Why bother? Armageddon is coming, right?
should i do it this year - which would be the minimum five year interval, or wait until the maximum ten year interval?.
divine guidance is needed..
Why bother? Armageddon is coming, right?
i hadn't been on the board to visit much last year, so i have been going back and poking around through the older threads since i started to post here.
i was on jwfacts.com, and noticed paul had posted a brief article about the jw video and the evil sparlock the warrior wizard.
we have no children, and i never got those videos anyway (even when i was still an elder), so when i went back and read all of the old threads, i was crying laughing.
Sparlock is also mentioned in this video ...check it out :P
greetings everyone.. just wanted to say hello to everyone, being a new member from western europe.. some may know me from another forum (eden, from e-jehovas-witnesses.com), but most don't, so this is my little intro.. male, in my early 40's.
still an active member in good standing of a jehovah's witnesses congregation in my country, and honestly not planning to change that status, despite my unorthodox beliefs.
sometime i will elaborate the reason why i don't feel i must leave.
Ok, I can post again. This limitation isn't so amusing.....
First of all, regarding the book by S. Hassan, I will only read it if I one day make up my mind about leaving. Until then, I will make a mental note of it for a possible later use. Thank you for the tip anyway.
Of course, losing family and friends in "the truth", that one was taught to cultivate in a regime of almost exclusivity, while discarding everyone else, is a devastating horizon to contemplate. Moreso when your own spouse is very straight about divorcing if you turn out an "apostate" for her loyalty is stronger to "Jehovah's Organization" than to any man - husband included. So, yes, there are circumstances like these to ponder. However, I'm headstrong enough to get over it all if remaining a member becomes unbearable. But it has the potential to leave bruises and scars for sure.
Thank you for the sympathetic words.
and, by the way, what we said about russell being the "faithful and wise servant"......?.
to get money (for jehovah's work, of course) we are now prepared to hint and insinuate when armageddon will happen and this time we will be 100% accurate.
we got that part right.. .
LOL Terry, you should write theatre plays.
greetings everyone.. just wanted to say hello to everyone, being a new member from western europe.. some may know me from another forum (eden, from e-jehovas-witnesses.com), but most don't, so this is my little intro.. male, in my early 40's.
still an active member in good standing of a jehovah's witnesses congregation in my country, and honestly not planning to change that status, despite my unorthodox beliefs.
sometime i will elaborate the reason why i don't feel i must leave.
Until I read Crisis in Conscience, Raymond Franz was to me no more than "Fred Franz's nephew who once was a member of the Governing Body until he became an apostate and was disfellowshipped". End of story. I also heard some insinuations that involved homosexuallity. But I never bothered to look into it with much detail. However, it bugged me why the books "Aid to the Bible Understanding" had been so quickly replaced by the "Insight" books, when they have basically the same content and structure. Again, I've heard: "It's because Ray Franz authored "Aid" and there is apostate material in it". Hmmm ...ok. Again, I didn't do much to research it - this being the pre-internet era (at least for me). Most Jehovah's Witnesses would do the same, as you know.
In any case, about one year ago I've taken interest in finding out exactly what the controversy is about the 1914 calculation. Because the entire "generation" explanation stopped making sense to me. That has lead me to investigate the date of 607, and it went on .... then I realized that the crux of the matter involving Ray Franz's disfellowshipping was precisely the chronology regarding 1914. And that has lead me into reading his book Crisis in Conscience. When I read it, a couple of things struck me. First, that Ray wasn't a bitter scorned man trying to vilify the WTS by any possible means. Rather, he seemed at peace with the events, and very moderate and candid in his account of the events. It had the "ring of truth", if you will. Secondly, it was obvious that the Governing Body members are embarassingly human. For someone that claims to be God's channel on Earth, I would expect them to behave differently than a Administration Board of some multinational business corporation. I was disappointed to learn it otherwise. Of course, one thing leads to another, and I found myself reading about the life of past presidents of the WTS. In particular, I was baffled about Rutherford's life. But, back to Ray Franz, I think he hit the nail about the WTS when he mentioned that its main problem isn't the lie, but rather the myth that has been constructed around the WTS and the Governing Body. A myth that they themselves believe. Well, I stopped believing in the myth and started to do my own research. And this research is making me drift apart from the promoters of this myth.
However, I don't think they got it entirely wrong, and despite everything, I believe they're not evil people, and that they genuinely believe in what they teach. And, frankly, for the time being, I think my spirituallity - and mental health - is better served if I continue to be a member of my congregation. However, I feel it's my duty (and in a certain way, my ministry), to share with others what I find in my Bible studies.
As for the Holy Spirit being the channel ... I believe the Holy Spirit is the vehicle, not the channel; It's the difference between the car and the road. The GB claims to be the only road by which the Holy Spirit travels. However, that is not what Jesus said. He taught that anyone who sincerely asks God for his Holy Spirit and looks into the Scriptures for direction, will be able to be guided by that spirit.
greetings everyone.. just wanted to say hello to everyone, being a new member from western europe.. some may know me from another forum (eden, from e-jehovas-witnesses.com), but most don't, so this is my little intro.. male, in my early 40's.
still an active member in good standing of a jehovah's witnesses congregation in my country, and honestly not planning to change that status, despite my unorthodox beliefs.
sometime i will elaborate the reason why i don't feel i must leave.
cofty, Flipper, 00DAD, Christ Alone, thank you for your sincere answers. I find them quite respectable.
To Cantleave: If you can prove me in the Bible that God needs a "channel", then we can discuss who that channel may be and when is it in operation. The way I see it, Jesus appointed the FDS for dispensing spiritual food in 33CE; The FDS back then were the original 11 faithful apostles. From then on, everyone that followed the apostles (that means, every single Christian denomination) has been a "slave" in the household of the Master. And, since Jesus doesn't seem to make appointments while he's absent, it turns that the appointment of the FDS over "all the master's belongings" hasn't happened yet. (Because i don't believe that Christ returned in 1914). This means that
a) There wasn't any appointment of a FDS in 1919
b) The Jehovah's Witnesses aren't but one among many "slaves" in the household of the Master (christianity), producing spiritual nourishment until the Master arrives again and makes judgement among his slaves (christian religions / christian producers of spiritual nourishment) and decides which one(s) will be entrusted over his entire belongings. Therefore, I don't believe in the inerrancy of the GB, as you can imagine.
greetings everyone.. just wanted to say hello to everyone, being a new member from western europe.. some may know me from another forum (eden, from e-jehovas-witnesses.com), but most don't, so this is my little intro.. male, in my early 40's.
still an active member in good standing of a jehovah's witnesses congregation in my country, and honestly not planning to change that status, despite my unorthodox beliefs.
sometime i will elaborate the reason why i don't feel i must leave.
I would ask a question to those who ask me "Why are you still a Jehovah's Witness despite your unorthodox thinking?"
That question would be: "Since you decided to quit the Jehovah's Witnesses for doctrinal/practice reasons, why do you still hangout at "ex-JW" sites? Why don't you simply move on?"
Reminds me of that song by U2: "Stuck in a moment that you can't get out of it"
I've stated my reasons to stay, now I would like to hear yours for not moving on.
greetings everyone.. just wanted to say hello to everyone, being a new member from western europe.. some may know me from another forum (eden, from e-jehovas-witnesses.com), but most don't, so this is my little intro.. male, in my early 40's.
still an active member in good standing of a jehovah's witnesses congregation in my country, and honestly not planning to change that status, despite my unorthodox beliefs.
sometime i will elaborate the reason why i don't feel i must leave.
A BibleStudent - I've read Crisis of Conscience and am familiar with Ray Franz.
to James Woods - Am I getting the 'James Woods' treatment from you, is it? I've been coming to this website for many months, anonymously, so I've learned something already, and it's time for me to come out and play. Besides, I didn't come here to preach, rather to discuss. I informed people about my status and my website, for due fairness. Do you object that I state my opinions? Your attitude seems to be "Shut up and learn you JW ignorant". If that's the case, you're no better than the Governing Body that you so detest.
00DAD - Yes, I take it seriously, of course. otherwise I would turn my back and dedicate myself to other affairs. I have plenty of things to do in my life, if i choose to, both professionaly and in the artistic field. If I dedicate my efforts in this field it's because i find it a very serious thing. It's a process, for sure. I can't yet see where will it lead to. But that won't stop me from studying the Bible and discuss it with others.
greetings everyone.. just wanted to say hello to everyone, being a new member from western europe.. some may know me from another forum (eden, from e-jehovas-witnesses.com), but most don't, so this is my little intro.. male, in my early 40's.
still an active member in good standing of a jehovah's witnesses congregation in my country, and honestly not planning to change that status, despite my unorthodox beliefs.
sometime i will elaborate the reason why i don't feel i must leave.
I'm in a disadvantage here, being a newbie and having to wait until I can post again ....
I disagree with the WTS in many things, but I don't disagree with them on many other things. In THEIR prespective, unless I agree blindly with everything they write, I'm not fit to be one of the Jehovah's Witness. Well, I beg to differ. Of course I have to thread carefully, I know how swift a judicial comitee would be formed if I would be suspected of being an apostate. I would like to be spared the trauma of dealing with shunning from family and friends. Is that hypocritical? You're entitled to that opinion. But try to not be too self-righteous about it.
Still, I find the meetings routine to give me a sense of spiritual care that I find necessary; I only need to weed out those things I came to believe that are in error.
greetings everyone.. just wanted to say hello to everyone, being a new member from western europe.. some may know me from another forum (eden, from e-jehovas-witnesses.com), but most don't, so this is my little intro.. male, in my early 40's.
still an active member in good standing of a jehovah's witnesses congregation in my country, and honestly not planning to change that status, despite my unorthodox beliefs.
sometime i will elaborate the reason why i don't feel i must leave.
Being an apostate is a far less intimidating thought than to be an "ex-Jehova's Witness".
Because I believe that every worshipper of God who knows his name is Jehovah and is willing to abide by his sovereignity is indeed a Jehovah's Witness, regardeless of what christian religion he affiliates with or even if one doesn't affiliate with any christian religion. That's why no Governing Body can disfellowship me from being a Christian and a Jehovah's Witness. They can terminate my membership card to their club, but that's a different subject.
(Edit to cofty: or YHWH, Yahweh, or the tetragrammon)