I have found a name that connects SABM with the Jehovah's Witnesses: Yvette Bunch.
I found her name as one of the speakers on the 2012 annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Blood Management on the subject "Consent Process and Patient Directives". On her LinkedIn profile, it states that she works at the Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System in the capacity as "Bloodless Medicine / Patient Blood management Program Coordinator".
She is listed as a member of SABM and also AABB.
Scrolling to the bottom of her profile, you can see that, among her interests are "Bible History", and then, voila! - on her volunteer & causes she lists her experience in "KH Regional Building":
Oklahoma and South Carolina KH Regional Building is professional volunteers organized by states for the purpose of building Kingdom Hall which serve as educational centers.
Although the name "Jehovah's Witnesses" isn't mentioned, we all know that Kingdom Halls are the places where Jehovah's Witnesses conduct their meetings. So, Ms. Yvette Bunch, of SABM, is a Jehovah's Witness.