You're being obtuse, Focus.
I'm not questioning the integrity of your story. I'm pointing out that relying on a single source for data [and a highly biased one at that] isn't very solid. Any half decent historian or journalist will tell you that. I'm not jumping onto your wagon just because you say so. Neither are many JW's who are sitting on the fence. For those, the Brooklyn Daily Eagle simply isn't a reliable source of information about their beloved CT Russell, because the Watchtower has done a fine job in denigrating that newspaper on the pages of the "Proclaimers" book and the "Yb 1976", to give a few examples. Thus, it's adviseable to have something more if you want to make your case truly convincing.
I'm not the enemy. Pick your enemies more wisely. And stop being so sensitive just because someone is pointing out a weakness in your argumentation. This is a discussion board, not a pulpit. Get over it and carry on with your good work.