Thank you Doug. A lot of research has gone into the article, and I'm half-way into it. Well done, and thank you.
my study responds to the articles inspiration and canon in the book, insight on the scriptures.
there can be few topics of more significance, regardless of ones attitude to the bible.. .
Thank you Doug. A lot of research has gone into the article, and I'm half-way into it. Well done, and thank you.
most of us are reasonably familiar with reports of scandalous goings-on of that old jellyfish lecher, the founder of the watchtower cult, the one and only charles taze russell.. but, are these stories true?.
this thread is going to be devoted to his allegedly scurrilous activities.
so, bookmark it, please, bro' focus is in possession of noo light, and we're going to explore russell like you've never seen him explored before.. we're approaching his 100th death anniversary, and for all i know this virtual exhumation may lead to a real one.
Since I'm its sole author, and made not a dime from it, perhaps you might rephrase your insolent question?
Focus, are you the sole author of the list found at the link you provided on Freeminds? That list has been very helpful (in a way that I cannot discuss publicly here for risk of being outed). I have found it in at least three different websites, and never saw it credited to anyone. If you're the author, let me tell you, it has been helpful to me. If that's the case, thank you. I don't have any issues in acknowledging merit where it's due.
Carry on, I'm listening; expect further challenges, but at least I'm loyal when I fire. Remember: "We appreciate frankness from those who like us. Frankness from others is called insolence". - Andre Maurois
most of us are reasonably familiar with reports of scandalous goings-on of that old jellyfish lecher, the founder of the watchtower cult, the one and only charles taze russell.. but, are these stories true?.
this thread is going to be devoted to his allegedly scurrilous activities.
so, bookmark it, please, bro' focus is in possession of noo light, and we're going to explore russell like you've never seen him explored before.. we're approaching his 100th death anniversary, and for all i know this virtual exhumation may lead to a real one.
Once Focus stops insulting others, maybe he'll have some time to be truthful to his handle and come up with the goods.
We're listening.
most of us are reasonably familiar with reports of scandalous goings-on of that old jellyfish lecher, the founder of the watchtower cult, the one and only charles taze russell.. but, are these stories true?.
this thread is going to be devoted to his allegedly scurrilous activities.
so, bookmark it, please, bro' focus is in possession of noo light, and we're going to explore russell like you've never seen him explored before.. we're approaching his 100th death anniversary, and for all i know this virtual exhumation may lead to a real one.
I'm addressing you in the mild and charitable manner only because you appear to be, on the evidence available, the least reprehensible of the trio.
My oh my aren't you generous today
"Spiritual Pedophiles" heh? How come paralelling the consumption of "apostate" material being equated to consumption of "pornography" lends you to level the accusation of "spiritual pedophilia"? Intellectual honesty should start inside you, before you even vomit that sort of filthy insult. That speaks volumes about you, Erna Petri.
most of us are reasonably familiar with reports of scandalous goings-on of that old jellyfish lecher, the founder of the watchtower cult, the one and only charles taze russell.. but, are these stories true?.
this thread is going to be devoted to his allegedly scurrilous activities.
so, bookmark it, please, bro' focus is in possession of noo light, and we're going to explore russell like you've never seen him explored before.. we're approaching his 100th death anniversary, and for all i know this virtual exhumation may lead to a real one.
Are you in your right senses?
Sanity? Check. Humanity? Check. Yep, I am.
My identity is, by and large, my business, right?
Agreed, but you've missed the point; I didn't inquiry about your 'real world' identity. By your own admission, you have used more different handles, and you operate in various platforms, not only JWN. It was a perfectly pertinent question, and not an attempt to "expose" the citizen behind Focus.
please don't. For my sake. And for yours
I'll take that as a direct threat, looking for intimidation.
My motive for being here is to destroy the Watchtower. What's yours?
I didn't come to JWN to destroy the Watchtower, although the more I know, the more I think this organization is unsound from top to bottom, as well as from its historical roots, and thus cannot be "reformed". I came to learn, to form a well-established, well-informed opinion about the Watchtower and its theology, and the point of view of its detractors. It shouldn't come as a surprise to you that the detractors of the WTS are mostly right, on multiple levels. So, my next goal is to help my family to get out, while trying to preserve my marriage. As for the "cruzade" to destroy the Watchtower, I leave that to heroes like yourself. I have much better things to do with my time and my money.
Do you want to help people? Author a book. A GOOD book, backed up by documentation aplenty, to counter the idiotic whitewashing provided by the "Proclaimers" book. The go-to book for researchers. For people interested in facts, more than emotions, write a work that is capable of changing lives as "Crisis of Conscience". Then make sure it gets to the hands of decison makers all over the world. By doing THAT, you're really helping out people. Start a crowdfunding campain to raise funds to fund the investigation and publishing, while creating public awareness about the ongoing research. Here, I'll give you a title for the book, entirely for free: "THE KINGDOM OF SHEEP-HERDING WOLVES - A history of the International Bible Students' movement and the Jehovah's Witnesses"
most of us are reasonably familiar with reports of scandalous goings-on of that old jellyfish lecher, the founder of the watchtower cult, the one and only charles taze russell.. but, are these stories true?.
this thread is going to be devoted to his allegedly scurrilous activities.
so, bookmark it, please, bro' focus is in possession of noo light, and we're going to explore russell like you've never seen him explored before.. we're approaching his 100th death anniversary, and for all i know this virtual exhumation may lead to a real one.
I'm going to answer your new impertinent questions - why, I don't know - and the answers are that I've nothing to do with the people behind that website, have no idea who they are, etc.
See? When you try a little harder to overcome your self-aggrandizing obsession, you can actually be short and to the point. The rest of your petty attempt to be insulting towards me or anyone who challenges you is wholly wasted on me. Your irrelevance in my life is such that I don't effin' give a rat's ass about your opinion of me. But I wonder why you can't take a challenge without resorting to insult and ad hominem.
Having said that I'll give you enough credit to take your word for it.
Like I said, I value documentation, and will be very interested in the documentation you'll produce. (Other than the Eagle articles, as they are heavily biased. I took good note of your argument, that the Eagle, aware of Russell's litigation ability, wouldn't print accusations that would render unprovable in court. I think you're probably right, but -again - independent verification is required. You mencioned you had evidence of Maria Russell's presence in Canada to testify against Russell on the Russell v. Ross case. That's the sort of independent verification I expect to be produced.)
If you would like to waste less brain power in responding to challenges, perhaps it's a good idea to start being less patronizing and name-caling to others. You see, they may not share the same level of sheer 'genious' of the likes of you, but they can surely succeed in getting to your nerves and waste your time. Learn some fundamental respect for other human beings, and others will be less prone to think of you as an animal.
As for:
I'll stop short of telling you go forth and procreate - for now.
Thank you for the sound advice. I can do that. Can you still do it?
4 weeks of football and wimbledon tennis in between!?
life is beautiful.. aaahhhh!
i'm so excited!.
I'm speechless. Brazil was reduced to utter vulgarity. 1-7!!
most of us are reasonably familiar with reports of scandalous goings-on of that old jellyfish lecher, the founder of the watchtower cult, the one and only charles taze russell.. but, are these stories true?.
this thread is going to be devoted to his allegedly scurrilous activities.
so, bookmark it, please, bro' focus is in possession of noo light, and we're going to explore russell like you've never seen him explored before.. we're approaching his 100th death anniversary, and for all i know this virtual exhumation may lead to a real one.
My question has to do with this information found there, in this link:
In April 1905, Charles Taze Russell founded ROSEMONT, MT HOPE and EVERGREEN UNITED CEMETERIES, a corporation, which is still in business today. United Cemeteries actually owns and operates three different cemeteries spread over 18 acres -- Evergreen Cemetery, Mount Hope Cemetery, and Rosemont Cemetery. The five listed incorporators were Clayton J. Woodworth, John G. Kuehn, John Adam Bohnet, and two other lesser known local Pittsburgh Russellites. Interestingly, the original Board of Trustees included Charles Taze Russell, the five incorporators, two additional Pittsburgh Bethelites, and two other locals whose status as Russellites has yet to be established. However, there were also FOUR other Trustees. Charles Taze Russell somehow managed to "con" the four leaders of the four largest denominations in Pittsburgh -- Baptist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, and United Presbyterian -- to accept positions as Trustees (can you guess why). Russellites have long claimed that this property was actually a farm that Russell inherited from Charles Tays Russell, and that the current Masonic Lodge sits where the Russell farmhouse was originally located. Tays died back in 1865, and to the best of my knowledge, Tays never owned a farm, and there was no farm in his estate. In any event, United Cemeteries reportedly purchased the "Wiegel Farm" from U.S. Investment Co. Ltd., for an unknown amount, which in turn had purchased the property from Bethelite William E. Van Amburgh, for $30,000.00, who had purchased the property for $27,000.00 from the unidentified owner of"Wiegel Farm". John Adam Bohnet was the "Manager" of this enterprise, and he moved out of WatchTower Society headquarters and operated this business out of a separate office for about a year (again, can you guess why), before then resuming his duties back at WatchTower Society headquarters, and continuing to manage the business from there. Maria Russell alleged that United Cemeteries was essentially a stock scam. Consistent with the real estate being purchased from U.S. Investment Co Ltd for an unknown amount, plus the fact that Russell publicly appeared to have little or no actual control of this corporartion, Maria Russell later claimed that the sales agreement contained terms by which U.S. Investment Co Ltd retained ultimate control of disposition of the realty, other than the piecemeal sale of individual burial lots, plus 90% of the profits went to U.S. Investment Co Ltd, while only 10% of profits went back to United Cemeteries stockholders. Amusingly, on Halloween 1907, a "special" was advertised of six plots for $28 CASH! In April 1908, the cemetery caretaker engaged in a "shoot-out" one night with two thieves attempting to burglarize the stables. A blood trail indicated that he hit one or both of the thieves."
[End of quote]
So, Focus... are you the person behind "jwdivorces"? Are you lifting information from that website without crediting them? Has that website's writer(s) ripped information from you without crediting you? Have you researched independently and reached the same conclusions? What gives?
Another thing: The extensive information found in "jwdivorces", if accurate, is pretty damning for the Watchtower Society, especially for its founder CT Russell. However, the historian in me wants to see probatory documents. I don't find them there, as much plausible the information contained there appears to be. Are you able to provide documentation to backup your information?
most of us are reasonably familiar with reports of scandalous goings-on of that old jellyfish lecher, the founder of the watchtower cult, the one and only charles taze russell.. but, are these stories true?.
this thread is going to be devoted to his allegedly scurrilous activities.
so, bookmark it, please, bro' focus is in possession of noo light, and we're going to explore russell like you've never seen him explored before.. we're approaching his 100th death anniversary, and for all i know this virtual exhumation may lead to a real one.
Focus, out of curiosity:
Are you in any way related with the website www.jwdivorces/ ?
most of us are reasonably familiar with reports of scandalous goings-on of that old jellyfish lecher, the founder of the watchtower cult, the one and only charles taze russell.. but, are these stories true?.
this thread is going to be devoted to his allegedly scurrilous activities.
so, bookmark it, please, bro' focus is in possession of noo light, and we're going to explore russell like you've never seen him explored before.. we're approaching his 100th death anniversary, and for all i know this virtual exhumation may lead to a real one.
Moving on, I'm listening.