Maybe what we need is a secret apostate sign ("T" for TTAT)
does anybody have any tips for conversation starters to covertly feel out someone in the cong that you suspect is a "knower" about ttat?.
any success or experiences to share?.
Maybe what we need is a secret apostate sign ("T" for TTAT)
i read some impressive figures here about the decline of the jw numbers in 2015.. could there be a correlation between this decline and the start of jw broadcasting?.
hence, that there would be an negative impact because the gb is standing so nearby, you can experience the idiot reasoning of their doctrines sitting in your own living room?.
the lett effect?
"We love this teaching" was said during the AGM where the new light about the identity of the FDS was first expounded. I think it was said by David Splane. In 2013, maybe...?
prologue... .
a brief precursor about myself.
i've been lurking around for almost 2 years.
YinzerDad, welcome! Your experience and analogy with the "Thief of Always" (of which I didn't know about) is poignant. In many ways, I can relate with your story. But, as many have said, you're still young, you have an education, and you have a family. Lots going for you. Work from there to build up an interest and then a passion. You have time. This 'system of things' ain't going anywhere.
if recent intel is true, there is only a .23% increase worldwide in 2015. .
notice what is increasing is not the average publisher count, according to the above watchtower quote to spin the bethel downsizing, but the work.
"the little one will become a thousand and the small one a mighty nation.
The work is "expanding" so much that is getting sublimated to vaporware.
music and art have been a big part of my life since i was a little boy, and although i was never able to play a decent guitar, i can paint.
my art teacher from college said " i was the most imaginative and constructive pupil she had ever had.
" i loved that comment, because in translation i realised it meant i had to work harder than other more naturally talented students, but the effort was always worth it.
Music, absolutely. Keeps me sane, provides an outlet for my creativity, and I can vent and release energy through it.
recently ive posted on fb a meme where a two pairs of hands held open a bible and the quram side by side.
then i wrote on it:.
(faith + fundamentalism) x (hate + propaganda) = legitimation of intolerance and violence.
Let me introduce into this discussion an excellent article that introduces a book by Bruce Bower: "Stealing Jesus - How Fundamentalism Betrays Christianity".
The author draws a dividing line on American Protestantism between legalistic and non-legalistic protestants, which I think it's a novel distinction that makes a lot of sense. From the following quote, see if the Jehovah's Witnesses fit or not into this category of fundamentalist Christians:
"Among the differences between legalistic and nonlegalistic Protestants are these:
* Legalistic Protestantism sees Jesus' death on the cross as a transaction by means of which Jesus paid for the sins of believers and won them eternal life; nonlegalistic Protestantism sees it as a powerful and mysterious symbol of God's infinite love for suffering mankind, and as the natural culmination of Jesus' ministry of love and selflessness.* Legalistic Protestantism believes that Jesus' chief purpose was to carry out that act of atonement; nonlegalistic Protestantism believes Jesus' chief purpose was to teach that God loves all people as parents love their children and that all humankind is one.
* Legalistic Protestantism understands eternal life to mean a heavenly reward after death for the "true Christians"--the "Elect," the "saved"--who accept Jesus as their savior and subscribe to the correct doctrines; nonlegalistic Protestantism more often understands it to denote a unity with God that exists outside the dimension of time and that can also be experienced in this life.
* Legalistic Protestantism holds that God loves only the "saved' and that they alone are truly his children; nonlegalistic Protestantism holds that God loves all human beings and that all are his children.
* Legalistic Protestantism sees Satan as a real creature, a tempter and deceiver from whom true Christians are defended by their faith but by whom atheists, members of other religions, and "false Christians" are deceived, and whose instruments they can become; for nonlegalistic Protestantism Satan is a metaphor for the potential for evil that exists in each person, Christian or otherwise, and that must be recognized and resisted.
* Legalistic Protestantism believes that individuals should be wary of trusting their own minds and emotions, for these can be manipulated by Satan, and that questions and doubts are to be resisted as the work of the Devil; nonlegalistic Protestantism believes that the mind is a gift of God and that God wants us to think for ourselves, to follow our consciences, to ask questions, and to listen for his still, small voice.
* Legalistic Protestantism sees "truth" as something established in the Bible and known for sure by true Christians; nonlegalistic Protestantism sees truth as something known wholly only by God toward which the belief statements of religions can only attempt to point the way.
* Legalistic Protestantism reads the Bible literally and considers it the ultimate source of truth; nonlegalistic Protestantism insists that the Bible must be read critically, intelligently, and with an understanding of its historical and cultural contexts.
* Legalistic Protestantism encourages a suspicion of aesthetic values and a literalistic mentality that tends to thwart spiritual experience; nonlegalistic Protestantism encourages a recognition of mystery and beauty as attributes of the holy.
Some legalistic Protestants are fundamentalists, whose emphasis is on keeping themselves apart from the evil mainstream culture and thus pure; others might more accurately be described as conservative evangelicals, whose emphasis is on bringing the word of Jesus to the "unsaved," or as charismatics, who seek to model their worship on early Christians' miraculous experiences with healing, prophecy. and "speaking in tongues"; some may consider themselves to be all three at once. Members of all these groups believe in a wrathful God who rewards "true believers" with an eternity in heaven and condemns all others to an eternity in hell. (...) In any event, the problem with legalistic Christianity is not simply that it affirms that God can be evil; it's that it imagines a manifestly evil God and calls that evil good. In effect, as we shall see, it worships evil. (...)"
Apart from some unique quirks, JWdom fits right into the fundamentalist legalistic protestantism camp.
I wonder if they would have to eat their own words if there was one Witness among those killed in Paris by the terrorists.
recently ive posted on fb a meme where a two pairs of hands held open a bible and the quram side by side.
then i wrote on it:.
(faith + fundamentalism) x (hate + propaganda) = legitimation of intolerance and violence.
I think the mental readiness to embrace the OT is already there and deeply engrained, which is a strange quirk in the eye of most mainstream Christianity. To me that's already half way. But you're right about one thing tho - JW's are extremely complacent and enjoy the idea that they don't have to carry their beliefs to their ultimate logical consequence because all they have to do is "wait on Jehovah". Luckily for all of us.
Satan with a DualShock playing GTA?
recently ive posted on fb a meme where a two pairs of hands held open a bible and the quram side by side.
then i wrote on it:.
(faith + fundamentalism) x (hate + propaganda) = legitimation of intolerance and violence.
Now the people who think god wants them to kill you ... they are a threat.
All it takes is a fanatic group to get back to the OT, forget 300+ years of humanism, and start taking it literally and very seriously and we have something similar to Qumranic hate messages with a Judean-Christian flavor. The Jehovah's Witnesses are already half way there, being as it is that they have abandoned mainstream Christianity and embraced back a great deal of the OT.
Around the 9th-11th century, the muslims in the Iberian Peninsula were a very advanced culture, very open and liberal. They were the ones who preserved the ancient knowledge of the Greeks for us. Much more advanced than medieval Christian Europe. And yet, look at what happened to Islam, how they have regressed.