To Perry:
Wash your potty mouth and cleanse your brain before you make a pathetic personal attack on Dr. Ehrman's integrity. Just because he was once an evangelical Christian who realized the tragic errors of the Bible, and who could not reconcile anymore the problem of evil with the existence of the Christian God, doesn't make him a dishonest person. Dishonest are those who refuse to acknowledge the super abundant evidence that the Bible is nothing more than a collection of texts created by humans, speaking about a deity they invented to embody their wishes, aspirations and acrimonies. At least Dr. Ehrman was intellectually honest to acknowledge as much as evidence presented itself to him during his academic research. On the other hand, Christian pseudo-scientists refuse evidence, resort to magical thinking and go to absurd lengths to justify what's written in the Bible as factual history and the greatest moral guide ever produced. THAT is where the bold-faced dishonesty lies, in face of all evidence. And you, Perry, are the embodiment of such a blind and coward attitude.