No one has vilified any one. Ideas and claims have been vilified. To say otherwise is to misrepresent reality.
Really, Viviane? Well, although you have shown some unusual verbal restraint on this particular thread, here's an example:
Vivian: More dishonesty... yep, you're being religious for sure.
The above is a cunning way to say the same insult twice: The person may have said something that's not accurate, but you chose the term "dishonesty", knowing full well, that such qualifies the person saying it as "dishonest". On the same sentence, you equate religion with dishonesty, and then go on saying that your interlocutor is religious, therefore claiming he's dishonest.
It's like if I said: "Oh, do you believe in X? Only stupid people believe in X" - and then claim I didn't call that person stupid.