From Merriam-Webster:
a feeling of being sure that someone or something exists or that something is true
a feeling that something is good, right, or valuable
a feeling of trust in the worth or ability of someone
a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing
something believed; especially : a tenet or body of tenets held by a group
conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence
Notice that "belief" is characterized as a feeling, state of mind, conviction. Never as knowledge.
My question is: If lack of evidence cannot produce positive knowledge, on what grounds is the lack of belief of an atheist more sound than the belief of a theist?
That's a ridiculous platitude that makes a major unfounded assumption.
I stand corrected if you can prove me that lack of evidence can produce positive knowledge.