If an atheist claims that he cannot know that God doesn't exist - for lacking of rationally accepted evidence - isn't he, by definition, agnostic?
i enjoy the odd thread about evoloution vs creation, etc but lately it seems that a large percentage of threads here devolve into fighting between atheists and theists and distract from what most of us here see eye to eye on, the wt and related things.
i wish things could be more civil here and fr people to realize that people will never see eye to eye on the topic.
it gets so tiring to see the contstant bickring and fighting on those threads.. they seem to go on page after page but very little of substance is discussed seeing as the existence or non existence of a god can be proven by anyone.
If an atheist claims that he cannot know that God doesn't exist - for lacking of rationally accepted evidence - isn't he, by definition, agnostic?
2/15/1966 wt.
identifying the present-day beneficiaries.
15) in speaking of the marking work, page 111 of vindication said that this work of giving the testimony is not for the purpose of converting the people of the world and bringing them into some organization, but it is to make known the fact that those who desire to flee from the wicked organization of christendom may do so and declare themselves on the lords side, and thus be in line to be brought through the time of trouble, when the slaughtering begins.
below is an interview with the drunken, pipe-dreamin, selfish, psychopathic bastard back in 1930.. the interview with j.f.
rutherford that appeared in the sun diego sun, march 15, 1930. .
"but how will you identify king david or any of the other representatives from god?
most of us left the organisation because we could no longer stand one or other aspect of it, perhaps its very dictatorial administration, the disappointment due to the false promises and vain hopes raised by its leadership, disagreement with the blood ban or pedophile and shunning policies, the feel one gets that this is a business and not a religious organisation manipulating its members to its own profit etc etc.
these are of course valid reasons for rejecting this religion and refusing to identify with it but do the jws who stay in have a valid argument for rejecting leaving the org?
they will say: "ok our religion, our society has its flaws but what human society doesn't?
Btw, the only reason I can think of for a truly massive defection, is dropping the hope of everlasting life on a paradise on earth. No other change would cause a defection of such proportions that might threaten the very survival of the Watchtower Society. Even the most hardcore loyalist would face a major trial of faith.
most of us left the organisation because we could no longer stand one or other aspect of it, perhaps its very dictatorial administration, the disappointment due to the false promises and vain hopes raised by its leadership, disagreement with the blood ban or pedophile and shunning policies, the feel one gets that this is a business and not a religious organisation manipulating its members to its own profit etc etc.
these are of course valid reasons for rejecting this religion and refusing to identify with it but do the jws who stay in have a valid argument for rejecting leaving the org?
they will say: "ok our religion, our society has its flaws but what human society doesn't?
Searcher, I believe that the apparent obssession of the WTS with the money is a reflexion of their strategy. They KNOW that there will be a major defection, followed by a serious shortening of contributions. They are getting ready to it by stocking funds they will need to survive the rocky years that will follow The doctrinal shakedown. It's all about self preservation.
most of us left the organisation because we could no longer stand one or other aspect of it, perhaps its very dictatorial administration, the disappointment due to the false promises and vain hopes raised by its leadership, disagreement with the blood ban or pedophile and shunning policies, the feel one gets that this is a business and not a religious organisation manipulating its members to its own profit etc etc.
these are of course valid reasons for rejecting this religion and refusing to identify with it but do the jws who stay in have a valid argument for rejecting leaving the org?
they will say: "ok our religion, our society has its flaws but what human society doesn't?
There's an aspect that is starting to worry me - or at least, I find it very interesting.
I had a conversation with a relative, who's a JW with no small amount of responsability within the Organization. He was very keen about a forthcoming article in the Watchtower, where apparently it urges the Elders to be alert to the possibility that they start receiving apparently illogical instructions from the Organization, and that they MUST stay loyal and do what they're told to do and trust blindly the Organization. Naturally, his interpretation is that the Great Tribulation is around the corner.
Now, this can play out in two different ways:
a) The organization will undergo serious doctrinal changes which will address serious concerns by dissenters (aka 'apostates', although they will NEVER admit to this) but will shake the very foundations of the faith of hard-core organizational loyalists/worshippers (think, for example, abandoning 1914, the two groups/two hopes, partaking the emblems, only heavenly hope, no blood policy, etc etc - this is just me speculating)
b) Handing out mad instructions that may well put in danger the lives of the flock, because of a supposed revelation about an imminent Armageddon. For example, telling the r&f to sell their assets, quit their jobs, drop school or university, forcing everyone to pioneer, collective suicide, whatever - you get the picture.
Something BIG is coming. They've been patiently paving the way for that change. The recent switch to online publishing, cost reductions, Bethel and Kingdom Hall consolidation, new preaching methods sounds to me like they're expecting a massive defection soon. This can only be plausible in view of radical doctrinal changes that may be under way. They've learned that lesson when Rutherford grabbed the power in 1917 and introduced massive doctrinal changes - with the result of massive defections. But the Watchtower not only survived the defection ordeal, but after a few years of radical contraction, it began to grow. It seems to me a similar pattern is building up, only they aren't being hasty as Rutherford was.
I had the chance to look at the new NWT Bible yesterday. I must say I was impressed with it. Looks very nice, lots of useful extras, and to me it seems it will mean the end of the Reasoning book. But that detail on the timeline, about 1914, where nothing is said about the Kingdom being established THEN, seems to me quite a significant switch. Let's wait and see. But I lean towards the notion that radical doctrinal/organizational changes are soon to start pouring in. The construction of brand new, streamlined headquarters in Warwick indicates that they honestly aren't expecting Armageddon to come anytime soon, so I lean towards option A.
And - coming to the OP concern - that is one of the reasons I'm choosing to stay in for the time being. I want to be in to see this playing out, if nothing else, to be able to be rational when it's time to help my family to see TTATT and make an informed decision to stay or leave.
i have recently joined the site.
i was just appointed an elder this summer.
i started discovering the ttatt (the truth about the truth) last year after putting a few things together myself concerning the leadership and then doing some research online.. i really enjoyed jwfacts.com, jwsurvey, and others.
Reading CoC was also a defining moment for me.
i have seen quotations from time to time that says the wt & awake magazines have been changed when the bound volumes come out , has anybody ever been able to list these changes ?
and make a comparison .?
to me this is quite deceptive , like speaking out of both sides of your mouth .if you pick them up on one thing then they quote something different , and have the printed page to prove it.surely they need to be nailed down on this.. smiddy.
as i fade further from the jws, i'm finding it increasingly hard to maintain faith in god.
i've been exploring many alternatives from atheism, agnostic, apathetic, pagan, and satanism (not devil worship, but the promotion of self-indulgence) to name a few.
i'm thoroughly intrigued to learn how those of you who remained christian managed to maintain your faith in god and christ, especially after enduring all the lies that we've been told about them.
Perhaps you would like to investigate skeptical theism.
before i dive into the actual write-up of this experience, let me put some things straight.. i have thought long and hard if i should write more about my experiences during the 10+ years at different branches.
during these years i worked from financial department, service department, home office and different it assignments.
as you can imagine one sees and hears and reads a lot of stuff going through different stations in different countries.