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Where did the WTS buildings go?
with all the recent efforts by the society to stifle publication of their recent boe letter i have been re-reading it and thinking again about some of the consequences of what this letter really means.. i've had some thoughts so am just throwing them out there to see what the rest of you might think.. firstly, i have absolutely no truck with the core issue regarding the lack of disclosure to the authorities when child abuse is suspected or alledged.
although there are very good reasons for the biblical precedant regarding two or more witnesses this really cannot be forced to apply to this issue.
in the time of the mosaic law, the "elders" were the top level of authority - they were the police, judge and jury - responsible for civil, criminal and spiritual matters.
The "automatic disfellowshipping" is already in force among the Jehovah's Witnesses. For example, when a JW willingly accepts a blood transfusion, no Judicial Comitee is formed to investigate and judge upon that. That person is summarily disfellowshipped; actually it is understood that such person has dissociated himself by willingly accepting a blood transfusion.
Once disfellowshipped for child molesting, things would take it's natural course. If genuinely repent (how long will it take to verify that? I guess a lenghty amount of time), that person may be later reinstated, but I would strongly object that will be granted any office in the congregation - ever - especially if such person was found guilty by the criminal authorities and punished by them. It's harsh, but it's necessary and people with pedophile tendencies shoud weigh the impact on their lives before ever indulging themselves in such practice. (not to mention the obvious, the impact on their victim's lives).
with all the recent efforts by the society to stifle publication of their recent boe letter i have been re-reading it and thinking again about some of the consequences of what this letter really means.. i've had some thoughts so am just throwing them out there to see what the rest of you might think.. firstly, i have absolutely no truck with the core issue regarding the lack of disclosure to the authorities when child abuse is suspected or alledged.
although there are very good reasons for the biblical precedant regarding two or more witnesses this really cannot be forced to apply to this issue.
in the time of the mosaic law, the "elders" were the top level of authority - they were the police, judge and jury - responsible for civil, criminal and spiritual matters.
I've expressed my opinion here before, but I'll summarize it again.
Like someone else already said, since child sex abuse is a crime, it should be dealt as such by the elders, MS, and parents in the congregation. Therefore, any pedo activity should be reported to the law enforcement authorities pronto, and before any other action is taken. Only after that the legal department of Bethel may (or may not) be involved.
THEN comes the time to deal with the sin. In this regard I think the "two witnesses rule" makes sense, but I would add a twist. If the authorities find the suspect to be guilty as charge, then their testimony should count as a "witness". Therefore, there would be no way that a convicted child abuser could be declared not guilty of sin in a congregation. So, the witnessing of the victim + witnessing from the authorities should be enough to proof that a sex offender is guilty of sinful conduct. And I think that the inevitable consequence of child abuse should be disfellowshipping. Because it reveals a degree of wickedness, premeditation, and dangerousness that cannot go unpunished with the utmost severity, and not with just a light reproach. Plus, information, information, information and vigilance. When a past sex offender is known to be within the congregation, naturally it will be possible to forgive that sin, but in the superior interests of the children in the KH, every parent and the entire body of Elders and MS should be informed of the circumstance and all unsupervised contact of the sex offender with children should be banned. PLUS, the parents should take full responsability for, once informed, taking care of their children's safety.
i mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
precisely due to that attention to detail that the WT is known for, I think this picture is very very telling that there are significant changes in preparation. I saw already other signs that "1914" is about to be discarded. The recent change in the FDS is only one of them. The recent escalation in the motto "trust the organization" is another. If it wasn't for the face-saving issue of doing so, it would have been done years ago.
i mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
Surely you agree that depicting Jehovah and the cherubs and the angels and NOT DEPICTING JESUS, the leader of the congregation, isn't disturbing? Regardless if the focus of the picture is the earthly part of the organization? Something is wrong, or at least, something is changing.
i mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
I can't help noticing how the farmer's shirt and hat are impeccable. And I'm so sloppy when I work in my garden. I should learn something from this picture....
i mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
I would even go further and speculate this:
There are two angels that stand out from the others. The cherubs are by the car's wheels.
IF (this is me speculating) there would be a change in 1914 teaching and Jesus isn't King yet ...and IF (another change) Michael the archangel isn't the same as Jesus ... THEN the two promiment angels could be Jesus and Michael.
Just speculating here
Funny enough, Cedars, I had already noticed how the 8 depicted in the picture were so resembling of the actual current members to the GB. But you really nailed it.
i mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
The absence of Jesus in that picture is mind boggling. Besides, he can't be any of those angels, because otherwise he would be depicted with a crown, as King, in line with the teaching that Jesus was made King in 1914.
UNLESS ... they are preparing the ground for changing that teaching, and Jesus isn't YET King....
this weekend i had the most delicious chicken pie filled with white meat, a few veggies, gravy and the chicken pie had a hard crust, not puff pastry.
that with a soft wheat roll and butter......
Half baked scones
hi guys,.
i was just looking through www.reddit.com/r/exjw and there is a thread that was posted about four hours ago with the title "so our circuit overseer just got disfellowshipped" and there some basic details in their op.
the location is given as central coast, australia, which is north of sydney.. there aren't many more details other than "it has sent shockwaves throguh the congregations" and a query on the protocol in situations like this.
I have a question that perhaps we all should ponder about.
If a JW gets disfellowhipped by ordinary sin that doesn't involve disagreeing with the Society's teachings, why is everybody here so eager to help that person? I don't get it. Is it because it's good enough if someone is an ex-JW? If someone is kicked out because he cheated on his wife, are you going to be helping him? If someone is kicked out because he's been charged with fraud, will you help that person? Are we getting ahead of ourselves here?