Thank you. It's actually harder for my wife, as it was her mother. But in fact she was the best mother-in-law I could ever have hoped to have. A true force of nature, an example of bravery, long-suffering through a slow killer disease.
our family just lost someone dear and very close, a faithful jw.
as we went through the entire funeral services and meeting long time brothers and sisters, who in general have been very kind and warm towards us, we realize that the hope of resurrection is a meaningless utopia for us, like a fairytale for little children.
we don't have faith in it anymore, and serves us of no comfort.
Thank you. It's actually harder for my wife, as it was her mother. But in fact she was the best mother-in-law I could ever have hoped to have. A true force of nature, an example of bravery, long-suffering through a slow killer disease.
yes, i'm not kidding!.
this gem was stated today in the talk!
(shortly before i walked out).
Unless we see hard evidence in print, it's dangerous to think of it as anything more than a speaker trying to impress his audience by stating something "shocking" out of his own head. We all know the WTS grooms its most fanatical followers to think that way, but would they be so stupid to actually lay it down in writing like that ...?
the borg seem to prepare for changes by missing explanations out for a while then presenting a "new understanding" which doesn't contradict the most recent discussion.check out the most recent references to gog - no identification as satan.. in today's wt study, paragraph 15 concerning benefitting from the prodigal son stated "if we meet a person who has strayed from the congregation, will we offer loving and practical help to assist him to return?
" there is no footnote or other qualifier saying not to go to disfellowshipped ones (who are definitely the ones being talked about) which is still the official policy.
i know this isn't an ending to shunning, but it may signal the start of the preparation for a change.
The "stray" are those who became inactive due to life events and also those who once were unbaptized publishers or studied the bible with the Witnesses. Those are potential (re)converts. The instruction on the WT definetively doesn't apply to willing faders nor disfellowshipped ones, especially apostates. Those are to be avoided like the plague.
our family just lost someone dear and very close, a faithful jw.
as we went through the entire funeral services and meeting long time brothers and sisters, who in general have been very kind and warm towards us, we realize that the hope of resurrection is a meaningless utopia for us, like a fairytale for little children.
we don't have faith in it anymore, and serves us of no comfort.
As JWs we've invested so much of our lives into ensuring our ticket into the next life; in most cases, such investment meant giving up things that give meaning to this life - family, children, education, travel, celebrations, careers, hobbies, relationships, and the list goes on - that the idea that there may be no resurrection seems too terrifying to contemplate.
our family just lost someone dear and very close, a faithful jw.
as we went through the entire funeral services and meeting long time brothers and sisters, who in general have been very kind and warm towards us, we realize that the hope of resurrection is a meaningless utopia for us, like a fairytale for little children.
we don't have faith in it anymore, and serves us of no comfort.
I think that trading off the enjoyment of our current life for the unlikeliness of a future one is an awfully bad deal.
our family just lost someone dear and very close, a faithful jw.
as we went through the entire funeral services and meeting long time brothers and sisters, who in general have been very kind and warm towards us, we realize that the hope of resurrection is a meaningless utopia for us, like a fairytale for little children.
we don't have faith in it anymore, and serves us of no comfort.
Our family just lost someone dear and very close, a faithful JW. As we went through the entire funeral services and meeting long time brothers and sisters, who in general have been very kind and warm towards us, we realize that the hope of resurrection is a meaningless utopia for us, like a fairytale for little children. We don't have faith in it anymore, and serves us of no comfort. We find solace in the deceased loved one's "good name" and the great memories we keep. How do you personally find comfort when the hope of resurrection has no longer meaning to you?
call me crazy, but i love to watch seminary classes when sharp teachers are in charge of the instruction.. in the following video, the teacher really nails jehovah's witnesses on john 1:1 with utter simplicity.. begin at 1 hour and 20 minutes in.. i've never seen or heard of this before.. .
await your shepherd; he will give you everlasting rest, because he who will come at the end of the age is close at hand.
be ready for the rewards of the kingdom.
... receive what the lord has entrusted to you and be joyful, giving thanks to him who has called you to heavenly kingdoms..
I meant to say the two first chapters are much more recent .... anyway, I think you got my point.
Eden is the fastest growing media outlet in the world, our local cobe said we are going to take the media from satan's wicked world!
repent before it's too late and come back to the kingdom hall with all your loving brothers and sisters!
you won't find happiness without jehovah's organization and you know it!
All faithful JW Carts go to Paradise, while all others end up in scrap. You can't get a better retirement plan anywhere else in the world.
await your shepherd; he will give you everlasting rest, because he who will come at the end of the age is close at hand.
be ready for the rewards of the kingdom.
... receive what the lord has entrusted to you and be joyful, giving thanks to him who has called you to heavenly kingdoms..
Can we make definitive assumptions on what material was written first? As far as I could read, the first two chapters of 2 Esdras are thought to be much older than the rest of the work. My impression is that it should pre-date Revelation (less sophisticated theology), but ... that's just little ole me saying.