My question has to do with this information found there, in this link:
In April 1905, Charles Taze Russell founded ROSEMONT, MT HOPE and EVERGREEN UNITED CEMETERIES, a corporation, which is still in business today. United Cemeteries actually owns and operates three different cemeteries spread over 18 acres -- Evergreen Cemetery, Mount Hope Cemetery, and Rosemont Cemetery. The five listed incorporators were Clayton J. Woodworth, John G. Kuehn, John Adam Bohnet, and two other lesser known local Pittsburgh Russellites. Interestingly, the original Board of Trustees included Charles Taze Russell, the five incorporators, two additional Pittsburgh Bethelites, and two other locals whose status as Russellites has yet to be established. However, there were also FOUR other Trustees. Charles Taze Russell somehow managed to "con" the four leaders of the four largest denominations in Pittsburgh -- Baptist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, and United Presbyterian -- to accept positions as Trustees (can you guess why). Russellites have long claimed that this property was actually a farm that Russell inherited from Charles Tays Russell, and that the current Masonic Lodge sits where the Russell farmhouse was originally located. Tays died back in 1865, and to the best of my knowledge, Tays never owned a farm, and there was no farm in his estate. In any event, United Cemeteries reportedly purchased the "Wiegel Farm" from U.S. Investment Co. Ltd., for an unknown amount, which in turn had purchased the property from Bethelite William E. Van Amburgh, for $30,000.00, who had purchased the property for $27,000.00 from the unidentified owner of"Wiegel Farm". John Adam Bohnet was the "Manager" of this enterprise, and he moved out of WatchTower Society headquarters and operated this business out of a separate office for about a year (again, can you guess why), before then resuming his duties back at WatchTower Society headquarters, and continuing to manage the business from there. Maria Russell alleged that United Cemeteries was essentially a stock scam. Consistent with the real estate being purchased from U.S. Investment Co Ltd for an unknown amount, plus the fact that Russell publicly appeared to have little or no actual control of this corporartion, Maria Russell later claimed that the sales agreement contained terms by which U.S. Investment Co Ltd retained ultimate control of disposition of the realty, other than the piecemeal sale of individual burial lots, plus 90% of the profits went to U.S. Investment Co Ltd, while only 10% of profits went back to United Cemeteries stockholders. Amusingly, on Halloween 1907, a "special" was advertised of six plots for $28 CASH! In April 1908, the cemetery caretaker engaged in a "shoot-out" one night with two thieves attempting to burglarize the stables. A blood trail indicated that he hit one or both of the thieves."
[End of quote]
So, Focus... are you the person behind "jwdivorces"? Are you lifting information from that website without crediting them? Has that website's writer(s) ripped information from you without crediting you? Have you researched independently and reached the same conclusions? What gives?
Another thing: The extensive information found in "jwdivorces", if accurate, is pretty damning for the Watchtower Society, especially for its founder CT Russell. However, the historian in me wants to see probatory documents. I don't find them there, as much plausible the information contained there appears to be. Are you able to provide documentation to backup your information?