this would answer the question of Where Cain got his wife).