It could be the case of stashing out cash in case future lawsuit losses... Declaring bankrupcy in the US and re-open with a new name...
ups, notjustyet beat me to it.
millions of documents show heads of state, criminals and celebrities using secret hideaways in tax havens... [...].
what about watchtower society's holy money?.
It could be the case of stashing out cash in case future lawsuit losses... Declaring bankrupcy in the US and re-open with a new name...
ups, notjustyet beat me to it.
sunday 9 p.m april 3rd.
morgan freeman asks questions on faith., national geographic channel.. while posting this two sisters came to my door and encouraging me to come back things have changed.
since 1975 , and then they said "you should come back to jehovah be fore it's to late we made mistakes.
I watched it. It was interesting and well written, and I love Morgan Freeman; but for the time being, a bit shallow. I hope it digs deeper in the next few episodes.
got something to say about the organization, the "truth", the gb, the witnesses, the apostates, life and quantum mechanics?
say it with memes!
let's create a repository of memes on this thread, new old and whatnot!
Horatio, the GB watchdog.
got something to say about the organization, the "truth", the gb, the witnesses, the apostates, life and quantum mechanics?
say it with memes!
let's create a repository of memes on this thread, new old and whatnot!
got something to say about the organization, the "truth", the gb, the witnesses, the apostates, life and quantum mechanics?
say it with memes!
let's create a repository of memes on this thread, new old and whatnot!
Today's meme...
got something to say about the organization, the "truth", the gb, the witnesses, the apostates, life and quantum mechanics?
say it with memes!
let's create a repository of memes on this thread, new old and whatnot!
February 2016 broadcasting introduced a new cooking show...
got something to say about the organization, the "truth", the gb, the witnesses, the apostates, life and quantum mechanics?
say it with memes!
let's create a repository of memes on this thread, new old and whatnot!
you nailed it! The inspiration came from the Revelation Climax book, which, in turn, was a trip down memory lane to some publication from the 1920-30 Rutherford era.
got something to say about the organization, the "truth", the gb, the witnesses, the apostates, life and quantum mechanics?
say it with memes!
let's create a repository of memes on this thread, new old and whatnot!
got something to say about the organization, the "truth", the gb, the witnesses, the apostates, life and quantum mechanics?
say it with memes!
let's create a repository of memes on this thread, new old and whatnot!
Got something to say about the Organization, the "truth", the GB, the Witnesses, the apostates, life and quantum mechanics? Say it with memes! Let's create a repository of memes on this thread, new old and whatnot! I'll start...
This video has obviously been invisibly present since 1914 ;)