Terry, we all know that Franz was a liar when it suited him. He could well tell a highly fictionalized story to suit his chosen narrative.
What I'm saying is that we may have to adjust the criticism we level at Russell regarding what he said about 1914 BEFORE it happened. We could be looking at yet another flip-flop. Or a possible explanation for the justification that the WTS came up with AFTER the passage of 1914/1915 didn't bring the expected Armageddon.They could simply be using Russell's excuses.
What I'm struggling to understand here is this: Russell taught that Christ had invisibly been empowered in the Kingdom invisibly in 1878. Now, in May 1914, he seemingly says that this is a future event. Am I right in my reading? Then this means that after Russell's death there was a reversal of understanding back into 1878, and then again another reversal later on back to 1914.