You know what, Fisherman?I like a good challenge.
Based on the available information, I am of the opinion that the Watchtower Society and the congregations that have been under their hierarchic supervision around the world, have sheltered pedophiles, failed to protect their victims, failed to report them to the authorities, and kept some known pedophiles in positions of authority within the congregations, endangering not only the members, but also the community at large.
Now, let the WT sue me for holding that opinion and publish it on an internet forum. Btw, I am in Portugal, Europe, just in case someone wants to come looking for me.
According to your link, a "public figure" (such is the case of the Watchtower Society) must prove in court that the plaintiff (me) showed "actual malice"—that I published with either knowledge of falsity or in reckless disregard for the truth.
In the interest of determining if there was actual truth, my legal team would then require the court to force the Watchtower Society to disclose all the information files about pedophiles that they keep on their headquarters around the world. I'm sure (as it has been seen by the Gonzales Campos case) that they will be thrilled and cooperative in doing so. In the interest of the truth, of course.
Bring in on!