You forgot to mention MEPS - the multi-lingual composer/printing software.
this topic has been discussed before but it is interesting to look at it in the light of the new book god's kingdom rules.. 1903 news paper sermons.
1914 photo drama of creation.
1922 radio.
You forgot to mention MEPS - the multi-lingual composer/printing software.
i am compelled to write a bit about this at this late hour here in the us, because it is keeping me up.. the recent four year old thread on the briggs myers personality type test that was dug up, produced an interesting finding.
many here, (at least tested informally for), the intj personality type.
intjs also do not understand irrational behavior particularly well at all.. why does this matter?
Very interesting post, thank you.
a discussion of this talk on friday morning deserves its own thread.
as i said elsewhere, it was a remarkable one.
the speaker was manfred vencebi (google him - he's a bethel bigwig) and some of his remarks are real gems.
Even my super-org-loyalist wife cringed at this one. When she came home she vented about it as one of the worst convention parts she has ever heard. Not only because of the content, but also because of the overall tone of the speaker (very evangelical-charismatic inflamated type), but also because it was delivered by someone who is a known GP doctor. Disgusting how can someone spew such nonsense and keep a straight face.
hey everyone,.
thanks qcf and nugget for starting threads.
thanks cofty for wondering where i was.
Say hello when you fly over my House ;)
'the terrible persecution of jehovahs witnesses by hitler, worse than that he inflicted on the jews, took place.
'' wt 1966 15th oct page 635.
i've been given permission to post news of our friend.. kate hasn't been very well.
not well at all.
i think much of it has been a delayed reaction to her df'ing, the general fallout when leaving the wtbs and family issues.. i just wanted to give you guys the heads up and give you a chance to show how much we care about her.. thanks for listening..
(((hugs))) hang in there Kate. Every storm has a calm in the end. Besides nagging, we're here to support you as well :)
how time flies......... ..... and armageddon still hasn't come..
hello, i am focus.. yes, that focus.. is there anyone here who remembers me from the "good" old days?.
my sig may provide a jog to the memory.. my vision is undimmed, my views unchanged and my claws are sharper than ever.
the filthy old whore is to be taken down with maximum prejudice.. focus.
Grandpa Focus forgot to take his SSRI + Lithium again ....
hello, i am focus.. yes, that focus.. is there anyone here who remembers me from the "good" old days?.
my sig may provide a jog to the memory.. my vision is undimmed, my views unchanged and my claws are sharper than ever.
the filthy old whore is to be taken down with maximum prejudice.. focus.
I wasn't up for a game with you. I get bored with bullies, religious or atheist, that's all. Keep fighting the good fight ...
hello, i am focus.. yes, that focus.. is there anyone here who remembers me from the "good" old days?.
my sig may provide a jog to the memory.. my vision is undimmed, my views unchanged and my claws are sharper than ever.
the filthy old whore is to be taken down with maximum prejudice.. focus.
We needed another bully ... things were tilting dangerously towards JW apologists.
Welcome back Focus. Just like Mark twain, the reports of your demise were greatly exagerated.
This forum can really use your superior insight.