Welcome! I enjoyed your story, especially since I have been in the same shoes as your husband, having helped my wife to see TTATT and now our whole family is together out of the cult. Congratulations.
i wanted to write my experience on how my husband helped me see the ttatt (the truth about the truth).
first, let me mention that he wrote his own experience a couple months ago under the name sanchy.
for his story please click here….. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5148261828526080/walking-thin-line-resigning-elder
Welcome! I enjoyed your story, especially since I have been in the same shoes as your husband, having helped my wife to see TTATT and now our whole family is together out of the cult. Congratulations.
because i simply decided the watchtower corporation wasn't the truth(tm) i was da'd in a secret jc that i didn't attend.
i was writing songs with a friend that day instead.. jws wasted no time in labelling me as an evil villain.
the rumours abounded.. i was labelled as 'a false prophet'.
Hey anyone knows how can I get a couple of Sparlock shirts?? PM me. Seriously.
i’ve been reading it for a few of years off and on, but have been a little too ... maybe ... timid to join.
i left the watchtower organization almost 20 years ago but never abandoned my faith and belief in god.
i knew the gb/organization didn’t represent god, so when i lost my faith in them, i managed to keep my faith in an all wise benevolent creator.
My belief died a natural death once I had the courage to confront it with evidence and facts. I never became angry with God. How can I be angry at someone I can't be sure even exists? At best, if there was once a creator divinity that kickstarted life and then left for unknown regions of the universe, does not merit my worship and service in the same way a biological father who never cared for me wouldn't merit my love. Perhaps my curiosity, that's all.
However I am angry at those liars and deceivers who claim to speak for God, using bogus holy books as a source of their authority. They deserve to be exposed, ridiculed and opposed.They, and the ideas they spread, do not deserve any respect.
i want to fit in but can't find my way around..
In my experience, I always go to the "Latest" on the top bar first, because it presents the last posts on all topics in reverse chronological order (most recent first). It's a good way to keep track of the latest discussions.
hi everybody, i'm starrynight from jwr.
that's it... .
i just came over from jwr.
a little background: my mom converted to the witnesses when i was five.
i was baptized at 14, was mentally out by 18, and successfully faded by the time i was 25. mom and both my younger sisters and their families are still in.
i just tried to go to the site and there is a goodbye message.
i was a member there since 2010. i was really surprised.
i had just started posting there again after being away for a while.
I think that, ultimately, we all aim to become ex-ex-JWs. But, while that process lasts, we dissipate our negative energy by helping and supporting others on their journey out of the Org. At least, that's how I see it.
i read in another thread, where it said that the wts, has investments from stocks, with the companys of lockheed martin and grumman northrop.
these are some of the biggest weapons suppliers to the us,uk, and israel.
i would think it would be very hypocritical for a christian organisation, that claims to be nuetral, and to "learn war no more", to invest money in companys that produce weapons, that are used in wars.. is this true, though?
My question regarding the Henrietta Riley fund is:
What if she is merely a figurehead that allowed her name to be used, and the money invested in that fund is in fact Watch Tower Society's money? Is that a far-fetched idea?
You see, the fund was setup in the 1970's, and the said Henrietta M. Riley died in 1945. Who decided that her supposed estate should be invested in a trust fund, and when?
now this is weird, ever heard of the "mandela effect" ???
i know how crazy it sounds but i got to tell you, this article about the governing body finally admitting the "faithful slave" was not divinely appointed by jesus in 1919 was epic to me.
like a mandela effect feeling.
We have a word play in Portuguese with the name of a fish: Pescada. [Cyniscion leiarchus] In english, it literally means "Fished". So, we ask the riddle: "What is the thing that was, before being?" Answer: the "Pescada". Because it was Fished before it was fished.
The Governing Body wants us to believe they were before they became ... the "faithful slave".
The phrasing in Matthew 24:45 indicates that the reason why the Lord picks that particular slave to provide food in the proper time to the domestics is precisely because he is already considered "faithful and prudent" BEFORE he is assigned that task. The implication of this is simple: He must be in existence before this assignment. The mistake of the GB is to teach that BEFORE 1919 there was no slave, that it came to exist on that year with the supposed appointment by Jesus. This is an obvious misstep; why would the GB make such mistake? It seems obvious to me: They want to discard the teachings and work of Charles Taze Russell. That's why he has been now paralleled with John The Baptist, by saying he did the work of a precursor. But, because he wasn't yet the slave, it can be argued that he wasn't directed by the Lord, and that is why he made a lot of false predictions about 1914, amongst other teachings that were later discarded.
In fact, the true founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses is now JF Rutherford. Russell belongs to the Bible Students movement.
Of course, the whole point is moot when you consider that the "faithful slave" narrative is a PARABLE, not a PROPHECY. It is meant to be a moral story about readiness and faithfulness, that's all there is to it.
it has been over 100 years since jesus christ was enthroned as king in the heavens in 1914 according to jehovah`s witnesses with the task of preaching "this good news of the kingdom" in all the inhabited earth .for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.. it`s been over 2000 years since this task was given to jesus disciples , who evolved into christendom over the centuries with many sects that abound today.. neither have succeeded in carrying out this task to completion and christendom has had far longer an opportunity to do so.
however jehovah`s witnesses claim they are the true religion with gods approval .. so you would expect a better achievement .
jesus christ has used up more than 100 years of his rule with no major accomplishments , it does not look like he is going to achieve any better than what christendom did in 2000 years.in fact by all accounts he is going to be far worse.. jehovah`s witnesses as a minority sect are becoming more irrelevant as each year passes.. even their "witnessing" has been dumb`d down so much that it is an embarrassment to observe in the field.. in the 60`s and 70`s their was an urgency to get this message across to people , today ?
Then don't forget that we will be approaching the 2000 years over the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE. Do you see the type / antitype? hint hint ....