Mary, coincidently, I've posted a meme with that quote on another thread today...
tell them this:.
Mary, coincidently, I've posted a meme with that quote on another thread today...
hopefully it will make them think.. .
It's in the second and third paragraphs.
hopefully it will make them think.. .
skin wrote:
Since the average JW is not able to verify this statement from the 1969 Awake, it is easier to dismiss this it as a lie, and then forget about it.
I suppose this scan proves it's not a fabricated quote?
tell them this:.
Tell them THIS:
hopefully it will make them think.. .
LOL undercover. You may well be right on that one :P
from the u.k independent newspaper :.
" the theories of evolution and the big bang are real and god is not a magician with a magic wand, pope francis has declared.. speaking at the pontifical academy of sciences, the pope made comments which experts said put an end to the pseudo theories of creationism and intelligent design that some argue were encouraged by his predecessor, benedict xvi.. francis explained that both scientific theories were not incompatible with the existence of a creator arguing instead that they require it.. when we read about creation in genesis, we run the risk of imagining god was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything.
but that is not so, francis said.. he added: he created human beings and let them develop according to the internal laws that he gave to each one so they would reach their fulfilment.. the big bang, which today we hold to be the origin of the world, does not contradict the intervention of the divine creator but, rather, requires it.. evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve.. the catholic church has long had a reputation for being anti-science most famously when galileo faced the inquisition and was forced to retract his heretic theory that the earth revolved around the sun.. but pope franciss comments were more in keeping with the progressive work of pope pius xii, who opened the door to the idea of evolution and actively welcomed the big bang theory.
hopefully it will make them think.. .
Hopefully it will make them think.
can anybody help me find on line the essay about the watchtower' s deceptive use of quotations?
i mean the one where alan goes to bethel and has a meeting with a senior person from the writing dept, and he can see no wrong in misrepresenting anothers words, if it makes a good quote.. alan's old on line url of geocities,com/osarif does not seem to be up any more .
i would like to use this in discussion with an ex elder of my acquaintance.. thank you..
marked too
no longer a ms ........................... can't give details atm, for it might be a dead-giveaway and it ain't quite over yet.
but, it really taught me one thing: if you're trying to fade or stay in, trust no one.
and i mean no one.. eden.
What site? :D tehee
That never came up for discussion.
no longer a ms ........................... can't give details atm, for it might be a dead-giveaway and it ain't quite over yet.
but, it really taught me one thing: if you're trying to fade or stay in, trust no one.
and i mean no one.. eden.
I "survived" my 4x1 JC trial for apostasy. Stood my ground and my rights to freedom of thinking. I'll be publicly reprimanded, but that's it. I have mixed feelings about it, because I don't feel totally "free", despite being out, along with my family (and more to follow). But being able to keep communication with my family still "in" is a great bonus for the time being.
Once the announcement is made, I'll share more details of my story.