If the Governing Body would be even mildly interested in protecting the vulnerable children instead of protecting their own reputation, it would be a simple matter to make an interpretation of the two-witness rule in a broad way, in favor of the abused victim, for example, by saying that:
a) the two-witness rule is only valid for church discipline; when a public crime is involved, the elders should squarely tell the parents to immediatly contact the authorities, regardless of them thinking that enough evidence is present or not. They should let the authorities deal with that issue. In the cases where parents are unaware / not present / not taking action, the elders should be the ones contacting the local authorities themselves.
b) let the secular authorities become the "second witness" in church disciplinary actions taken against the individual charged with accusations of child molestation. Plus, any accusation of paedophile conduct levelled against an Elder or a MS or a pioneer should result in immediate suspension of their office/service privilege until matters have been clarified by the law enforcement authorities.
c) Whenever a publisher has a recorded past as a pedophile [either in public records or congregational files] that person should be excluded from going in any form of evangelizing work that involves visiting people at their homes [this would serve a double purpose: to protect young publishers and the public at large], and to go out in the field service without being escorted by an elder or a MS; and parents in the congregation should be discreetly informed about that person's past, so that they could take precautions to protect their children. Plus, past sexual offenders against minors should NEVER be allowed to occupy positions of responsability within the congregation.
Sadly, none of the above seems to be a priority to the GB, who is too busy in playing the persecuted victim whose reputation is being tainted by Satan's agents.