Skimming through old Watch Towers, I encountered these statements on the 1914 January 1st edition of the Watch Tower (Vol. XXXV, p.5373), in the article "Views From The Watchtower":
"So far as our judgement goes, the Year 1914 is the last of what the Bible terms "Gentile Times" [...] The end of their "times" marks the date for the beginning of Messias' Kingdom, which the Bible declares is to be ushered in with a great time of trouble, just such as we see impending. [...] We believe that the Parousia of our Redeemer took place thirty-nine years ago [Ed, hence, 1874) and that he is the potent factor in all the affairs of his church, and the supervisor now of the conditions which will shortly lead up to the establishment of his own kingdom and the binding of Satan [...]"
I'm a bit perplexed with the above. Unless this is a later, redacted, reprint (a possibility worth checking; someone please weigh in) it seems that, before October 1st 1914, Russell was teaching that the kingdom would be established that year and that that year would mark the beginning and not the end of the great tribulation? Didn't Russell teach that the Kingdom was established in 1878 and 1914 would mark the end of the great tribulation? Or was he expecting that in 1914 the Kingdom would be *visibly* established on planet earth, having been established in heavens in 1878? I'm a bit confused.
I want to be 100% accurate when I write about what were exactly Russell's predictions and expectations about 1914.