Magnum: it does seem that I'm at the beginning of the end of my belief in the Bible. Right now, that's depressing to me. I loved having a hope for the future, but now that hope is fading fast.
I can feel your pain, I've been through the same recently, and all it took was a serious evaluation of the NT; I didn't even spent much time dealing with the OT. I too came to be convinced that the Bible isn't the "word of God", and Christianity as we know it is mostly an invention of the apostle Paul and his disciples, and has little to do with the teachings and activities of that jewish Rabbi that we know as Jesus. An appealing invention, but it has no foundation in the teachings of a "would-be-son-of-God", which is what ultimately would grant its authority.
Like Doug Mason said, this in itself doesn't negate the possibility of the existence of a God above; but destroys the portrait of the God that we have been so familiar with. That loss can either be sad or liberating. I feel a mix of both. The way I see it at this point in my journey, if a mighty, loving, caring and just creator God exists, he's for sure distant and apparently barely interested in us as individuals - if at all. Plus, I question whether such God require or even be interested in our worship and obedience? I can certainly love and care for people who don't obey and worship me. Why would God make that a requirement to bestow his love and care upon us, anyway?